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Ok, scrapbookers, I'm working on 2004 today...

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anybody want to top this?


I stopped working on pics the year I did my student teaching, right after #2 was born.


To get caught up, I'm trying to limit myself to one scrapbook per yr's worth of pics. Almost no editing, printing all 4x6 at WM. (I used to pick individual sizes for ea pic!)


My goal for today is to finish sorting, editing, & uploading to WM all my pics for '04. I'm about half way right now.


What about you?

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That's when my mom passed away and I've had a real mental block about scrapbooking that time period.


I've done various layouts after that, but nothing with any flow. I get together with a group once a month and we have a 2-page project we do together. I've done that for a couple of years, but most of those layouts don't have pictures on them, so they're sure not helping me catch up!


I'm going on a scrapbook retreat in June. I am determined to be organized so that I can get lots done.

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That's when my mom passed away and I've had a real mental block about scrapbooking that time period.


I know what you mean. My dad died about a yr after the pd where I stopped, just a few mos after I finished my 1st yr of teaching.


That's not why I'm behind, but I know it's been a factor. My sis & I scanned a bunch of pics of dad for his funeral, & I've spent the last couple of yrs putting those into a scrapbook. I'm not sure if that helped or just added to the pile, but I'm glad to have it.


:grouphug: I hope your retreat is fun & productive & air conditioned.

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Girl, if it's not air-conditioned, I won't be going! LOL (and yes, I know it is :) )


Ah, I'm just pg. We're on a central unit in these apts, so I suspect we have little actual control over the temp. I've got mine turned down to about 45 right now, but I'm pretty sure it's at least 75 in here.

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I used to be a Creative Memories consultant a few years ago, and I did more scrapbooking then so I'd have something new to show each time I taught (I didn't want to be a hypocrite and teach people about how to get caught up without doing so myself!).


Since then, though, the main amount of scrapbooking I get done each year is at a weekend retreat in September - I get around 50 pages done, usually. I get the odd page done here and there other than that, but I am sooooo far behind!!! (I'm a little ADD about my scrapbooking, and so I have about 10 or 12 different scrapbooks started right now!)


Anyway, Aubrey, kudos for making this a priority and working on it! :thumbup1:

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Dh bought some scrapbooks about 5yrs ago and I have never done anything with them.

I pulled out pictures 2wks ago to find some of oldest ds. I thought it would be a good time to start working on the pictures. I went through the pics tried sorting them out and put them back in the box. I have no idea where to even start!:confused1:


We don't even have pictures in an album!!!

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I have no idea where to even start!:confused1:



I just saw this product, and I think (depending on your taste/style) it could be handy for you:




It's a mix-and-match system by Pebbles Inc. - you can either slide photos right into the pockets, use the journaling boxes and papers to add a little color, or mix it up with some 12x12 pages (for larger photos or vertical ones). I haven't used it, mind you, but I just ran across it this week and thought how useful it could be!


Another thing to keep in mind is that there is NO WRONG WAY to scrapbook. Any way you choose to preserve your memories is a good one! My own scrapbooks run the gamut from extremely simple (white pages with nothing but photos and LOTS of writing) to fairly ornate (lots of different patterns and colors of papers, flowers, brads, vellum, and just a little writing). I don't consider any of them necessarily "better" than any of the rest - I'm just glad for the ones I've managed to do! (:


(Okay, that was totally unsolicited advice. I guess there's still a scrapbooking consultant lurking within!) :D

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Middle of Halloween. <sigh> This is taking forever. And I think it's worse because this is where I left off 4 yrs ago, so it's hard to tell what's been done & what hasn't.


Maybe '05 will be better? LOL! My main goal is to make dd1's book before newbie comes.


I still think I can finish pics for '04 tonight. How delusional am I? There's only the rest of Halloween, Thksgving, autumn, & CHRISTMAS!!! :w00t:


And baby just took the bottle out of her mouth for the sole purpose of yelling at me to hold her. :001_wub: Guess I'll do bedtime & then hit it again.

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Is it the idea of scrapbooking chronologically that is trying? I think it can make some people feel behind because of the date idea. Have you read the books about "Big Picture" scrapping? It gives a lot of freedom and is a cool system, fwiw.

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Oh stop! This thread is really depressing me! See, I used to be a CM consultant. I used to teach people the hows and whys of scrapbooking. I used to tell them to get those photos out of boxes and just do a page at a time...keep it simple and get it done. Is there a smiley for eating your words? :001_huh: Ugh..I'm so very behind. I haven't scrapbooked in over a year, my stuff is all in boxes, my current photos are all over the house...some here, some there. I just don't even want to think about it. With each baby that is born, I get further and further behind. When I think about making time to scrapbook, I feel guilty b/c I should be spending the time with my dc instead of scrapbooking all the pictures of years past! Oh double ugh.

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Have you read the books about "Big Picture" scrapping? It gives a lot of freedom and is a cool system, fwiw.


What a great suggestion! Stacy Julian's "The Big Picture" is my favorite scrapbooking book EVER! It was very liberating, and it's so freeing to think more about what memories you most want to keep instead of what comes next on the calendar.


That being said, I still like having chronological albums as well. :D

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I have my pics already printed (we didn't go digital until late 2006 ;)). I have sorted and selected all the pics that I'm going to use and have them grouped by layout w/some sort of topic/title. Now I'm picking out the papers for each layout and putting them w/my pics. My final prep step will be to add any embellishments. I'm going on a scrapbooking retreat the last weekend of July so my goal is to do the entire year on that trip. But I haven't done much in the baby album for dd who is 2!! It's so sad! It helps that my church has a monthly get together called Finishing Touches and anyone can come and bring any unfinished project to work on while we visit and eat desserts. I usualy don't get home until after midnight so I can get a lot done.

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anybody want to top this?


I stopped working on pics the year I did my student teaching, right after #2 was born.


To get caught up, I'm trying to limit myself to one scrapbook per yr's worth of pics. Almost no editing, printing all 4x6 at WM. (I used to pick individual sizes for ea pic!)


My goal for today is to finish sorting, editing, & uploading to WM all my pics for '04. I'm about half way right now.


What about you?



Well, I'm so far behind I'm not even sure whether I top you or not (though we're pretty close, for certain!). :-P My fil passed away May, 2005 and that life changing event was followed closely on the heels by our move/renovation that began in 2006 and continues as we speak. Chances are I was not caught up when my fil passed so - we're probably swimming in the same boat (except that *you* are getting some work done!). :-D


Have fun! I plan to host a scrapbook marathon at my new place with my sister and mom sometime this summer. Yippee!



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I just "found" this hobby 3 years ago and took all my pictures out of my albums and sorted them then. We only started really using digital last year. So far I have both girl's baby books, my baby book, a huge gap and then I have the years that I started scrapbooking: 2006, 2007, the Hawaii trip and now I have one for my dh's convention trips.


I made beautiful little scrapbooks for Disney World, one for each girl, but I didn't buy Creative Memories albums and they are falling apart.


I liked the idea of doing the current stuff as it happens and catching up as there is time to do so.


Good luck everyone.:001_smile:

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I have bits and pieces done as well. I DID fully complete our family's 2005 mission trip to Fiji though! It's a huge album! I went to Kenya in 2006, got quite a bit done, then fizzled out for some reason and can't seem to get going again! :(


I also have a few pages in a 2005 album done, up to November in 2006 done, and really nothing before that done. OH, I DID do the first year calendar and small album of first year pictures for each of my children. I want to do an album for each of them, but never have gotten going with them!


I get overwhelmed with so much to do and have a hard time knowing where to start! One thing that saves me is that I am in a group that meets quarterly to have a scrapbook day. THAT'S when I get most of my scrapbooking done!


Too bad we can't all meet together to scrapbook and encourage each other!

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I had so much fun about 5 years ago making one big, beautiful scrapbook of a big family cruise we went on. That's the one and only such book I've ever done. I don't have anywhere I can leave my stuff out at all and putting it out and cleaning it up over and over is just too much.


I've bought one of these albums http://snipurl.com/2akkr

[www_exposuresonline_com] around Christmas because all it requires me to do is slip the pictures in a write a little something in the margin about what's going on. Now I'm paralyzed by the indecisiveness of where to start. Do I start from my childhood pics, after I moved out and got married, when I started having children...! I get so overwhelmed about it that I haven't even put the first picture in this new album.


When you're so behind you haven't even started, where do you start?? I have a huge cardboard box of pictures that deserve a home. I dream of a shelf of beautiful leather albums full of pictures in chronological order that would be fun to flip through and easy to find when you are looking for.



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I don't have anywhere I can leave my stuff out at all and putting it out and cleaning it up over and over is just too much.



This is the beauty of digital scrapbooking, if you're interested.


Do I start from my childhood pics, after I moved out and got married, when I started having children...! I get so overwhelmed about it that I haven't even put the first picture in this new album.


I think starting anywhere is better than starting no where. Lots of people recommend starting in the present day. I like seeing relationships between all my pictures and combining years together. For example, I have lots of pictures of one of my daughters playing dress up as it is her passion so instead of doing a layout over and over about dress up all through the years, I would do one 2 page spread about her passion for dressup with pictures from all ages.


I'm sure you'll find the best way once you dive in!

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I have a huge cardboard box of pictures that deserve a home.


I can't help with the digital scrapbooking - I haven't gone there yet. I think I'm too tactile - I enjoy the actual hands-on experience.


However, as far as your existing cardboard box of photos, may I suggest this?




This is a Creative Memories photo storage box that holds up to 2,400 photos in 12 removable containers. It's photo safe, water resistant, and everything else a cardboard box isn't. (; I'm sure other companies have similar products, but something along these lines is what I'd suggest.


One of the most helpful things I did when first trying to scrapbook was to gather all my photos from drawers, boxes, envelopes, and wherever else they were hidden, and put them all in ONE PLACE (though in my case, it took multiple powersort boxes - yes, I have THOUSANDS of printed photos). There are many ways to sort (by person, place, event), but chronological is one of the easiest.


Once the photos are sorted, it's sooo much easier to sit down and work on them, however you decide to do it.


Good luck! (:

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I started reading this thread and decied I shoiuld go and start labeling my digital pictures so I am actually begin to catch up.


I'm stuck in 2001. And now I have 3 kids.


I might switch to the CM pic folio system. I am such a perfectionist it takes me forever to do a page.

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I just saw this product, and I think (depending on your taste/style) it could be handy for you:




It's a mix-and-match system by Pebbles Inc. - you can either slide photos right into the pockets, use the journaling boxes and papers to add a little color, or mix it up with some 12x12 pages (for larger photos or vertical ones). I haven't used it, mind you, but I just ran across it this week and thought how useful it could be!




Oh, thank you for this link! I think it is just what I need!

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You're welcome! Let me know how you like it, if you get it - I'm dying to try it, but then I remember my rows of empty scrapbooks I still need to fill. :blush: I've even put myself on a hiatus from buying scrapbook stuff this year, because I have too many supplies. ;)

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Where do you best recommend I educate myself on digital scrapbooking? Thanks!



It can depend on the software you use to scrapbook. Many people use Photoshop Elements, although there are others out there. The great thing about digital is that one can resuse the supplies, print out multiple layouts (ie. for grandparents or each child) and use layouts more than once by changing the photos and journaling. Many sites have free items that you can dowload initially to help you try it without great expense. Of course, you can always scan in the paper elements you already have, too.


Here are some sites that I found very helpful:







HTH's. Janet

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