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As a married woman, how do you sign cards?

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When I was married, I signed it my name, dh and then the kids. My family all do the same. Who ever is penning the note/letter/card signs first and the rest follow. Or I often wrote "The (surname) Clan" I still do that sometimes, because it is a lot of names to write out.

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If the card is to someone in DH's family/circle of friends I sign his name, then mine, then the dc. If it is for someone in my family/circle of friends, I sign my name before DH's. If the recipient is someone I would consider to be equally close to both of us I would sign my name first (it's not like DH ever buys cards anyway!).


This is how I do it.

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I sign, "M & K," on the first line and then "D, J & A" underneath!


Me too. I can't think of a situation where I would send a card and feel the need to be so formal as "Mr and Mrs". If it was something like a sympathy card for the family of a co-worker, it would likely be "Husband 'and family'". (My coworkers don't seem to pass away, but if they did I would obviously use my name "and family")


I kept my name. It is and endless source of amusement when friends try to refer to us in the collective. :) It does throw signing "the ___ Family" out as an option, though.

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When there were two of us, I signed "P & T."

Then it became "P, T, and dd." And then "P, T, dd, and ds."

And then it became "P, T, and the children."

I'm getting lazier. Usually now it's just "Tanya" or "P & T" again. Or, if I'm sending something to a child, it may be from "The Jones kids" or "The Jones family."

Funny how I used to put such effort into this and how it's completely dropped off my radar now!


ETA: I remember how much I LOVED those imprinted note cards we'd ordered with our wedding invitations -- Mr. and Mrs. P. Jones. They were BEAUTIFUL! I LOVED writing thank you notes on those cards!

Edited by BamaTanya
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