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Positive thoughts and prayers appreciated....

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DH just took DD (12) to the emergency room. She has really severe abdominal pain that wasn't getting better - it actually was getting worse. Now all I can do is sit and wait at home. The other three boys are still sleeping (it's still before 6am). We called the nurseline and they also recommended we take her in.


I have a feeling that this is going to be a long morning of waiting.

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She's home and is sleeping now. All of her tests were normal - they just think these were very severe "female" cramps (as DH explained it). I never had anything this bad growing up, so they told us some things we can do.


Thanks for all the support -- it was very appreciated and I felt much less alone.:grouphug:

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She's home and is sleeping now. All of her tests were normal - they just think these were very severe "female" cramps (as DH explained it). I never had anything this bad growing up, so they told us some things we can do.


Thanks for all the support -- it was very appreciated and I felt much less alone.:grouphug:


I'm glad it wasn't anything more serious. I've had menstrual cramps that hurt that bad. One time I was in so much pain that I couldn't even get out of bed. I tried standing up and collapsed and had to throw items at my closed bedroom door to get my dog to start barking which finally woke my mom up. She had to go out in the middle of a snow/ice storm and scrape windows. When she finally had the car ready she came in but I had thrown up and my period started and felt 100% better. Luckily this has only happened twice in my life and the other time wasn't quite as dramatic.

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