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Seriously un-well-trained Mom (in this dept.) needs your beauty/girly tips

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Wow. That really is a lot of $$! What do they offer for that? Guess I need to look it up. I visited their site very briefly. I just can't imagine paying that. I'd rather buy a few great style and beauty books and visit sites. One year of watching What Not to Wear is free and, to me, the absolute best. Dd and I watch that all the time. We also love Tim Gunn's show.





I thought the same thing. I spent a fair amount of time browsing it, and the site looks good, but the price tag is a bit of a shock!

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I thought the same thing. I spent a fair amount of time browsing it, and the site looks good, but the price tag is a bit of a shock!

I know. I really dislike paying that much to any one person or company, unless if it's really and truly worth it. Since I know I can get great info from the books that I have and the TV shows I watch, etc. As well as right here :D, I feel uncomfortable catering to what I see as greed ... I just think it's an exorbitant amount of money. $50 or so - fine, but that much???


Now ... this for about $30, I really, really want. My problem is: I need to find a good tailor. I really, really would love this, but it's only worth it, I think, if I get a good tailor.


This is just one example - same outfit, but it's all about fit.






Here is a link to my Amazon wish list of fashion books: http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/UEEENV9IT6S0/ref=cm_wl_rlist_go_o

I like your list. :) I have some of them.


How to Never Look Fat Again is one of my all-time favorites, if not, my ultimate favorite. Love this book. I need to re-read it.


I just received Dress Your Best - this is very good also, although I haven't had much time to really look at it. I still think I prefer Charla's book above, but this is very helpful as well. I just love them and their show. :D It definitely is a good book to have.


How Not to Look Old is great also. Very helpful. I don't agree with every single thing, but then again, one seldom does with any author. I'm not dying my hair and most likely will just let it go grey naturally. She wouldn't approve ;). Plus, the only make up I wear is the occasional tinted lip balm ... :tongue_smilie: I love nice clothes, but when it comes to make up, I'm very low-maintenance, unlike when I was a teen and in my 20s.


I also just got The Lucky Shopping Manual - thanks to recommendations here - it's chock-full of fabulous tips and illustrations. Might be a bit overwhelming at first. It will take me a while to get through this one. :D


My all-time favorite is still the Charla book, but you do have some great stuff on your list. :)


If I were to get just one book on color, it would be the original Color Me Beautiful. Yes, it is old, but the color stuff is timeless. Once you have your season figured out, it's lovely to get a swatch. I just got mine, since my original was blown away in a major hurricane. Got it mostly for dd, who's a winter like me. Yes, it's expensive, but so nice to have.

Sandy, looking at you - I think, but I could be wrong - that you're an autumn. I definitely don't think you're a winter or summer. Most likely an autumn or maybe a spring, unless if you already know of course, and again, I could be wrong.

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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How are your workouts going? Which is your favorite?


Lisa, I'm really enjoying (although I have just started out) the ballet-based workouts. I have several new DVDs and am so excited to try them all. My new ones are mostly ballet-based ones and some pilates.


So far I've tried 2 from the Bar Method. I have the Change Your Body DVD.


I also really enjoyed this one which is hard to get and quite expensive, but good for beginners.


If you or anyone is interested in my final thoughts/reviews on all my DVDs, I can probably share them in a few weeks' time once I've tried them all.



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For those who love Charla Krupp's books, as do I - my favorite fashion and style books - I'm so very, very sad to just hear this. I've followed Charla for years, since college when she used to write for Glamour magazine. :( Many will miss her, most especially her family.

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