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Teacher's Cabana 7-29-11

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Good morning!


Yes, we're open early this morning but I need to do it.

Last night was a bit rough emotionally and physically and I'm still

'dealing' with that and so I need you all to join me for coffee and brownies! Jean, PUT DOWN THAT SALAD and have a brownie! :D


What are you snacking on right now? Me: coffee with milk and Stevia. May get another brownie.


What's your weather like today? Here: I'm in Phoenix so the sun is almost always shining but there are clouds in the sky, too, today, so maybe we'll get some rain later.


What do you want to see happen today? me: I don't even know! How sad is that! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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I hope things get better for you. :grouphug:


I'm not snacking on anything right now, but I'm feeling really thirsty and ought to go get a drink.


Weather is looking pretty sunny and warm. I hope it rains again, our swamp cooler doesn't work enough to keep it under 85 in here unless it rains.


I'm hoping I'll be able to take some supplies and books to the library and finish planning the homeschool year. I'm trying to put everything into HST and look up books for science and history and it's just too distracting here. I don't know if it'll happen though. Baby girl has a very unpredictable schedule and doesn't take a bottle.

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I'm hoping for a good day today.


I just ate frozen chicken strips and leftover mac n cheese for lunch. Comfort food. :D


Weather: Hot, hot, hot. High of 100. Will not be opening the door except to let dh in when he gets home from work. :tongue_smilie:


The plan for today was to get school done before 2pm. So far, so good.

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I'm having some of my new granola. I'm experimenting with fruit - cranberry and chocolate is the flavor of the week. It goes well with Greek yogurt.


It is not quite 70 right now with pretty white clouds.


I'm hoping to be able to take a break this afternoon and take a nice, long walk.

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Just finished lunch - smoked pork, broccoli, mashed potatoes, rolls - YUMMY! Enjoying having DH home for lunch. He went back to work yesterday - our county starts school on August 3.


We finished school before lunch. Only thing left is Mandarin which DS does on his own.


Weather is hot and humid and no clouds - heading into the dog days of August.


Those brownies sound soooo good. I think I just may have to make a pan for dessert tonight :001_smile:.

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It's been a long morning already. The 2 yo is into EVERYTHING this morning, the 3 yo is whining about not being allowed to watch a movie, and the 6 yo is rolling around on the floor telling me his math is too hard because he wants to skip ahead in his book to get to multiplication. The only one who was behaving all morning was the baby because he was napping!


I think I will be making brownies during quiet time and enjoying a few right out of the oven without the kids there to bother me (I might even lick the bowl a little ;) )


Weather here is cloudy and muggy. I'm ready for fall!


What do I want to happen today - My dream would be for DH's company to give us a date for our upcoming travel assignment. I know that won't happen so instead I guess I will take just being able to catch finish up math with DS and getting caught up on the laundry.

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[quote name=scrapbookbuzz;2981452Jean' date=' PUT DOWN THAT SALAD and have a brownie! :D



As long as it is a metaphorical brownie;) In real life, it would do very bad things to my blood sugar.:crying:


I'm "snacking" on ice water. I just finished a breakfast of two eggs and a piece of zucchini biscotti (that's what you call it when you forget that you had the zucchini bread in the oven and it bakes for 3 hours. . .)


Weather here: 74 degrees, sunny with some clouds. It feels "hot" to me so it must be a tiny bit muggy. (Don't kill me, Scrap:lol:)


Happen? I MUST mail off the camp registration forms today by express mail. Both dh and I are speaking at the camp so you would think they wouldn't exclude us but I still want to meet the deadline of Monday. (And yes, I know I'm cutting it close.)

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Yeah, yesterday was a rough day here, too (as per my 'parenting failure' post). But I got to go to my book club (late), ate chocolate (it's a book and chocolate club!!), and I stayed forever because I didn't want to go home. Even though I got to bed late, I managed a little more sleep than the night before.


Too funny about the brownies. I JUST put some in the oven!! It is an incentive for us to get the house clean. :) I'm pretty sure I'll chase the brownies down with Dr. Pepper. I'll go back to eating healthy tomorrow... or the next day.


Blue skies and in the 70s here. I'll take it.


I'd like the boys to finish cleaning their room and do some math. Then we'll get the bathroom clean, laundry put away, and the kitchen floor mopped. I need to do some 'administrative' sort of things (emails, bills, etc.) as well as finish editing a photo session (Tsh from Simple Mom!). And, really, the way things have been going, that's quite ambitious for us. We'll see how it goes.

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I'm having some of my new granola. I'm experimenting with fruit - cranberry and chocolate is the flavor of the week. It goes well with Greek yogurt.


It is not quite 70 right now with pretty white clouds.


I'm hoping to be able to take a break this afternoon and take a nice, long walk.


Mmm. Greek yogurt! My favorite way to eat it is to mix in sliced strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate chips. A delicious dessert that's pretty healthy, too. (As long as you don't get carried away with the chocolate chips.)



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:grouphug: Sorry you had a rough evening.


I'm still lingering over my coffee and blueberry muffin; we were up late last night (opening night). My teenager is still asleep. Today I need to get a lot of laundry done, then back to the church/theatre for another performance.


Weather? Well, you know. I just went out on my back porch, and it's only 95 in the shade. Of course, it's still only 10:30am. I'm sure it will be well over 100 later. :001_smile: Maybe ds and I will go for a little swim this afternoon.


I do have a little more planning to do before school starts; perhaps I'll get some of it done today.


Oh, and I'm happy because I just found out my sweet sister-in-law and one of my nephews will probably be coming out here during spring break! My son will be thrilled to see his cousin! :D



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I just snacked on a piece of dulce de leche cake - my first ever sampling. Wow, was it ever sweet. Three slices, one for each of us, and between us we couldn't even finish off one slice. Interesting flavor, though.


Weather? Hot, hot, and more hot. Humid, humid, and more humid. It's a suckfest from about May through September.


Today I'd like to see my dishes spontaneously wash themselves; ... or to see my kids spontaneously wash themselves. Or the dishes. I'm not overly picky, I'd just like to see clean kids and kitchen at some point today without having to do either myself.

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We were out late last night, so we slept in today. As in, we crawled out of be at 11:00 AM. I woke up with a headache that has not gone away. As soon as I woke up, I conquered three levels of Angry Birds (priorities!), then put in some Facetime on the iphone with my DH, who is overseas on business. He was getting ready for bed as I was getting up, so it worked out well for both of us.


DS & I put ourselves together & went to Jimmy John's for a bite to eat, since I couldn't yet string many thoughts together (but, hey, I drove a car there, so what does that mean?). Now we're home and he's playing a video game and I'm here.


Last night I went to an Amy Grant / Michael W Smith concert, which was fabulous. The set list was predominately their music from the 80's, which made me feel both young and old at the same time. DS went to dinner, a movie (Captain America), and out for ice cream with some friends.


I think I am growing accustomed to temperatures in the triple digits - it hasn't seemed nearly as hot yesterday and today as it did last week. Of course, this week we have AC whereas last week it was slowly going downhill and by Sunday wasn't working at all. I'm sure the indoor AC makes a difference in my perception of the heat.


With DH out of town, I am looking to get a lot of cleaning done this weekend. We'll have to see how that works out - after my nap.

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