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S/O: When you start back to school, do you ease into it?

We start school...  

  1. 1. We start school...

    • Slowly. No need to shock the system.
    • Full speed ahead. No need to coddle the children.
    • Other

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It's me who needs coddling. We ease, but it's a quick ease.


:iagree: Me too. Especially with new materials.


We will keep reading during our two weeks of no school vacation (field trips and reading). Then start back up with math, which is easy on my children and on me, as well as science or language arts. Then History studies, followed by either science or language arts - depending on which I put off. :-)


We love all the materials we are using, but some are most certainly more teacher intensive!

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I started slowly this year. Well, I tried to start with a full schedule, but we had ONE day, and the next day, we had a baby unexpectedly early, so school got put on hold for a few weeks. So when we started back when the baby was a couple of weeks old, we started with just math, history, and reading (and poetry and Bible, which we do with breakfast). After a couple more weeks, we added memory work, writing, and foreign language. Probably next week or so, we'll add science, Bible study, and specials (picture study, music study, etc.). I did this mostly for me, rather than for the children, because I really wasn't sure how doing full schoolwork with a 2yo and a 2 week old would work, but I'm liking the easing in -- rather than set myself up for failing if I didn't get to everything on the list, I've started with manageable chunks that are leading to success and routine. :)

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