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what can i cover a writing desk with to protect it?

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I don't know if this is the right place to put this question?? I'm working on getting things in order for our school room. I have a new writing desk that my mom stained and finished for me last year and I would really like to use it with the kids. I'm just afraid the top will get ruined. I wanted to get a piece of clear plexiglass for the top, but I can't believe how expensive that is! Any other options I'm not thinking of? I would like it to be clear so I can see the desk, hard so writing won't go through, and sturdy so that my kids can't move it easily.

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I use something like this & I love it. It "feels" good to write on & doesn't slip.

Are you close to an office supply store (like Office Depot / Staples)? - go in person & check the different sizes & kinds.

Be sure to check if there is a warning about certain surfaces - mine has been on wood for years with no problems.

Best wishes.

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What about a piece of thick plastic tablecloth? You know, the clear ones that restaurants put over their cloth tablecloths. You can maybe cut it like you would shelf liner? Putting hard plastic or glass on top could potentially scratch the surface you're trying to protect.



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What about a piece of thick plastic tablecloth? You know, the clear ones that restaurants put over their cloth tablecloths. You can maybe cut it like you would shelf liner? Putting hard plastic or glass on top could potentially scratch the surface you're trying to protect.




:iagree: Get the thickest one WalMart sells. You can then put maps or charts underneath the plastic too. I think it's sold on 54" roll and the most expensive is less than $4/yard. Very cheap and works great! :)

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I don't know if this is the right place to put this question?? I'm working on getting things in order for our school room. I have a new writing desk that my mom stained and finished for me last year and I would really like to use it with the kids. I'm just afraid the top will get ruined. I wanted to get a piece of clear plexiglass for the top, but I can't believe how expensive that is! Any other options I'm not thinking of? I would like it to be clear so I can see the desk, hard so writing won't go through, and sturdy so that my kids can't move it easily.

If you have the measurements, watch at thrift stores and Habit for Humanity ReStores for windows and such that can be repurposed.

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Ok, so the table covers at Walmart are vinyl and they reek. I really try to avoid vinyl and keep it away from the kids. The placemat idea is good but I really want the whole table covered, otherwise I know it will get ruined.


bnbacademy, how much was the plexiglass from lowes?


Maybe I'll buy some oilcloth fabric and just make a tablecloth.

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