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Might I ask how you use this specifically for school work? I'm sure the meal planning and calendar aspect would be fun to hear about but I'm mostly needing to hear how others are using it to PLAN SCHOOLWORK :001_smile:


One of my concerns in using it is that I will take each subject and plan that out for each child (a large task).


Then I still have to enter all of that into some type of format to GIVE the schedule to my somewhat independent working children.


Is the WPD step an extra that I don't need to do?

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:lurk5: I can't answer your question, but I can tell you I was drooling over the planner a few days ago when I saw it for the first time. It looks like it has everything I'd want in a planner, but I recently created my own and printed 6 weeks worth to put in a binder. I liked WPD so much, I might go back for it. My DD6 doesn't need her own planner to look at yet - we have painted craft sticks with a subject name on each and she chooses the order that we do them in.



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I just ordered this! I've never been a big planner for each day but I do hope to use it for the class I'm teaching. I'll also keep track of what actually gets done (or I'll put in assignments to do daily or weekly.. not too far 'cause I just know us ;) ) I also got one for my middle school boy and high school guy. My high school daughter found one she liked at Target so her's is different. It's our first year with planners, I really hope they help. I've tried homeschool tracker but I'm tired of needing my computer for everything, and I never liked how it printed and my kids could never follow printing from it.


Since we always, always fall behind I've just recently thought that I'll start each assignment with assignment # out of total assignment #'s (aka page 15 of 150, or class 28 of 30). I'm hoping this will help them see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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I have WPD, but I don't give the plans to my dd either. However, with my graduated ds, I just gave him the planner and he put small check on each section with a colored pencil to indicate he was done with that subject.


If I had been hsing multiple dc at that time and had to give more than one a schedule, I would either make copies or more likely, use an online planner and print them each their own page. Another alternative would be to leave WPD where each one can go look at it, but no one takes it with them. I don't know if that much getting up and down would cause more problems than it's worth.

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It has been worth purchasing just for the feel of having all my school info in the same place. Field trip dates, goals (love that!), grades. Even though it's included, the meal plan section is small so I'm still focused on SCHOOL when I'm looking at it. Other planners just haven't done that for me. Yay WPD!


I think writing things in the planner first will be a good step and one I shouldn't discount. Even though that means I take the WPD planner and then make a spreadsheet for them with the work.


Using WPD is helping me, even this week of "practice" school see how busy we are. I need the help merging school and real life. For our family, they aren't exclusive.


Seeing that Friday morning is a field trip day reminded me I can't plan 5 days of school work. (Duh, I know) but sometimes I have too much going on and plan their week on Sunday when we're all rested and end up giving them too much work.


That sets us all up for frustration.


Thanks for the thoughts so far...

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I've had it jumping in...and out...of my cart for a few months now.


We're not fully homeschooling probably until late winter(ish), but I'm trying to get things set up so that when we do move, the transition is smooth. (i.e. after-schooling with the programs we'll be using so they're familiar).


Are you folks leaning more toward the full-size version or the smaller one?


my purse is big enough to handle either one, but I was wondering if there were any big benefits to going with the full sized one?



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Definitely bigger. I like the boxes per subject. I can't imagine them being smaller, unless I were only schooling one child. I fill it in. I don't like the little ones because they seem to disappear. This big one stays open on the countertop so far and I really like it.

Get it! Lol.

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Yep...i squeezed my eyes shut and hit"one click order" on the big one last night.


It'll seem a little silly for now since we're only after-schooling but I'm sure I'll be glad I'm familiar with it when we move and I start hs'ing for real.



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I use the planner with two children, so each child gets two lines/subject. I had to make a template that can be moved from week to week, so I don't have to write more than just page numbers in some of the blocks. I use multiple supplemental books, so I can schedule those without taking up too much room.


I do have another planner from WPD for my older dd. I will put her work in there and highlight tests and quizzes. I found that I was failing at making sure she was aware of when the next tests and quizzes were going to be. I don't write everything in there. I color code my subjects, so what I do enter into her planner is simple. For example, math is read. In read pen I write the page numbers of her primary math book and "test" every other Friday. She knows that the read pages refer to her math book. I don't have to write "Math p. 23-24". Instead I just write 23-24.


I like having my main planner for me, so I know what we will cover week to week. I also like my dd to have her own, so she can work independently and knows what is expected of her.

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I use the planner with two children, so each child gets two lines/subject. I had to make a template that can be moved from week to week, so I don't have to write more than just page numbers in some of the blocks.



Could you tell us more about your template or post a pic? I'm really interested in this!!

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I ordered my full size Well Planned Day last week. I had been eyeing it for the last couple of years and decided that I couldn't go another year without it! I hope and pray it comes in the mail today!!!! I can't wait to get it!


I think I'm going to record the things we accomplish/complete in the planner. I have lesson plans that I made for myself for history and science. Everything else is "do the next thing." Recording what we do helps me to keep a steady pace during our school year. Maybe I'll change my mind once I see the planner in person.

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So do you guys have an electronic version? I have a beautiful binder with tabs and I write in what I am doing daily.


My older two have their own planners as they need to be responsible for their work. DD 12 I will not put into my planner much as she is in Challenge at our CC group and has a guide with all of her assignments. I am sched dn, 16 in my planner as she has no other guide. So I am filling in what I need to be doing with her, and will let her fill in assignments [which she has plenty of :tongue_smilie:] in hers.


I would be interested in templates if someone was willing to post them.

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It has been worth purchasing just for the feel of having all my school info in the same place. Field trip dates, goals (love that!), grades. Even though it's included, the meal plan section is small so I'm still focused on SCHOOL when I'm looking at it. Other planners just haven't done that for me. Yay WPD!


Seeing that Friday morning is a field trip day reminded me I can't plan 5 days of school work. (Duh, I know) but sometimes I have too much going on and plan their week on Sunday when we're all rested and end up giving them too much work.


:iagree: I love my WPD planner. I go ahead and mark doctor's appointments and bi-monthly coop meetings in advance so that when I'm planning for the week, I can assign the work based on the number of days we have available.

I love having everything in one place. I even bought the binder to go with it. I don't actually put my planner in the rings, but I put a lot of other papers and things in the rings and then lay the planner on top, zip it all up, and voila! I have my entire school in one easy-to-carry bundle. (Ok, not really, because I can't put all the books in there, but it holds a lot.)


I use the planner with two children, so each child gets two lines/subject.


I also use it with two school-aged kids. In the subjects where they have different assignments, I give them each two lines. For subjects like math and English, I use initials for the books and then page numbers. For example, TB 34-35, WB 43-46 for textbook pgs. 34-35 and workbook pgs. 43-46 or R&S 5 for Rod and Staff lesson 5. Older child gets the top two lines of each subject and younger child gets the bottom two lines. I don't know what I'll do when #3 has lessons to complete.

For subjects where they study the same material (history, science, music), I just use the whole block. That makes it easier since our history book changes so often, so I can write most of the title on the lines.


If we don't get to something one day, then I just draw an arrow to move it to the next day. Not fancy, but it works.


Regarding the OP's question about rewriting the assignments for the kids, I don't have any experience with that. My kids are young, so I just give them the next thing or tell them what to do next. I don't give them an assignment sheet. I think there are computer or online programs that allow you to plan the schedule and then print out your kids' individual schedules. Personally, I'm more of a pen-and-paper girl, so I like my planner.




I think I'm going to record the things we accomplish/complete in the planner. I have lesson plans that I made for myself for history and science. Everything else is "do the next thing." Recording what we do helps me to keep a steady pace during our school year. Maybe I'll change my mind once I see the planner in person.


I went to see the creator of the WPD at the convention and this was one of the ways she recommended using the planner. She said if you aren't a planner, at least be a recorder of what your children have done, so that you can look back over the week and see how much of each subject you've done for the week.

Edited by KristenD
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I think I added a pic of my template. S and L each represent one of my children. B is for both. I started putting the S and L on the left side and changed my mind part-way through. Since I was in a car at the time, I did not have any more paper with me. I put the template on tracing paper, but I don't think that makes a difference.


Dad does their Bible lessons, so I used that space for Spelling, Handwriting, and Vocab.


I have found this template helpful in that it minimizes the amount of writing I have to do for each day.


My older dd's planner has everything written in color - a color per subject. Her binders' and notebooks' colors correspond with the subjects' colors in the planner. I only write out a week at a time in her planner. Mine is planned out for most of the year, but done in pencil so I can make many changes! :)


I hope this helps! (and that the attachment goes through. This is my first time attaching something.)


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I use it to record what we do each day as we do it. So, I have my typed lesson plans and then I keep my Well Planned Day planner handy to record what we actually accomplished. Plus, I write appointments, dinner plans etc... I really like it.

I wrote a post with a picture on my blog recently.


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I use it to record what we do each day as we do it. So, I have my typed lesson plans and then I keep my Well Planned Day planner handy to record what we actually accomplished. Plus, I write appointments, dinner plans etc... I really like it.

I wrote a post with a picture on my blog recently.





Oooo.... I love the crate with folders/week. Hmmm... What does this Sat look like for me? We only transfer completed work into the 3 ring binders, so I could definitely sort out quizzes, tests, worksheets by week! I love that idea!

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Oooo.... I love the crate with folders/week. Hmmm... What does this Sat look like for me? We only transfer completed work into the 3 ring binders, so I could definitely sort out quizzes, tests, worksheets by week! I love that idea!

Yes, I found this idea from other blogs I have found, and I LOVE it. It is so simple and everything is right where I need it for the whole year.

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This is my third year using TWPD, and my dd's first year of using their student planner. I use the planner to create our weekly lesson plans, then I check them off as they are completed. Using pencil and sitting down with the planner over the weekend to plan the coming week has worked really well for me. Then if something isn't finished on a given day, I can erase and move it to another day. I also use a colored pencil for the check marks so it's really visible.


I love using my planner to pull everything together for the week, including appointments, field trips, etc. I even keep track of horse or music lessons and what I owe for each when they occur. Most generally I don't use the menu planner, but I like it that it's there if I want it.


My dd and I meet on Mondays and I give her all of her assignments that will be done independently for the whole week and she writes them down in her own planner. I think this is a super thing for kids to learn once they hit logic stage especially. Before she was doing this, I just told her what to do each day, or sometimes wrote out a note listing books, pages, etc.


In my opinion, TWPD is well worth the money and I love having it at my fingertips. I keep a spreadsheet for grades, but really don't think I'll switch to a computer planner at least until high school - if then.




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