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Nice comment from a stranger

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I was out with dc today and used the restroom at McD's. Small restroom with just 2 stalls, so I was in one with dc waiting for me outside the stall, and a McD's employee in the other one. She went out first, and I heard her say, "Are you girls looking forward to going back to school?" Dd7 says, "We don't go to school, we homeschool." Employee: "Well that's still going to school. You go to school at home, but it's more fun." :001_smile: Kinda made my day.

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I'm impressed she was so quick on her feet, too, you know?


I work in customer service, and when I sometimes say silly assumptuous things like that ... and the person doesn't volley back in the way I expect them to ... I draw a blank and end up looking like an idiot LOL.



Slow on Her Feet

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