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Dh is snoring. Loud. :glare: Again. :glare::glare: It's really interfering with my sleep. :toetap05:


I can't leave and sleep on the couch as I have a co-sleeping baby who keeps waking up too. :glare:


I can't get dh to wake up for long enough to be coherent and move himself to the couch.


I just want to sleep. In quiet. For one night. Ugh.

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My dh and I have a deal. If anyone :glare: is snoring, the other person can yell, shout, poke, push the snorer to get them to roll over. Typically we are less violent though, and a small shake and softly barked, "Roll over!" does the trick.


He used to be worse. It must have been something he was eating, but I have no idea what.


Does he snore no matter his position, or is it worse when he's on his back?


I hope you were able to get some sleep, dear.:grouphug:

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Dh is snoring. Loud. :glare: Again. :glare::glare: It's really interfering with my sleep. :toetap05:


I can't leave and sleep on the couch as I have a co-sleeping baby who keeps waking up too. :glare:


I can't get dh to wake up for long enough to be coherent and move himself to the couch.


I just want to sleep. In quiet. For one night. Ugh.


I am in the same boat, just without the cosleeping baby. :grouphug:

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Dh is snoring. Loud. :glare: Again. :glare::glare: It's really interfering with my sleep. :toetap05:


I can't leave and sleep on the couch as I have a co-sleeping baby who keeps waking up too. :glare:


I can't get dh to wake up for long enough to be coherent and move himself to the couch.


I just want to sleep. In quiet. For one night. Ugh.


I am not sure how to help the baby, but I wear those foam earplugs. It has helped so much. And we have a fan running that drowns out some of the noise. Good luck.

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Sorry. :grouphug: I can't even imagine. I'd have to be in a separate room.


My husband was just breathing heavy this morning (3-5am) and it was driving me crazy. After the 4th time he woke me up, I just got up and went for a 45 minute walk.


Definitely don't feel bad about sleeping somewhere else. I'd see if you can get him to the doctor for it also. It may be as simple as allergies.

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I find a good swift elbow to the ribs helps. At least I feel better.


There are a couple things that DH has done to reduce snorning.


1. Claritin. I can tell when he doesn't take it. That has been the biggest help


2. Losing weight. He was never overweight by any means but losing about 5lbs cut down on the snoring. I always thought that would only help if someone was overweight, but it can help with thin snorers also. We found this one out by accident. He upped his running mileage, had a slight weight loss and snores less.


3. Not drinking alcohol after dinner. If he has a drink, he snores more. We aren't 100% with this, but we are aware.


The biggest change was from the first two.

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He should have a sleep study and possibly needs a CPAP machine which can be both a god-send and a lifesaver. MY dh and I both have CPAP machines and it has made a world of difference in how we feel and the snoring. Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea which wreaks havoc on your body and your heart and circulatory system:(.

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