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My ideas about socialization....

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I would love to hear your comments on my blog post today (Christian content):



I have been spending quite a bit of time online lately looking at our state standards for education. I think it is my responsibility to be aware of them as a homeschooling mom. I also listened to a talk by a school administrator recently that was discussing math curricula. In both instances something really stuck out at me. It seems to me like the whole purpose of school is to prepare our kids to be members of our society. The focus is truly on socialization. Of course, people always ask me about socialization now that we are homeschooling, but I think that the true definition of socialization is different than what I previously thought. I think that socialization means preparing our kids to fit into society and to be like all other people. This way everyone can graduate and have a job and be a "productive" member of society without causing any trouble. I also think that socialization means that the government (through our schools) can get all kids in line with their thinking. I am not saying that we live in North Korea and that we all have to step in beat to a common drum (literally), but I think that there are some real policy matters being taught in our schools in a covert fashion.



I was raised Catholic, but after my entire life of attending public school, I thought all prayer or mention of religion in school was ridiculous. I was even upset that we read the Bible as literature in AP English. I didn't think that religion should even be discussed in history class. I thought it was right for all kids to get graphic sexual education and for free condoms to be handed out in the guidance counselor's office. My thought was that kids will have sex anyway so you might as well ensure that it is safe sex. We were taught that self love is the most important love. You cannot love someone else until you truly love yourself. While that is true, it is also true that we are called to sacrifice for others and to love our neighbors as ourselves. I am now starting to realize that this was all instilled in me through the schools and society as a whole and that I made bad decisions because of it.



I want something different for my children. I want them to remain innocent as long as possible. I want them to have a firm foundation in all subjects so that they will have the ability to answer God's call on their life when they grow up. How do I know whether God will call them to be a doctor or a priest or a homeschooling mom? I don't! It is important to prepare them for anything. It is important to raise them in accordance with the Scriptures and the Magesterium of the Church (I know that non Catholics don't follow the magesterium, but it is our set of rules that is Bible based). I want them to know WHY the Church teaches what she does. I want them to be raised in truth. Truth truly will set them free. I don't want them to become just a member of society slowly passing days until the end comes. I want them to follow God's will in their lives and live their lives in preparation for Heaven.



Jesus was definitely not "socialized." He did not blindly follow where society tried to lead him. He followed God's will in his life. Why should be any different? Why should my kids be taught to accept what society deems as truth when there is really only one Truth, God's truth?

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I agree with you, too. My kids have been in public school at younger ages. It honestly appeared to me that the school planned the schedule around what they wanted/were required(?) to teach regarding their social agenda. Academics was fit in where there was time. Academics are not the main part of the program, and the children are behind basic standards because of it. The public schools would do much better if they would abandon their social agenda and concentrate on the often neglected three R's.


I absolutely agree with you that we should prepare our children as well as possible in every subject so that they can pursue a career in any field into which God calls them. This should be emphasized more in the homeschool community. Many homeschoolers are strong on language arts/history but too weak in math and science. We should strive to give our kids a strong education in all areas.

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I agree with you, too. My kids have been in public school at younger ages. It honestly appeared to me that the school planned the schedule around what they wanted/were required(?) to teach regarding their social agenda. Academics was fit in where there was time. Academics are not the main part of the program, and the children are behind basic standards because of it. The public schools would do much better if they would abandon their social agenda and concentrate on the often neglected three R's.


I absolutely agree with you that we should prepare our children as well as possible in every subject so that they can pursue a career in any field into which God calls them. This should be emphasized more in the homeschool community. Many homeschoolers are strong on language arts/history but too weak in math and science. We should strive to give our kids a strong education in all areas.



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I heartily agree with you about religion in schools-- I had a similar experience and it was not right.


I understand what you say about socialization and how it can be warped.


But to me socialization means the ability to relate to people, to carry on a conversation, to read social cues, and to work together. You could be well- or poorly-socialized as a PSer or HS er, IMHO.

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I forgot to mention my favorite part of the school administrator's talk. She said that kids need to be able to work in a team to get a job so math should be team focused. We should get together with other homeschool families to do math so that our kids don't have to do it on our own! :confused: I do think that teamwork is important, but I think kids can learn math without a daily team of friends.

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These are all good points. I recently read an article on a website I respect that stated that children are mostly "socialized" in the clinical sense by the time they are four by their families. Everything else is "extra". The website was one that addresses psycological growth, not a home schooling website and while I would like to look into it more, I probably agree. I suspect that polititions who want all kids in Headstart at age 3 have the same research behind their position.


Sure, there is much more personal develpment as you get older, but the general way you relate to other people is probably set at a younger age than the general population believes. That means that the social lessons you learn in school are not nearly as important as what you impart to your children in their youngest years. That is probably why the general population is not as mentally healthy as they should be if we were all "properly socialized" in public school. Even if public school were an ideal growth enviornment, which I know for a fact it is not, arriving at age five might be too late to make real changes in a child's character.


Learning to stand in line and raise you hand is not socialization. I have been to Asia many times and believe me parts of Asia have different ideas about standing in line, but when Asains move to the US they learn rapidly with no problems. I work in a large hotel in a culterally diverse enviornment. People learn all the "social cues" that you need to take part in a work place without ever attending US public school. It happens all the time.

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