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Mexican dessert for potluck?

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Argh, I was going to bring an amazing salsa, but I've found out that there will be a salsa contest. My salsa will fare well, but I need to bring another dish for the potluck part of it. I can guess that most will bring 7-layer dip or enchilada casserole-type things.


I'm thinking a dessert may go over well. Suggestions?


And I need to go to the store, prepare it, and be ready to go by late afternoon!

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I'm probably too late, but in case you need something quick and easy, how about a Mexican coffee? It has coffee, raw sugar (piloncillo), cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and a little orange peel.


It's very good!


If you search cafe de olla or Mexican coffee, I'm sure recipes will pop up, here's one: http://www.food.com/recipe/caf-de-olla-sweet-cinnamon-coffee-139212


Let me know if you want the one I use. :001_smile:


If there's a Mexican market in your area, I'd go pick up a box or two of pan dulce: Pan Dulce ( Mexican Sweet bread)



Edited by helena
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Thank you for your quick and yummy suggestions!


I've never had flan. The directions made it seem intimidating, baking the pan in another pan of water. Someone else brought it thought, and I could see why it's such a hit!


I considered the Tres Leche Cake. I want to make that for us at home--and dd has tried it and wants it for her wedding cake!


I ended up making Sopapilla Cheesecake. It was super easy, just a few inexpensive ingredients,. My family loved it, I heard several great comments at the potluck, and there was nothing left. :D

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No, no, the water bath is easy, it just makes the heat gentle so the eggs don't curdle. You just have to be careful with carrying -- better yet, pour the water in when the flan is in the outer pan, at the oven, instead of trying not to spill a big thing of hot water!. Doing the caramel is a bit fiddly though, unless you get one of those box mix things with the caramel already done. Glad it worked out!

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