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Okay, now, someone tell me all the reasons why we should FLY to WDW

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and I should not be afraid of that.


I am SO scared to fly since 9/11, and I know it makes sense for ds and I to fly since we are 600 miles from there and we could get there SO much quicker if we fly, plus it'll be easier, etc.


Talk some sense into me, or let me know I'm right and I should keep my wheels firmly on the ground and drive.

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I haven't flown since 9/11 either, yet in less than two weeks am taking all my kids and hubby on a plane to California. If I can do it - you can do it. BUT - buy tickets NOW - before prices start going up and more fees get placed on bags, etc.

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I don't think I would fly from Louisiana. It's certainly not cheaper, and I'm not so sure about the time savings. You have to drive to the airport, find parking, get to your teriminal and then to your gate, check in a couple of hours ahead of time, then it's a couple of hours flight, you have to mess with luggage and everything once you get there, rent a car (or wait for a shuttle bus)... all total about what... 6 or 7 hours?


600 miles can be driven in a under 9 hours.


If I can drive it in a day, I don't fly. But that's just me. :) Hey, have fun, though! We love WDW!!



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Oh, okay... well, everyone's different that way. It depends on how often you stop, etc. We tend to drive straight through without stopping for anything but gas and meals. When we drove to WDW from Houston, we drove it straight there in one day. But we're I-10 all the way so speed limits are like 75mph the entire time - that's where I came up wtih the 9 hour estimate. We drive straight 15 hours to our friends in Illinois no problem, but they can't stand to drive more than five hours a day so they have to stop at hotels twice to make the same trip - so they usually fly instead.


I hope you can get over your fear of the flying and enjoy the trip! It will be so much fun!!


Good luck!

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I was terrified to fly after 9/11 but we had limited time and didn't want to take the 4 extra days (2 there and 2 back) driving. Actually we've driven straight home before when ds got the stomach flu and needless to say it wasn't a fun trip.


Even though our flight was delayed it was wonderful to get there in only a few short hours. We always dread the ride home so it was nice to get home in a few hours and have the rest of the day to unpack, etc.


My dh also wasn't as cranky because he is usually the one to do 90% of the driving.

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Stacey, if you can budget for it, you will not regret flying! Trust me! We recently flew to Orlando (for non-Disney reasons) and it was only slightly more expensive to fly and rent a car than to drive. No kidding! We had non-stop flights (6 passengers, baby on lap) and to drive would have taken 2 days each way (cost of GAS) and 2 hotel rooms each way. Plus the cost of meals/snacks during travel.


I sometimes had to banish fearful thoughts, which was easier since I was occupied taking care of the kids. The flights were smooth and I got these yummy ginger cookies for a snack. The tram at the Orlando airport was as fun for my kids as a Disney ride (can you tell we're rather boring people?) :)

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Flying IS different since 9/11. Maybe I feel different about it as dd and I missed it. We were up in the Hills on camp. We were dropped off, and when the cars left we said things like "anything could happen this week and we wouldn't know...."


The first thing they said when they came to pick us up was "Have you heard..."


BUT, I have flown both long and short haul since. And its OK. They take so many precautions now I truly do not think it could happen again. Flying is always difficult, there is something strange about it no matter how much you understand about airflow over wings causing lift!


Its OK. If you want to fly, do it. And stay calm so you don't pass your worries onto ds.

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If we return to Disney we will definitely fly. The Magical Express program, or whatever it's called, is pretty great. You can get a direct flight there using Southwest (I'm in Louisiana also) and it's pretty cheap. When you register with Disney they will get your bags to your hotel for you and shuttle you there for free. I've heard great things about the shuttle service. That way you can go check in to your hotel, have your baggage taken care of for you, and hit the parks right away.


When we drove, we left in the afternoon, spent the night in Talahassee ($50 for a cheap motel) and got up early to finish the drive. We made it there around noon, checked in, and got to the Magic Kingdom by 1. Had we flown we could have flown in the evening before and spent a whole day in the park, OR we could have flown early that morning and saved the half day of travelling and the motel cost.


I am terrified of flying, but I will 100% fly next time we head to Disney.

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600 miles can be driven in a under 9 hours.


I find this an interesting comment. (I find it interesting as my cousin, also from TX, has a similar "time" idea. . .except she'd probably say 6 hours. . .)


Do you not have to take toilet breaks? Or eat? I mean, we travel by car A LOT, and I can't recall a time we've done 600 miles in under 10. (That's an avg. of 60 miles an hour. Less than the speed limit I know, but we do have to take potty breaks and eat.)


But, traveling with kids (and as stated before, my kids are very well traveled), we budget 12 hours for a 600 mile trip (not that it will take that long, but I like to be prepared for that long).

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