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How do you break the TV habit?

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Interested in how you do this. I would not think it "credit" unless my child were consciously listening to the piece of music, noticing the various instruments, themes and subthemes, period and style, etc. Just having a radio on while we do other things makes the music "background sound", so you probably don't mean that. Love to hear more!


I do the 1/3 credit method. If my son is in the room playing or eating, or just cuddling with me while I read to myself, and he gives comments like "This must be Handel" or "Harpsicord!!" or "We heard this at the Bach organ concert with Papa", I give him 20 minutes credit for an hour's listening. I believe he is listening actively by his comments or responses to my questions. This may only work for us because we both love classical music, (Kiddo even piped up with "Bach" in a store when he was only 2, so his ears are attuned to it. And once turned to me with eyes budding and told me that the music on (Brandenbergs) "was the most beautiful thing in the world.")


We did all the Vox Music Masters from about age 4 on, over and over, and I also did the TEaching Companies long lecture series on "How to Listen to Great Music" for myself and brushed up on terms, eras, composers, and styles. So, we started with basis of famous composers he was familiar with, and I add in a bit of history and technique here and there. There are fabulous colored bars/circles visualizations of famous pieces on YouTube, and those are a fun treat for us together.


Now then, getting 20th century music into him may be a challenge. He commented that Barbra Steisand was "howling" (I don't like her either, but we'd never heard it before, and thus he hadn't heard any comments from me.)

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We do have 3 TVs, but none of them is in a common area of the house.....so if they were on, we wouldn't even see/hear them during much of the day.


One TV is in the basement. One TV is in the master bedroom on the main floor of the house, and the 3rd is upstairs.


So, you do have to go out of your way to watch TV.


I would love a TV in the kitchen to watch the news. I bring my ipad down instead.



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I'm reading through Charlotte Mason this summer, and her habits comments resonate with me. She wrote something along the lines of you can't break a bad habit, but you can create a positive habit to replace the bad habit. You will naturally revert to the bad habit until the positive habit is stronger than the bad habit.


Along those lines, have you thought about when your family resorts to watching TV and what you can do to replace that habit? If they watch TV in the evenings to wind down (one of our bad habits), can you replace the TV time with family read-aloud time (what we are doing)? If they watch TV when they wake up in the morning, can you find something else for them to do during that time? Can you excellerate the rest of the morning routine or set out crafts or whatever? If you watch TV during meal times, can you light candles and turn on soft background music?

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I'm reading through Charlotte Mason this summer, and her habits comments resonate with me. She wrote something along the lines of you can't break a bad habit, but you can create a positive habit to replace the bad habit. You will naturally revert to the bad habit until the positive habit is stronger than the bad habit.


Along those lines, have you thought about when your family resorts to watching TV and what you can do to replace that habit? If they watch TV in the evenings to wind down (one of our bad habits), can you replace the TV time with family read-aloud time (what we are doing)? If they watch TV when they wake up in the morning, can you find something else for them to do during that time? Can you excellerate the rest of the morning routine or set out crafts or whatever? If you watch TV during meal times, can you light candles and turn on soft background music?



Interesting way to think of it. See, I was thinking, "Turn off the tv, and they'll find other things to do." But you're saying, "Give them other things to do, and they won't watch tv." I love it!

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We have conversated and conversated...nothing. He just says, "I like tv." :glare:


Hmmm. Perhaps you can unplug it and tell him the tv is broken. Or you can do what I do some days. I tell him he is not being respectful of my needs and he is teaching the children that it is okay to not obey the house rules. Thus teaching the children that moms opinion doesn't matter and giving them the green light to be disrespectful to mom. That is not cool.

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