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I did NOT think it could be done...

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I think late potty training is another of those "modern western parenting ideas" that we've come to take as fact, forgetting that the rest of the world just get on with things.


I agree with this. When I lived in South Korea the kids started English school at 2 yrs old and had to be fully potty trained before they could attend class - they all were. I don't think I saw one child older then 2 wearing a diaper - I don't think they even sell pull-ups in the stores - I never saw them.


In Australia most kids are trained by 2.5 - my kids were considered late trainers because they were trained just before their 3rd birthdays.


My baby just turned 2 - I think I'm going go out and buy a potty today - although he is already showing resistance -if I ask if he wants to try the potty he says "No, diaper" I think we Westerners leave our kids in diapers too long and they get used to it and it makes potty training much harder.

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I'm jealous! DS3 still isn't fully potty trained and I am terrified to train DS2. He wants to use the potty with big brother and so forth but I am nervous. Plus my mother insists that kids cannot be potty trained until after age 3. :glare: Not helping since my kids stay with my parents 2 days a week while I work.

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Totally recommend this book:


The Potty Boot Camp: Basic Training for Toddlers is a unique new toilet training method developed by Dr. Suzanne Riffel. Learn MUCH more at our website at http://www.ThePottyBootCamp.com


Potty Boot Camp is on facebook too :)


I potty trained all my kids before they were 2 :) I was a professional nanny for 13 years before I had my kids, so I totally knew that was the way to go. Summer before they turn 2 - let them run around naked and sit them on the potty for 5 min. every 20 min. I know that it is exhausting - believe me I know - I just finished potty training twins, but you have to be consistent. If you don't keep at it then you just have to start over. Once you start potty training throw away or give away ALL of your diapers. Only put pull-ups or rubber pants on them at nap/bedtime, keep them in regular underwear/panties or naked during the day.


Once the kids get older they are much harder to train - too stubborn :)

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This thread is inspiring me! DD has sat on the potty twice today, when I would have otherwise distracted her away from it (because obviously she is too young :)). She didn't "perform" beyond laughing and clapping, but hey, maybe tomorrow. I can try when she wakes up! She has three brothers who all self-trained right around three. I would love to stop diapers sooner, though. Thanks for the inspiration, Heather!

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I'm sure there is a window. However, let's not make blanket statements.


I am one of those mothers who had a 4 yr old in diapers. Cloth diapers. In fact, at 7 he still has occasional accidents. Now, I know why. It was not anything *I* did or didn't do. He has SPD and is under responsive when it comes to physical sensation. His brain does not pick up his physical sensations as well as they should.


He is over responsive when it comes to his sense of hearing. This has caused *major* issues with him developing a phobia of the toilet due to it's flushing sound.


So, if you see a 4 or 5 yr old in diapers don't assume you know what's going on in that family. Don't assume the parents are just not putting in a serious effort. It's insulting.



To those who do have kids that potty train early, that is great. Just don't assume it's because you've done something "right" and others have done something "wrong."




:iagree: Sometimes there are just extenuating circumstances.


Dd showed interest around 15/16 months and we were responding to that but then she got very ill with a MRSA infection and had to undergo several surgeries, a pic line, and nasty antibiotics. Potty training became the last thing on our mind. She was one sick baby :crying:. After all that was finally settled, she had little interest for quite a while. Then one day we tried again and she was trained in 1 week, but she was 3.5 by then. I never worried about it though. You know, the age they potty trained is not something going on their college application. :001_smile:

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Kleine Hexe, thank you for saying that. My ds just potty trained at 4.5. He'd been staying dry overnight for nearly a year, but just could NOT go on the potty. We tried the naked thing too, but he just held it all day long. He knew he shouldn't pee on the floor, but due to his apraxia, he couldn't release to go on the toilet, either. Since he's nonverbal (and still just learning to use his communciation app), he couldn't tell us that he needed to go potty. It really was developmental for him; one morning, I sat him on the toilet for the 83920th time, and he peed. Ta-da! That's all it took for it to click with him.


Miracle of miracles, my youngest dd saw the praise he was getting, and announced that she wanted to wear panties. Within a week, they were both trained!

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I guess I am one of those lazy westerners, but potty training just was not a priority for me. My oldest was just shy of 3, and my youngest just shy of 4 when they came out of diapers. They were both completely ready and had no accidents once they started wearing panties, except for my youngest, when she was 8 or 9, just not wanting to come in from playing to go. Then, it was only a couple times. I just think it is up to the parents to decide how much of a priority it is to them. We all have different priorities, and that is just fine.

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