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s/o Homemade Ice Cream ~ Recommend a Great Ice Cream Maker Please!

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I'm considering making homemade ice cream once again. I used do this back in the '80s. I'm thinking of getting a good electric ice cream maker this time around. Back then it was manual, and, although I made yummy ice cream, quite a pain at times.

Anyone able to recommend a good one? One that you love or even one that you regret purchasing and that I should avoid?

I'm tired of ice cream with questionable ingredients. I'm looking on amazon but haven't yet had time to read all the reviews. Besides, I trust you all more. :)

Finally, do all ice cream makers need rock salt? I can't get that easily here, if at all ... If if needs rock salt, I probably won't be purchasing it.

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We have a Cuisinart one. It has always worked well. It doesn't need rock salt, you just freeze the special bowl/container. It's worth getting a second bowl because it takes 24 hours for it to refreeze so you can use it again and sometimes you want more ice cream before that...

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We have a Cuisinart one. It has always worked well. It doesn't need rock salt, you just freeze the special bowl/container. It's worth getting a second bowl because it takes 24 hours for it to refreeze so you can use it again and sometimes you want more ice cream before that...


This is what we have, and I agree about the second bowl!

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I've only ever seen machines that use table salt, so you can definitely go without the rock salt.


I covet the ice cream attachment for my kitchenaid mixer, but as I don't own it I cannot give a review. I actually had a cheap electric one given to me when I first married. It worked well, but I stored it for ten years and when I tried it again it had died. :glare:

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Cuisinart here as well. I wish I had an extra bowl! That would be wonderful.


My machine is old because it was a wedding present so I am sure I cannot get another one.


If you buy new, splurge for the extra bowl. Even if you only need it every now and then, you will be glad of it.

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I make a double batch of homemade chocolate ice cream every Friday! I use 2 machines - my favorite is the larger one. You can find it at Bed Bath and Beyond a little cheaper with their coupons.

http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-ICE-30BC-Indulgence-2-Quart-Automatic/dp/B0006ONQOC/ref=sr_1_4?s=appliances&ie=UTF8&qid=1312036055&sr=1-4 BTW -My favorite ice cream recipe book is by David Lebovitz http://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Scoop-Sorbets-Granitas-Accompaniments/dp/158008219X/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1312036163&sr=1-2. His chocolate ice cream recipe alone is worth the price of the book!!!!

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I make a double batch of homemade chocolate ice cream every Friday! I use 2 machines - my favorite is the larger one. You can find it at Bed Bath and Beyond a little cheaper with their coupons.

http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-ICE-30BC-Indulgence-2-Quart-Automatic/dp/B0006ONQOC/ref=sr_1_4?s=appliances&ie=UTF8&qid=1312036055&sr=1-4 BTW -My favorite ice cream recipe book is by David Lebovitz http://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Scoop-Sorbets-Granitas-Accompaniments/dp/158008219X/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1312036163&sr=1-2. His chocolate ice cream recipe alone is worth the price of the book!!!!


So are all these ice-creams soft-serve?

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I have a Cuisinart, too :). But mine is a little older and I don't think they make the same model anymore. I have this one http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-Frozen-Yogurt-Cream-Sorbet/dp/B003AOW0DI/ref=sr_1_19?s=appliances&ie=UTF8&qid=1312079107&sr=1-19.


ETA - this one must be the new model:


:iagree:Me too. It's only $44 at Amazon right now Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker
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So are all these ice-creams soft-serve?


Soft serve like from one of those machines? Like with the swirl?


If that is what you mean then no. That is made from a powder that gets mixed with either water or milk and run through a machine. Sometimes it comes premixed in big cartons. That was one of my first jobs as a teen, lol.


The ice cream machines we are talking about are paddle style machines and make dense, scoopable ice cream. If you get real good, it is like Ben and Jerry's ice cream. They are automatic versions of the hand crank machine.

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I found mine at a yard sale. It works great. I often see them at yard sales or thrift stores.


In fact, I bought http://www.amazon.com/Donvier-837409W-1-Quart-Cream-Maker/dp/B00006484E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1312113947&sr=8-1 at a thrift store for $4 and sold it for $10! :lol: I used that $$ to buy the Cuisinart.





Inspired by this thread, I looked for an ice cream maker at goodwill tonight. I now own a hand-crank model and I'm $5 poorer :D
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Soft serve like from one of those machines? Like with the swirl?


If that is what you mean then no. That is made from a powder that gets mixed with either water or milk and run through a machine. Sometimes it comes premixed in big cartons. That was one of my first jobs as a teen, lol.


The ice cream machines we are talking about are paddle style machines and make dense, scoopable ice cream. If you get real good, it is like Ben and Jerry's ice cream. They are automatic versions of the hand crank machine.

When you first make the ice cream, it is a little "soft" -but it's not "icy" unless you make the Philadelphia style (no eggs). I love it creamy, so I always make a custard base. Below is a picture of the chocolate ice cream I made after it had been in the freezer. You can see why I make it every Friday night!! :D



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So, the ice cream maker I got from goodwill turned out to be a weird soft-serve-dispenser dud thing. I never used it.


I DID buy a $20 Rival at walmart today that makes A GALLON. Since I HAD to make it today, and the reality of MY freezer is such that a freezer bowl will never make the cut anyway, AND I'm not the type to plan a day ahead to make ice cream, I went with the bucket/ice/rock salt kind of set-up.


I found the rock salt near the ice cream machines at walmart. I did read online that you can also use water softener salt or kosher salt . . . basically any chunky salt.


I used THIS recipe: (except 8 egg yolks seemed silly, so I quit at 5. I think 3 would do the job)



1 cup heavy cream

3 cups half-and-half cream

8 egg yolks

1 cup white sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt



Pour the heavy cream and half-and-half cream into a heavy saucepan, place over medium-low heat, and heat until barely simmering, stirring frequently. Turn the heat down to low.

Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, and salt in a large bowl until thoroughly combined.

Slowly pour about 1/2 cup of hot cream mixture into the egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly. Repeat three times more, whisking thoroughly before adding each additional 1/2 cup of hot cream to the egg yolk mixture. Pour the egg yolk mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining hot cream, and whisk constantly over medium-low heat until the mixture thickens and will coat the back of a spoon, 5 to 8 minutes. Do not let mixture boil.

Pour the ice cream base into a bowl and allow to cool for about 20 minutes; place in refrigerator and chill overnight. [I quick-chilled it in a bowl of ice] The next day, pour into an ice cream maker, and freeze according to the manufacturer's directions. Remove the ice cream, pack into a covered container, and freeze for 2 hours or overnight before serving.



This ice cream is DANGEROUSLY good. Yes, I blame this thread. I'd add a picture, but I just haven't figured out HOW to do that yet :-/

Edited by KungFuPanda
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