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Talk to me about South Beach Diet...

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I went to my doctor today and he recommended that I go on the South Beach diet as my diet of choice.


So pros/cons? How did you do on it? Did it work for you?? Any websites/books help you? Any tips?


I LOVE sugar so any diet I go on is going to be a struggle!

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I went on it a yr. and a half ago. I was only on it for about 6 weeks, then the holidays hit.


The first week was a little hard but not impossible. I was a little hungry but not crazy hungry like some diets. I lost 15 pounds and have kept them off, despite holidays.


It's a sensible diet. Still, I can't seem to bring myself to go back on it. I do incorporate what I learned from it though. Extra exercise seems to be helping me the most these days.


It's worth a try as it seems to work for lots of people.


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Guest submarines

I never thought I'd be off sugar, but I am and it is the best thing that happend to me, nutrition wise. It took some work on my mindset--sugar *is* poison, btw. ;) But the best part is that I don't have cravings at all. It is very liberating. I sometimes indulge myself in a very special dessert, but it has to be super special, something that I bake myself. Commercially baked desserts, even organic ones, are way too sweet for me, and I don't enjoy them any more. It took me several occassions of being seduced by something in Starbucks, and then taking one bite, and being disgusted and disappointed to learn that lesson.


If you are serious about this life style change, read enough on sugar to realise how harmful it is, and then it won't be difficult at all to avoid it. You can also sweeten with Stevia at times.


Good Luck!


(I also liked the 17 day diet, which has the same dietary premise as South Beach, but is structured slightly differently. I found it more motivating, and easier to follow, because of the several 17 day phases, rather than a long haul.)

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I am thinking about going on this diet. I bought the book on my iPad and have been reading about how it all works. I am just confused on how much to eat...I know you don't have to measure things and some foods are limited but the rest??? I need to get off of the bad carbs since they really make me feel bad. Would love some advise.


Lora in NC

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I am on it now, nearing the end of Phase 1. I have really struggled with the carb and sugar detox. I have all the classic symptoms. It is rough. But I am losing weight, and I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Phase 2 should be fine.


If I were starting it over, I would give up the sugar a week before. I wasn't having a lot of sugar, since I had been on a doctor-ordered diet for a month before this. But I would have liked to try giving up the sugar and carbs separately.


You may want to watch the movie "Fat Head" on Netflix a few days in for motivation to stick with it.


Hope it works for you!

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I am thinking about going on this diet. I bought the book on my iPad and have been reading about how it all works. I am just confused on how much to eat...I know you don't have to measure things and some foods are limited but the rest??? I need to get off of the bad carbs since they really make me feel bad. Would love some advise.


Lora in NC


They don't really limit the amounts, but honestly, I have not wanted to overindulgence AT ALL. You can only eat so much meat and so many vegetables at a time, you know? Make sure you are getting the good fats, follow a GOOD salad dressing recipe, and plan your snacks. I have not been hungry or craving anything, but I have experienced the intense sugar detox. It really hasn't been hard to follow though.

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I went to my doctor today and he recommended that I go on the South Beach diet as my diet of choice.


So pros/cons? How did you do on it? Did it work for you?? Any websites/books help you? Any tips?


I LOVE sugar so any diet I go on is going to be a struggle!


I used to be the biggest fan of SBD. Worked for me every time, and I always felt great. For a month or so. Then I started to feel like I was starving. Famished constantly, craving carbs in a big way.


After watching Fathead and doing a lot of research on my own, I changed my diet to LCHF (low carb, high fat.) (Fathead guy is Paleo, so I am not necessarily doing what he recommends...) After eating like this for a week, people started to notice that I just looked better- healthier & happier. I had not lost any weight yet, so it had to be the diet changes.


Anyway, I have been doing this for about 6 weeks now, and I have not hit the wall yet. I feel great, my blood sugar is completely under control. I have lost about 15 pounds without limiting my food intake at all. The best part is, I have not once felt like I was starving, and I am not craving carbs.


Now when I don't eat enough, I feel hungry- like a normal person should feel hungry. That starving feeling I had on SB and other diets was completely different- it was something normal will power could not overcome. (And I have above average will power.)


So I have decided for me that all natural fats are healthy, no carbs are healthy. I only eat grass-fed beef (different fatty acid makeup than traditional beef,) organic pork & chicken, wild caught fish, etc. I avoid all processed oils- if you can't squish the seed, nut, or whatever and get oil, I don't use it.


(Probably TMI, but I was on a roll...)

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I used to be the biggest fan of SBD. Worked for me every time, and I always felt great. For a month or so. Then I started to feel like I was starving. Famished constantly, craving carbs in a big way.


After watching Fathead and doing a lot of research on my own, I changed my diet to LCHF (low carb, high fat.) (Fathead guy is Paleo, so I am not necessarily doing what he recommends...) After eating like this for a week, people started to notice that I just looked better- healthier & happier. I had not lost any weight yet, so it had to be the diet changes.


Anyway, I have been doing this for about 6 weeks now, and I have not hit the wall yet. I feel great, my blood sugar is completely under control. I have lost about 15 pounds without limiting my food intake at all. The best part is, I have not once felt like I was starving, and I am not craving carbs.


Now when I don't eat enough, I feel hungry- like a normal person should feel hungry. That starving feeling I had on SB and other diets was completely different- it was something normal will power could not overcome. (And I have above average will power.)


So I have decided for me that all natural fats are healthy, no carbs are healthy. I only eat grass-fed beef (different fatty acid makeup than traditional beef,) organic pork & chicken, wild caught fish, etc. I avoid all processed oils- if you can't squish the seed, nut, or whatever and get oil, I don't use it.


(Probably TMI, but I was on a roll...)





I just finished reading a book about a lady that cured her baby of severe excema and had 27 different food allergies by following a diet similar to this. High in natural saturated fats - butter, meat, full fat dairy, no processed foods and lots of fruit and vegies. The baby now has beautiful skin whereas before she looked like a burn victim :crying:


Saturated fat is what makes things taste good and also gives you a satisfied feeling -which is why people crave a Big Mac then a salad when they are starving.


Feeling satisfied means you eat less and loose weight -despite the natural fat content. The saturated fats that do make you ill are the synthetic ones - anything that is hydrolised - IE most processed foods. Your bodys cells and your brain are made up of saturated fats - it needs them to function and repair properly.

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Well I am on day 4 of the SBD. I have lost 2.5 pounds so far and 1 inch in my waist. I am not hungry at all and I am allowed a fudgesicle and that is what I eat if I am seriously craving sugar (1 a day)


I have lots of energy and have been going back to the gym too so all in all I am happy with it so far. I will be glad to have oatmeal again though.

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Can you do this diet without eating raw veggies/salads? They seem to be a staple of so many diets, and I can't eat those. How low carb is it (as in how many grams of carbs per day, if one was counting, or are carbs eliminated)?
The veggies do not need to be raw. Ex: You can saute peppers, onions, mushrooms and spinach to put in an omelet. You can eat a veggie stir-fry with lean steak or chicken for supper.

No counting carbs, but no grains and no carrots, white potatoes or sweet potatoes allowed for the first phase (2 weeks). You ease back into some carbs during the second phase.

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