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How do you schedule CWPs?


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I have a couple of Singapore's Challenging Word Problems books sitting on my shelf right now. But I never get around to having dc work on them. I'm interested to know how other people schedule these in. Do you do a couple problems every day? Schedule a page or two once a week? Pull them out randomly when you think of it? :bigear:

Edited by bonniebeth4
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I've been pulling them out randomly when I think about, and doing random topics within them (since we're using MM as a spine, so the topics don't match up anyway).


I'm getting ready to start scheduling them more. I plan to do IP 3 days a week and CWP 2 days a week. I think I decided that 2 pages a day, 2 times a week will get you done with CWP in a year, though we won't do ALL the problems. If we just do 2 or 3 problems a day, that's fine. I tend to focus more on the challenging problems and not worry about the easy ones. Once he's done one type of easy problem, he doesn't need to do that same type over and over again with different numbers, kwim? So I look at the problems and choose what's useful for him to do. The same goes for the IPs. We won't be doing all the problems (MM has plenty!), but we'll make sure we hit the challenging sections especially, and do some problems in the regular sections as well. Again, 2 pages a day, 3 times a week, gets you done with two IPs in a year. I was scheduling IP 2B/3A and CWP 3 in those calculations. Other levels might be different!

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We also use the Singapore textbook and workbook. After we have completed a chapter in those books, we do the CWP for that topic. I schedule a two page spread per day, and if there's an odd page the last day will just be one page of challenging problems (and that's usually quite enough!). So I would say that on average we have a week of word problems after finishing a particular topic. It's working well for us.

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I should probably add that I have one using MM 4 as a spine and the other one using Singapore 2B text, workbook, and sometimes IP book.



Well good! My schedule for IP 2B/3A and CWP 3 was to go with MM 4 as the spine (2 pages per day there). :D

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I'm using CWP 1 and MM2. So far I just randomly do half a chapter. usually when we need a break. I haven't tried lining up the topics.


I do find that only have 2 or 3 questions on a page seems like a break after doing MM. We tend to cover up to the challenging questions in one session and the challenging questions in the second sessions. This breaks each of the chapters into 2 sessions.


Keep in mind we've only been doing this for 1 month. But, so far it is working.

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I discovered CWP a little late, so we only used 4, 5, & 6. We used them to supplement MUS, which we worked on 3x a week. We tried something different every year. It worked best when I scheduled 3 problems (2 regular and 1 challenging) 3x a week with MUS. Doing the entire book after MUS was finished or doing CWP only for a week at a time was too much.




ETA: We generally just worked through the book not matching up topics at all. However, I did skip a section or two once in a while because ds had not learned the topic in MUS and revisited it later after he had learned about it.

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I am in the "pull them out randomly" camp. But we do get them done.


I have not decided if my approach is indicative of my own personal disorganization, or—if in a stroke of brilliance—the random scheduling adds a purposeful element of "spiral" and review, but I lean toward the latter :D



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I have not decided if my approach is indicative of my own personal disorganization, or—if in a stroke of brilliance—the random scheduling adds a purposeful element of "spiral" and review, but I lean toward the latter :D



Before you know it, your seemingly random schedule will add a purposelful element of "incremental spiral" - Singapore done the Saxon way. :lol:

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Before you know it, your seemingly random schedule will add a purposelful element of "incremental spiral" - Singapore done the Saxon way. :lol:




I was just trying to figure out how to send Bill a virtual swat on the arm, but you beat me to it. :D

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