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Instead of Sonlight Science?


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I tried Sonlight's Science 1 last year and we did not enjoy it. My daughter got really tired of the activity sheets and even though I bought the supplies kit, it still seems like I never had everything I needed. We did like the Discover & Do DVD but my oldest, who loves science, said she never wanted to see magnets again because of doing so many experiments with them. Some people love it but it wasn't for us.


This year I am doing Earth and Space for my first grader and Chemistry for my 3rd grader. Only finished two weeks so far but they are enjoying it. I have them narrate and draw pictures and we do an experiment weekly. I like that the experiments are so easy to do. For space, we are alternating weekly between doing an experiment and going out to find constellations. I am pretty much following exactly how it is laid out in TWTM.

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I like Noeo Science. The curriculum includes some great books and there are just enough experiements for me,that we are able to get them done. Others may feel that the curriculum does not include enough experiements. So it just depends on what you want for your family.

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Thank you for your responses! I am glad to hear well trained mind's format is working. I will also have to check out the other curriculum as I know experiments are important but I have trouble getting out one more mess.. maybe less experiments would motivate me to get more done.... Thanks again!

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I've used SL science since the K level. Since I am really just going for exposure in the early years, I think it's okay and the kids have enjoyed it. They do like Usborne books though and the jumping around doesn't bother us. Thus far, we have not used the activity sheets, but I was planning on having them use them with SL science 5 this upcoming year. We also did not do the experiments (other than to watch them on the Discover and Do dvd) until SL 3, when the TOPS books are introduced to the curriculum.


Anyway, this summer I have been reading Apologia's Flying Creatures book to my kids. They have enjoyed it so much, I think we may just go through as many Apologia books as we can this year as well as a couple of TOPS books for experiments and save SL 5 science for next year. I kind of wish I had tried these earlier since my kids seem to enjoy them so much. I would think these would work well with the WTM method if you stretched them out with suggestions from the WTM since they cover one topic at a time.



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I used Sonlight Science and dd loved it but she is very much a Science kid and eats it all up. Apologia is a great Science program too. We did the Astronomy book last year with co-op and dd learned so much. I think we are doubling Science this year too and doing Swimming Creatures with our Sonlight Science.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I were a homeschooler with a Creationist perspective, I think I'd end up with Apologia since it's designed for homeschoolers and so full of wonderful information ... but I'm not, and having tried Sonlight, Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, and previewed NOEO my favorite content/spine science so far is Montessori. You can purchase from MontessoriRD manuals that are explanatory enough to allow you to teach, if you want them; the customer service folks are great with questions of what level to start at (3-6 or 6-9, for example). Suggested materials incl. botany and animal puzzles, and various Montessori-style definition cards, which you can buy or (remembering that the original Montessori instructors did not have access to all these materials and had to make what they could!) make/improvise. Montessori Outlet has discounted prices and, I find, good materials; Montessori Services has wonderful supplementary materials but never seem to offer free shipping :glare:, and online searches for will reveal plenty of mommy blogs with free or inexpensive downloads to use.


For my bright, intense little guy I improvise freely with teaching strategy -- as in, I do not follow the Montessori theories for exactly how to instruct -- but these materials have been excellent for us. One advantage of using Montessori materials is that it makes it straightforward to follow the WTM science schedule (ie, biology is all in one set of books); and if you progress too quickly, you can supplement easily with other activities, books, DVDs, etc.


much luck with science!

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