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My first HS comment from a cashier!

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Yesterday I stopped by a craft store to pick up a few art supplies. I mentioned they were for a class, and the cashier asked if I were a teacher. I said yes, then added that I home schooled. She paused for a second, looked at me, and said "Wow, that is really hard work!"


I wanted to leap over the counter and give her a big kiss! :D


Yes ma'am, it is VERY hard work!


So now I am part of the "gets comments from cashiers" club!


(Hmmm. Now that I think about it I was covered in dirt from the farm... what must she have been thinking? :D)

Edited by happygrrl
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We were at the local grocery store once and the produce clerk (she *loves* my boys) commented that they weren't in school. I told her we homeschooled and she knelt down on the floor, looked both of my boys in the eyes and said "You have no idea how much your mother loves you. HSing is a lot of hard work and she must love you guys very very much to do what she does to make sure you have such a great education."


It's one of the *few* positive public comments I've recieved and I keep it tucked in the back of my brain for those days when it seems like I have to defend my choices over and over and over again.

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We were at the local grocery store once and the produce clerk (she *loves* my boys) commented that they weren't in school. I told her we homeschooled and she knelt down on the floor, looked both of my boys in the eyes and said "You have no idea how much your mother loves you. HSing is a lot of hard work and she must love you guys very very much to do what she does to make sure you have such a great education."


It's one of the *few* positive public comments I've recieved and I keep it tucked in the back of my brain for those days when it seems like I have to defend my choices over and over and over again.


This one has me in tears. What nice comments for you and the OP.

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I still remember, years later, one year when I had my littles (eldest was probably 9 or 10, so the youngest would have been 3ish) at our State Fair. We stopped for lunch, and had corny dogs (yes, that's what Texans call them....) They were served with a paper wrapper and nothing else, although there was a pump jug of mustard and a smaller squirt bottle of ketchup on a elbow-high counter closeby. I was herding the stroller and trying not to drop the dogs, while navigating my brood to the picnic tables. When littlest ds saw there was no condiment, he lost it. The other two immeidately swung into action, dd covering him with kisses and sympathetic clucking, and eldest ds heading up to the counter to get more wax paper to hold the condiments in a makeshift way. Soon the drama was over, and lunch went on.


A bit later an older retiree couple came over and asked if we homeschooled. I was non-plussed, as I loathe denim jumpers and generally dress inconspicuously. (In the many years that we went to the State Fair, we could often pick out homeschooling broods who all dressed as walking advertisements.) They explained that they enjoyed seeing my kids' love and care for one another and their teamwork, and they commended the kids to their faces. I treasured the moment and resisted the urge to tell them about the regular bickering in my household. :glare:


A bit of encouragement can sure go a long way, can't it?!

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As I was reading all of these sweet comments, I was greatly disappointed by this one. I'm sitting here at the computer....wearing a denim skirt. Oh well, I'll move on......


Sounds like everyone's doing a great job of raising their kids. Compliments from others are always a welcome affirmation that our day to day efforts are worth it!


She said jumpers--not denim. I actually wear denim jumpers sometimes. It's an old homeschool joke not intended to be offensive.

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I find that for every negative comment I get, I usually get a positive one as well. My last positive comment came from a sweet Amish man. We had gone to our local Amish community to buy some jams, fresh fruits and veggies, etc. and he asked if the kids had the day off school. I told him that we homeschooled and he said "Well, God bless you. What a wonderful thing you are doing for your children!". Needless to say, I ended up buying more than just a few things at his house:)

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I have gotten some flak from dh's family about HS. Today at an event they were having at a park someone said to me, "You homeschool? Go mom!! All the HS kids I have known have been light years ahead of everyone else!!" and they said it right in front of my in-laws.


YES! Fist pump in the air! In Front Of The In-laws! How awesome is THAT?!


I bet it was hard not to turn toward them and GLOAT.

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