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Tornado's from OK are here....

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They are so severe and a number have already touched down. Prayers for everyone near. Those who pray, please lift up the Midwest tonight. I hear another alarm going off.


Dh and three oldest dc went camping yesterday and then ended up being under a Tornado Warning for a while in the late afternoon. They are OK.


Hope everything is OK with you and your family, Tammy.

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Thank you all we were very blessed. The nearest tornado was 10 miles from us. I'm heartsick that so many died and were injured, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families.


I need to check in with the Red Cross this morning and see what they need.


We made it home from our weekend plans yesterday to a home with the weather alarm going off. I'm so thankful for that alarm and the local sirens. The TV we were tracking the storm on was zapped. I can live with that.


Thank you all again for the thoughts and prayers.

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Dh and three oldest dc went camping yesterday and then ended up being under a Tornado Warning for a while in the late afternoon. They are OK.


Hope everything is OK with you and your family, Tammy.


Oh, I'm so glad they were safe. The bigger tornado ran right by a big camp ground and everyone was trying to get out. So scary.

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Tammy - Where are you? I am in Dallas but haven't heard any warnings yet..


Praying for you.


Ferdie, thank you for praying. We were tucked between the two lines of storms last night, but we were up towards Strawberry Point.

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We're in Kansas, and this will be the 4th night of servere weather! So far, we personally haven't been affected , except for lost sleep!



4 nights of this...You poor thing. Prayers for a calm Memorial Day and night.:grouphug:

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We had tornadoes ten miles north of us. They came up extremely fast and the sirens went off. Thankfully we are fine but the city of Hugo is not and a toddler died. Very sad for that town.


They did just come out of no where. The weather was beautiful and then black and crazy. I'm so sad about that toddler. What a tragedy.

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I hope all is well.


We (yes in Wyoming) had some tornadoes hit the other day. Very strange weather I thought.


Thank you. Wyoming doesn't get regular tornadoes? I like that, and have always pictured it as such a beautiful big sky place.

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No we don't get tornadoes except like once in a great, great while. Now our daily wind is what you would consider tornado wind.LOL A 30-40 mph wind is a breeze here. I am not joking on this one. So, when we get a tornado, wow that wind must be really blowing. The one that hit, hit Laramie and did some damage.


Yes, Wyoming is a big beautiful sky place. You can see for miles and miles. With a great outline of mountains at the edge. I love it here, despite its wind.

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