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Grading scale question

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My ds is going to a new charter school for 6th grade. We have not had a back to school night yet but I have a burning question!


The grading scale is given on one of the papers that came home last week. A= 93-100, B= 85-92, C= 77-84, D= 69-76, F=68 and below


Does anyone else have a non-traditional grading scale like this? What is the point & how will this translate if he goes to a different high school?

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Ok, now I really want to email the teachers. The thing is, right now in 6th grade, it may not matter. But this is will be a K-12 school. So starting in 9th grade, it will matter.


For example, say my ds gets 90's in all of his classes in 9th grade. At this school, that's a "B" average or 3.00 on his transcript. At most other high schools in the US, it would be an "A" average or 4.00 on the transcript. That could make the difference between getting into college or not, getting a scholarship or not, etc. Big difference!! :glare:

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That's the grading scale in our whole state.


When students report GPA for scholarships, grading sales are also sometimes asked. This grading scale isn't outside the norm. It's also what was used when I was in high school in CA.

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A grading scale by itself is utterly meaningless until you have a look at the actual assignments.

I can design a test that is difficult and where extremely few people will even make an 70 - and I can design a test in the same subject, over the same material, where a large percentage of the class gets a 95.

So, the only thing where a kid with a more stringent grading scale could be harmed in comparison with a kid from a school with a more lenient scale is if all assignments are absolutely identical. Unless you know that, you can not meaningfully compare students and grading scales form different schools.

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Ok, now I really want to email the teachers. The thing is, right now in 6th grade, it may not matter. But this is will be a K-12 school. So starting in 9th grade, it will matter.


For example, say my ds gets 90's in all of his classes in 9th grade. At this school, that's a "B" average or 3.00 on his transcript. At most other high schools in the US, it would be an "A" average or 4.00 on the transcript. That could make the difference between getting into college or not, getting a scholarship or not, etc. Big difference!! :glare:


Grades matter, but universities and colleges will ask to see various test scores, activities, teacher recommendations and personal essays that give a fuller picture of your child. My two older kids did not get scholarships for grades but for test scores and activities (not sports).

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That was the grading scale in my school district growing up. It is very close to the one I use for my kids. It should be listed on the high school transcript so the colleges know.


IMO, colleges are relying less and less on grades & more and more on "other" things (including standardized tests, essays, and "portfolios").

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