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Singapore Math-Question


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Hi. I am new here. :D


You are the only site I really see talking about Singapore Math, so I thought I would jump on in. :auto:


Ok, so ordered the standard sets and they have already arrived.


Question. :bigear:


How long does it take to get through each A or B book ?


My son should be going in 4th grade. He is great at math. I don't have issues teaching him math either. Last year we did go over place value, fractions, decimals, multiplication/division, angles etc....


The only thing is I feel our year kind of sucked. Long story, but due to several factors I felt our year was half-assed.


So while I did division, we never really got into long division.


I am a bit torn on where to start him. I saw there was a placement test and did not use it. :glare: Instead I looked it over and went with the 3A/B books. Well now that they have arrived I feel most of it he should be at the 4th grade level. Then though, like long division, he is behind there.


So I am torn on what to do. I was thinking of starting him at the 3A/B since it is a new program, but also I feel it would be a waste to spend the whole year at that level. I would like him to start the 4 level this year.


I did get the HIGs and I do plan on reading them. Just wanted to come here first because I need to get on the ball about my game plan.


So bottom line, how long does it take you to complete an A or B book ?


We usually do math about 4 days a week.


Thank you

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You could spend the $5 or whatever it is (very reasonable) on Math Mammoth long Division blue books (and any other topics you feel you missed) and then start in on the level he belongs in otherwise.


Have him take the placement test or tests. If he does great except for one or two areas, that is how I would go. If he struggles in more areas, you know it's worth backing up a semester or a year.

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My kids have averaged 3 months per book. So, about 3 books per 9ish month school year. They are bright kids. They don't spend a lot of time on math, however. If you begin in a review/remedial level for your son (and since you state he is good at math), you could easily go more quickly (two full levels in a year is feasible in that case, IMHO.)

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We started in 4th grade with level 3A too. We hadn't done any formal math before, so I wanted it to be a little easy. He did 3 levels that year (3A, 3B, and 4A). If he gets though 3 this year great, if not there is plenty of time before we need to start Algebra.

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I'd tend to think you should go ahead and use 3A/3B. If he really is able to do them easily you (he) can move through them pretty quickly. 3A/3B/4A doesn't sound an overly ambitious for this "school year," and if he did 4B next summer you could be right on track with grade level expectations.



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I also wanted to add-


My 4th grader last year did levels 3A, 3B, and 4A. My 5th grader did 4A, 4B, and 5A. We did use the Intensive Practice books, but they were both 1/2 year or so behind when they did yearly testing in April.


Both of them scored over 90th percentile. I am hoping they will get three books done next year and then they will be "on grade level", but like I said earlier, if we only get two done that will be fine too.

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Hi. I am new here. :D


You are the only site I really see talking about Singapore Math, so I thought I would jump on in. :auto:


Ok, so ordered the standard sets and they have already arrived.


Question. :bigear:


How long does it take to get through each A or B book ?



Thank you


Can you return them, do MM for long division (Division 2), and start SM at 4 A?


(Sounds like you laid out the whole shooting match.)

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I would zoom through 3A/B with your son. You'll find some things scheduled over three days (basic multiplication) that can be condensed to one lesson. It would be a helpful introduction to the curriculum the "Singapore Math" way. I highly recommend the HIGs, even if your child is mathy. It gives great insight into the pedagogy of teaching math.


Last year, my second-grader went through 2B within six weeks. We withdrew him from ps the last six weeks and he flew through the curriculum. I'm glad we started at 2B instead of going into 3A directly. The work expectations increase each level so it got ds used to Singapore Math before we moved onto the harder stuff.

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I was in a similar situation at the beginning of summer with my 9 yr old. She'd done MM long division, but really hadn't ever done anything with measurements and time and how to reduce fractions. I was glad that I chose 3b instead of 4a. We just finished this week so she'll be starting 4a this fall, but I'm glad I went back to 3b. There was plenty of meatiness in the book and I'm now a Singapore convert.

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I'd tend to think you should go ahead and use 3A/3B. If he really is able to do them easily you (he) can move through them pretty quickly. 3A/3B/4A doesn't sound an overly ambitious for this "school year," and if he did 4B next summer you could be right on track with grade level expectations.




:iagree: I would start with 3A/B and buzz through it as needed. (3B was my least favorite so far). I'm not a big fan of how short & long division are taught via Singapore. Thankfully dd learned it via TT before arriving to that topic in Singapore.

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You could spend the $5 or whatever it is (very reasonable) on Math Mammoth long Division blue books (and any other topics you feel you missed) and then start in on the level he belongs in otherwise.


Have him take the placement test or tests. If he does great except for one or two areas, that is how I would go. If he struggles in more areas, you know it's worth backing up a semester or a year.



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