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Oh Wise Hive - why would anyone smoke a pixie stick?

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Yes, that is my stupid question of the day.


Dd told me she caught some kids she knew smoking pixie stix. She said there was an index card (complete with the blue lines) and the candy involved.


Now, I'm not exactly naive when it comes to such things. But for the life of me, I can't figure this one out. So I googled it. And yes, people do smoke pixie stix. :confused:


I don't think she was mistaken. I also can't think of any white powder one can just roll up in an index card and smoke. I really think that they were in fact smoking pixie stix.


So, tell me - what in the world would possess someone to smoke pixie dust? I mean, I guess in theory, pixie dust *could* make someone happy....



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Probably just plain stupidity.


As a former teen myself, and having a sister who just passed through the teen years, I've witnessed and heard of a lot of similar stupidity. People snort pixie sticks, too. Well, not the whole stick (I guess they're not quite THAT stupid) but the powder. Why? I have no idea. They're young, they have weird ideas, they succumb to the peer pressure, and they decide to "find out what happens". I'd guess what happens is that it burns your lungs or your nose so badly you can't breathe or smell, but what do I know? I wasn't one of the cool kids. :tongue_smilie:

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Probably just plain stupidity.


As a former teen myself, and having a sister who just passed through the teen years, I've witnessed and heard of a lot of similar stupidity. People snort pixie sticks, too. Well, not the whole stick (I guess they're not quite THAT stupid) but the powder. Why? I have no idea. They're young, they have weird ideas, they succumb to the peer pressure, and they decide to "find out what happens". I'd guess what happens is that it burns your lungs or your nose so badly you can't breathe or smell, but what do I know? I wasn't one of the cool kids. :tongue_smilie:


I remember a guy in seventh grade history class doing that. His nose and eyes turned red and his nose all the rest of the day!! Not cool, imo :ack2:

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I guess pixie stix are the new gateway drug!


Kids do weird and stupid things. Hopefully the ill effects of sugar burned lungs will be enough to keep them away from drugs!:)


If they start smoking banana peels, then you are in REAL trouble! I knew a couple of kids that tried that - result was massive headache. So, yeah, kids do stupid things!

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