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Do you believe in ghosts?

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Really? Who told you it was haunted? Did you hear stories? Did anyone else experience anything.


When we have been looking for houses in the past I have had two times particularly when I just sensed something a bit ominous in the house. Even though I actually really liked one of the houses, there was no way I was moving in after having that eery feeling.



One of my sisters, my brother, my sister-in-law, and a few cousins say that they experienced things, but all of them have a history of either being dramatic or of being very superstitious. When my family first moved to the home (before I was born), neighbors told them stories about the house (one of the neighbor kids wouldn't even spend the night there), and I truly believe that that put ideas into my brother's and sister's heads, and they told my cousins and sister-in-law, which made them look for things as well. The father of my cousin who says that he had experiences there was so superstitious that he himself never stepped foot in our house; and he taught a lot of those superstitions to his son.

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I've heard that kids might be more.. sensitive? …to these things because they don't yet have the skepticism that comes with growing up…or something like that anyway.


When this was happening it was so scary. Shudder!!! I've tried researching that house to see if something bad happened there. The next family that moved in didn't make it 6 months.

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Atheists are skeptical of supernatural claims.


Not so. All being an atheist means in that you reject the idea of God/gods. That's it.


I've met many atheists who do not believe in God but make no connection between that and the wider "realm" of the supernatural and DO believe in the possibility of ghosts and such.


Generally the atheists I've know online have rejected the idea of ghosts but those IRL haven't been so consistent. I tend to think atheists online are more thoughtful about their position and more intellectually invested in it but those I meet IRL generally just don't give their lack of belief much thought past, "no, I don't believe in God. How about those Bruins?!"


I think the same is true of many who do believe in God. Like the IRL atheists they make a choice and that's about as far as the implications of that choice are considered. They don't go a lot farther with it and most of their life is lived in a way that the choice doesn't really have much bearing on.


ETA: For the record I'm a Christian who's skeptical of supernatural claims. I'll grant God special (and inconsistant, I know) status on the basis of faith but not much else gets that priviledge, ghosts included. Ghosts would have to earn their way with some real evidence.

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Generally the atheists I've know online have rejected the idea of ghosts but those IRL haven't been so consistent. I tend to think atheists online are more thoughtful about their position and more intellectually invested in it but those I meet IRL generally just don't give their lack of belief much thought past, "no, I don't believe in God. How about those Bruins?!"


Hm, them not wanting to debate or discuss it does not necessarily mean they haven't given it thought. Sounds like a pass the bean dip thing to me. ;)


I believe there are things that we currently cannot explain.

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Hm, them not wanting to debate or discuss it does not necessarily mean they haven't given it thought. Sounds like a pass the bean dip thing to me. ;)


I believe there are things that we currently cannot explain.


For some maybe but I generally either don't debate atheism or tend to, ahem, side with them generally on issues when they're of the more intellectually engaged type. I just find most I know IRL are more concerned with other things, and the idea that there's no God hasn't been a huge defining thing in their lives. Keep in mind that I live in a pretty secular area too. You don't need to make a huge intellectual or emotional leap to decide to not believe and there are generally not big repercussions for the decision either.


I spent a few years on an atheist message board (I was drawn in by the Biblical scholars there and stayed for the unparalleled level of debate and discussion) and I am definitely aware that there are many atheists for whom it does lead to huge questions and a realignment of their worldview on many matters. But here amongst mostly blue collar folk where there's no big break or cost to it? Not so much.


I've found myself in the odd position of being more atheist then the atheists in a discussion before. :001_smile:

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Atheism is the lack of belief in gods or goddesses. The definition does not extend to other imaginary (or not) beings although it is intuitively logical that atheists would be less likely than other groups to be convinced of existence of ghosts.


True, and I know some atheists who believe in ghosts, souls, and/or aliens from outer space.


Atheists are skeptical of supernatural claims. Technically speaking, deities are as much supernatural as ghosts or fairies (using the definition of supernatural as something outside of nature, i.e. has not been scientifically observed).


In other words, because scientists have been trying to find evidence for ghosts for a really long time without success, I would be extremely confused to find an atheist who said they believed in ghosts. What that atheist would be saying is, "I am taking this belief on faith." Why would they then believe in ghosts and not gods? Or unicorns?


For anyone who might say, "Well, the atheist might say that he saw a ghost and has to believe what he sees," well...that's not really logical. I would hope they could understand that we do not base reality on what our brains think they see or feel but on what can be observed and tested outside of our little brains. The fact that there are so many studies out there that help explain how and when and why we believe we see ghosts is evidence enough to at least make a ghost-believer into a ghost-agnostic if they familiarized themselves with the data, IMHO.


A secondary point would be, why do souls exist? Why would an atheist believe they exist if there is no evidence for them? What evolutionary imperative would be there for ghosts? To try to divorce the concept of ghosts from the concept of a soul and hence some sort of deity doesn't make sense to me.


This describes me. I don't believe in the supernatural as you define it, and that includes gods, ghosts, souls, spirits, etc. I've heard some atheists say they wish they could believe in a god. I don't. I'm quite content without the idea of any gods. On the other hand, I really wish I could believe in ghosts or souls or some way for those who have passed on to continue. I would find comfort in the thought that my parents are watching over me and mine. But, <sigh> deep down I just can't make myself believe it.


Hm, them not wanting to debate or discuss it does not necessarily mean they haven't given it thought. Sounds like a pass the bean dip thing to me. ;)



Perhaps the difference with online atheists is anonymity. I can talk to you all about my atheism, and why I believe the way I do. Some of you might feel sorry for me (going to hell and all that) Some of you might vehemently disagree with me. Some of you might try to change my mind. Some of you will agree to disagree with me. But all of you are behind a computer monitor, and so am I. In real life it's not as easy to discuss atheism. People don't want to know that about you. So you pass the bean dip.


I believe there are things that we currently cannot explain.
This is what I believe. I've had some odd experiences that others might say were caused by a ghost or spirit. To me, it was just something that I currently can't explain.
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Add me to the atheist, ghost believer list. I dont believe in gods. I do believe in the soul as the core of our being, and I have no clue what happens to it after death. I do believe in ghosts after a few experiences, but I haven't taken much time to ponder the why's and wherefores. I don't believe I'm going to run into my loved ones in spirit form anytime though.

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