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Am i trying to fit too much in here? My schedule for 4th and 1st grader


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I have been spending all morning trying to figure out our schedule and would appreciate insight.


Doable? Or not? Re the times-on days that we don't have to be anywhere, I'm flexible about the times and switching up the order we complete things. I know there will be days that don't work out, but since I'm now throwing a 1st grader into the mix, I figured I need to plan a bit more. And by the way, I am in awe of those of you who do this with large families!


I tried to attach it here but it's too big:


Edited by Halcyon
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Looks intense -- but doable since you are organized and enthusiastic. My routine is similar. We are out-of-house for CC, piano, violin and Spanish (and after school tennis). We car-school often.


I look forward to reading how you are progressing with this fun schedule. Your kids are blessed. :001_smile:

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I like how you save history and science for Fridays. Have you always done that? We have co-op on Fridays so we already miss a whole day :glare: but that is nice.


I have a 4th grader so I was being nosy :lol:. I am adding a pre-k this year but we are very relaxed with that......but from my unexperienced self it looks really good :)

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Looks intense -- but doable since you are organized and enthusiastic. My routine is similar. We are out-of-house for CC, piano, violin and Spanish (and after school tennis). We car-school often.


I look forward to reading how you are progressing with this fun schedule. Your kids are blessed. :001_smile:



Thank you! We're out of the house for piano, music theory, tennis, basketball, drama and HS fitness (whew!) so hopefully I will remain sane ;)

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I like how you save history and science for Fridays. Have you always done that? We have co-op on Fridays so we already miss a whole day :glare: but that is nice.


I have a 4th grader so I was being nosy :lol:. I am adding a pre-k this year but we are very relaxed with that......but from my unexperienced self it looks really good :)



Started doing that early last year when someone on WTM suggested it-it makes getting it done so much more doable since, besides Latin, that's all we do that day.


I don't think we could fit in Coop! We thought of doing it this past year but it's 45 min away and I just couldn't see how to fit it in. Would love to see your 4th grader's schedule if you've posted it!! (I'm nosy too ;))

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Thanks. I think it's just that I'm going to be doing more with my 1st grader than I did last year, and one of those things will be MCT which I hear is mom-intensive, so I'm nervous...... TFL!



I'm not adding MCT, but I will definitely be doing more with both girls this year... so I'm nervous too! Your schedule looks great. I'm not quite that organized. I just have a daily list.

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I have been spending all morning trying to figure out our schedule and would appreciate insight.


Doable? Or not? Re the times-on days that we don't have to be anywhere, I'm flexible about the times and switching up the order we complete things. I know there will be days that don't work out, but since I'm now throwing a 1st grader into the mix, I figured I need to plan a bit more. And by the way, I am in awe of those of you who do this with large families!


I tried to attach it here but it's too big:



Just looking at that made me run, screaming out of it's sight.


Better you than me.

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Your spreadsheet looks so nice! What did you use to make it??




I actually just used Word (well, the free Word, Open Office!) and made a table. I'm using HST+ this year, but I needed to see how both boys' schedules would "mesh" together, since they both require Mom time for different subjects. I wish I could do it in color but I have a b&w laser printer! :)

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I think it looks totally doable. You'll run across days where the little one's school won't get done, but that's ok. :) As long as you're fine with changing things up as needed you'll do great.

FWIW, I am the same way-I have to schedule everything out in detail. I am also going to be using Friday's for History, Science and Art and Composer studies. ;)

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