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I just wanted to let you know we're in the 1000 Islands region of NY right now and have been for the past week (from Massena to Alexandria Bay, NY and across to Brockville, Ontario) and the weather has been incredibly perfect (high 70's, low 80's). The St. Lawrence River is the absolute prettiest river in the world IME as it's a super pretty blue when the sun shines on it. The water temp is 75. There are beaches at almost every state and local park. There is scuba diving for those certified (did a wreck a couple of days ago). And there are no crowds. at. all.


Google it and pics to see what I'm talking about. I swear, this is the most beautiful, practically unknown place the US has to offer.


Just saying...


Gotta go. We're planning on another day next to this great river (geocaching to get the St Lawrence Seaway Geocoin).


I regret that we need to go home in a couple more days... but it's been a great vacation!

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We are now the official owner of the 1000 Islands St Lawrence River Seaway Trail Geocoin! Of the 10 specific caches we found, 8 were at waterfront parks - and they were gorgeous. Since we took our time and found them over two days, we bought lunch and took it to two of the parks and thoroughly enjoyed picnicking in the gorgeous weather. If one camps, there are oodles of opportunities for nice campgrounds with beaches, etc. We're staying at a motel in Alexandria Bay that my mom paid for since it's our 23rd wedding anniversary (yesterday).


It's been really, really nice.


And no, I don't get a thing for advertising this place. I just know occasionally people post on here looking for pretty vacation opportunities and I know many have been baking in the heat recently. This place is gorgeous (blue water, islands, rural) and has great summer temperatures. It might want to make the radar for some people.


There are some people who know about it. We've seen license plates from as far away as California, but the vast bulk are NY or Ont and don't look like rentals.

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Isn't it lovely up there? We'll be passing through on Monday on our way to Lake Temagami (another 8 hours from where you are, I think) to pick our boys up from camp. Every year we ooh and ahhh as we drive through that area. it is gorgeous. So glad to hear that it's as wonderful as I've imagined!

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I just wanted to let you know we're in the 1000 Islands region of NY right now and have been for the past week (from Massena to Alexandria Bay, NY and across to Brockville, Ontario) and the weather has been incredibly perfect (high 70's, low 80's). The St. Lawrence River is the absolute prettiest river in the world IME as it's a super pretty blue when the sun shines on it. The water temp is 75. There are beaches at almost every state and local park. There is scuba diving for those certified (did a wreck a couple of days ago). And there are no crowds. at. all.


Google it and pics to see what I'm talking about. I swear, this is the most beautiful, practically unknown place the US has to offer.


Just saying...


Gotta go. We're planning on another day next to this great river (geocaching to get the St Lawrence Seaway Geocoin).


I regret that we need to go home in a couple more days... but it's been a great vacation!


:seeya: You are right about the area! We live about 30 min. south of the river, and we try to spend time up there every summer. It truly is beautiful!


Don't forget to tour one of the castles (Singer or Boldt) - you can combine a tour with a very nice boating cruise for the day.


FYI - there are also some little known summer home rental communities up in that area that rent out beautiful victorian homes for a few weeks to the whole summer. I can't remember for the life of me the name of the one we have been to, but it even has a small library, ice cream parlor, playgrounds, and summer activities for the kids all right on the water...


ETA: Here's a link to one of the communities. This site has great pics of the area, and if you have an extra million or two laying around or just like to ogle the beautiful homes on the river, check out the properties for sale link! :)


Edited by Mrs.MacGyver
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That area was one of my favorite places that I visited with my grandparents as a teenager. I remember touring a castle that was never finished, as the owner ordered construction to stop when his wife died suddenly. Tools, etc, were left where they were on that day. So interesting.

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This seems like a great place for us to go...outdoorsy, not far...but are there places to take a dog? It always takes some of the fun out of travelling when you have to worry about the dog. Dh grew up in Europe where people take dogs along on trips, to restaurants, etc.

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Those geocoins were placed last year and the trail runs all way thru NF and down to PA along the water.


We had to start by picking up a special log "book" (more like a pamphlet), then punch out the respective numbers of caches we did using a shaped hole punch in each cache, then take that to a similar place to where we picked up the log book to get our coin. We started in Canton, went to Massena, did 4 caches total along the way, crossed the border at Ogdensburg to return dive tanks in Brockville, took the far more scenic St Lawrence Parkway on the Canadian side to the bridge at Alexandria Bay, crossed back, then did the other 6 caches from there. It made for a couple of great scenic days. I highly recommend driving along the Canadian side for the best views of the river. The US side has far too many trees and the road is mostly more inland.


Plenty of colleges in the Potsdam - Canton area, you could come up and enjoy all the seasons! :D


I grew up in Lisbon/Ogdensburg and rode at the same barn where the St Lawrence Equestrian Team rode in my youth. Both of my parents went to SUNY Potsdam. My sister and a cousin went to Clarkson. Yep, there are plenty of colleges around here. BUT, I don't particularly care for winter, so I went to college in VA and have stayed south except for family visits - generally in the summer! ;)


:seeya: You are right about the area! We live about 30 min. south of the river, and we try to spend time up there every summer. It truly is beautiful!


Don't forget to tour one of the castles (Singer or Boldt) - you can combine a tour with a very nice boating cruise for the day.


FYI - there are also some little known summer home rental communities up in that area that rent out beautiful victorian homes for a few weeks to the whole summer. I can't remember for the life of me the name of the one we have been to, but it even has a small library, ice cream parlor, playgrounds, and summer activities for the kids all right on the water...


ETA: Here's a link to one of the communities. This site has great pics of the area, and if you have an extra million or two laying around or just like to ogle the beautiful homes on the river, check out the properties for sale link! :)



Great link! We didn't do either of the castles this time as the economy has hit hubby's business pretty hard. We're staying with my mom for the most part. She treated us to the wreck dive, the stay in Alexandria Bay for our anniversary and gave us $$ for dinner + filled our gas tank. I love my mom (for more reasons than that)! Doing the geocaching trail fit our budget to a T.


Did you take a boat tour?!! You must. There is so much cool info about how many islands and who has owned what and different things and if you can, go to Boldt Castle and take the tour... amazing (and a tad creepy and tragic too).



The boat tours are nice. We've taken them in the past. I prefer Singer Castle to Boldt Castle, but both are nice. We haven't done them in years though. Maybe next year.


There's also the Frederic Remington Art Museum in Ogdensburg for anyone liking Western (as in cowboys & Indians) art. He was a talented sculptor and painter, but again, this museum is tucked away up here in the great unknown. ;)


This seems like a great place for us to go...outdoorsy, not far...but are there places to take a dog? It always takes some of the fun out of travelling when you have to worry about the dog. Dh grew up in Europe where people take dogs along on trips, to restaurants, etc.


We've never traveled with a dog, but there have been people walking dogs here. There was also a big dog laying down in the restaurant (outside cafe) where we ate our anniversary dinner. It seems like it's an ok thing to do, but that's just based on what we saw.


I had two longterm boyfriends whose families owned islands up there - one turned out to be a jerk, and one just wasn't right for me - and although I wouldn't marry someone just for their islands...it was tempting! ;)


This time of year, it certainly would be tempting. There are some gorgeous places on those islands with great views - and the temperature is so comfortable!


I regret that we're heading home today and tomorrow. We could make the trip in one day, but have one more person to stop and visit along the way farther downstate - my Grandma (and probably some aunts and cousins).


It's been a great week - as long as I don't look at the economic news on the internet. :confused: I'm really glad this vacation was in our budget (thanks mom!). Actually, if it weren't for the wonderful gift we'd have probably picked one of the campgrounds and stayed there for a couple of nights doing the same geotrail. We've gotten away for a couple of days every wedding anniversary in our 23 years of marriage and we don't plan to stop now. The motel was awesome for the privacy, but the campgrounds looked quite nice too - for far less cost for those on a budget.

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