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Puppy Fever

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I have puppy fever. I'm dog and horse gal, but currently our house is without any pets. My kids are college age and up. I'm a real estate agent with a flexible schedule...I'd love to get another German Shepherd to be my daily companion. Used to raise and train them, so I know the breed.


Dh kinda likes that we don't have furry responsibilities right now.


Saw a sign today for GS puppies. Just went to the website (http://www.jacksonpups.com) and the photos make me drool. (It's an odd breeding, IMHO. I don't care for white GS dogs, but I want a companion not a breeder. So as long as there are some German bloodlines, I'm happy.) I haven't called about the prices or whether there's a little gal available.


So...talk me into or out of gettting a puppy.... :tongue_smilie:

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ESPECIALLY with GSD, I'd ask to see copies of health testing-- OFA hips and elbows (rated "good" or "excellent") CERF, Degenerative Myelopathy, cardiac, autoimmune thyroiditis. I realize you're not interested in breeding, but these are very real health issues that plague the breed. All of these conditions are heritable and can rear their very ugly heads later in your pup's life.


Good luck in your quest for a furry companion!



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ESPECIALLY with GSD, I'd ask to see copies of health testing-- OFA hips and elbows (rated "good" or "excellent") CERF, Degenerative Myelopathy, cardiac, autoimmune thyroiditis. I realize you're not interested in breeding, but these are very real health issues that plague the breed. All of these conditions are heritable and can rear their very ugly heads later in your pup's life.


Good luck in your quest for a furry companion!




This is very good advice -- and I would add that you might want to check with your Homeowner's Insurance Co. to see if German Shepard is on the list of "banned" dogs. ;) It was with ours...

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I love love German Shepherds!


There is a really active German Shepherd Forums (if you google you should be able to find it). They talk about different breeders all the time.


I have a 4 1/2 month old Chesapeake Bay Retriver.




I wanted a 1-2 year old dog but my kids really wanted a puppy. So I caved.


I love our dog to death but I forgot how much work puppies are. Especially the first few weeks. I was seriously sleep deprived. Then there is teething and puppy kindergarten and potty training and accidents, etc.

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LOL! Y'all did a good job.


I've raised Shepherds before so I understand the nastiness of bad hips and other overbreeding inherited junk. It's one of the reasons I quit showing and breeding.


Interesting about the homeowner's insurance. Because of all the good things Shepherds are a part of, they usually don't make the banned list like pit bulls do. I'll have to check.


Costs involved...yes, I hear ya.


Puppies are work. That is something that slows me down about getting one....but I love raising a dog my way. I'd love to find a 12 week old pup...not so much of an infant then.


Okay...I'm going to look into some breeders and pups.


Thanks for chatting with me about it!

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LOL! Y'all did a good job.


Interesting about the homeowner's insurance. Because of all the good things Shepherds are a part of, they usually don't make the banned list like pit bulls do. I'll have to check.




Thanks for chatting with me about it!


No problem! I was very surprised when my husband came home from a homebuyer's workshop with a list of "banned" dogs. (When I say "banned" I mean that if we were to own one of these breeds, it would be reason to have our insurance cancelled.)


This is a quote from the insurance company's paperwork:


Ten reasons you will be declined for home insurance:


3. Dangerous dogs: pit bull, siberian husky, german shepard, chow, boxer, and staffordshire terrier

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We have a 9 yr old American Bulldog, but the kids and dh wanted to get another puppy, seeing that the bulldog is fat and lazy and never wants to play anymore! I was totally against it, especially a male (which dh wanted), but due to a bazarre string of events--way too crazy to tell about--we all decided we wanted a Siberian husky. I did put my foot down against a male, although the males are much furrier and prettier... Anyhow, we found a breeder we liked and bought a little black and white female husky. I was refusing to fall in love with her (I already have a cockatoo who is obsessed with me, a sun conure, 2 persians, one of which is referred to as "the perfect one", and of course the bulldog who has seperation anxiety and can't be left anywhere on trips, grrrr....), so I was insisting that this was the kids' pup and was not going to have another animal that I had to give so much attention to. But....as you can tell I'm an animal person...I absolutely ADORE her!! She is the sweetest, happiest thing! I love my bulldog, but I swear she has a depression problem--acts like Eeore (?), so this little pup (not so little now--7 mos old) has been a real delight to all of us! And she is sooo pretty! So I say, if you love dogs, go for it!! :D:D Sorry, can't talk you out of it!!


Have fun!



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I have five dogs, the youngest two are a 10 month old Great Pyrenees and a 10 week old Blackmouth Cur. They make me happy on a daily basis-young dogs are so sweet and forward and full of joy! We raised the BMC so I've had her since her first moment and the connection is amazing. The GP was 3 months old and he's a sweetie.


The bad:


The carpet is officially dead. and smells like it. LOL


things are chewed up


I do my own vetwork but if not, the puppy vax series and worming can be a hassle.


no sleep after 5 am!

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I will be no help! I have three dogs, a beagle, a possible Weim/Pitt something or other, and a GSD. Love them all. We had a great dane too, but recently lost her to bone cancer...


All of mine are rescues and all are great. Only the mix was taken in as a puppy but was very easy to train. She is my shadow and would never dream of making me upset. She's laying under my feet at the desk right now, lol.


I think some toy dogs need to make it to that dangerous dog list :tongue_smilie:. I've seen too many really nasty ones...mainly because owners view them as little play toys instead of animals. :glare:

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I threaten to get rid of the puppy daily! She's sooooo much work! I had forgotten how much work a puppy is! Have to take them outside hourly and it is 100 degrees, have to train them, they chew up everything, they have accidents, they bark, they make the kids squeal, and they eat things they aren't supposed to and vomit on your carpet :ack2:


Still want a puppy? You can have mine :lol:

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All I can say is that you'd be in good company here. All the kids (and me, too, I admit) would love to have a dog. But DH remains resolute. Honestly, for our family, the reasons not to get a dog remain greater than the reasons to get a dog. But the heart still longs....

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Ten reasons you will be declined for home insurance:


3. Dangerous dogs: pit bull, siberian husky, german shepard, chow, boxer, and staffordshire terrier



Siberian husky??? Really??? I have NEVER heard that one! Ours is the biggest baby. We've heard that huskies are more likely to lick a stranger to death than to bite them! :001_smile: I'm quite shocked! Even in the dog books/how to pick a breed books, huskies are always listed as wonderful family dogs, playful, loving and loyal. I'll have to check out our insurance! Of course, we've had people tell us the same thing about American bulldog, and she's a big baby too...hmmm... Oh, and boxer too?? I thought that breed was a staple family dog... Where do these insurance companies come up with this stuff...

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