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The 17 day diet - A review and very early results

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A while back someone asked about the 17 day diet. I was intrigued.


I'd been looking for a systematic approach for the family to loose weight. All of us can stand to loose something. I wanted something that is easy to follow, based on whole foods and quick meals. This approach meets all of my needs.


We started yesterday. This morning I found I lost 5 pounds. Dh lost 3. I haven't weighed dd yet. I know what I lost was excess water. Oh, I spent most of last evening getting rid of water.


The first 17 days are a modified early Atkins diet (as I remember it from the 1980s when my mom was on it). I added a few things not on the list of foods. Cheese for one. Yesterday with our "breakfast scramble" I added a couple tablespoons shredded cheese.


Olive oil for another. Since my cholesterol consistently comes back as really low there is a concern that I don't have enough fat in my diet to process fat soluble vitamins. So all told while cooking I used about 3 tablespoons olive oil over all three meals.


The ability to eat all the cleansing vegetables we want is helpful. We grazed on carrots, cucumbers and cauliflower all day long. I also add vegetables to everything. Breakfast is eggs scrambled into veggies (asparagus, bell peppers, leeks, and mushrooms) then topped with about a tablespoon shredded cheddar. Lunch was veggie soup with just a wee bit of top round - maybe a 1/4 pound . I planned badly and for some reason had all these veggies, but no chicken or turkey. For dinner we had grilled chicken tenders, grilled turkey burgers, grilled turkey tenders along with grilled asparagus and grilled cauliflower. The left overs will be lunch today.


The sweet things we are allowed - two fruit servings before 2pm and 2 probiotic foods. (We use yogurt since that is all we have available in this podunk town.) I didn't get both fruit before 2 and was okay. Dh and dd scrambled about 1:30 to get grape and apples in so they didn't feel like they missed something. I had one yogurt for a before church snack and one for a dessert after dinner.


The exercise part is two 17 minute aerobic workouts per day. We put them together and did a 35 minute power walk since it is still too hot for us (me) to run.


So to sum up. It is going to be easy to follow. We are eating lots of veg and lean meats. We had very quick results. My biggest concern today is gong to be going to the movies. Dh and dd are going to give me grief because they will want popcorn and a soda. :glare:

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I started this diet on Monday, and I'm down 4.5 lbs, which I'm very happy with. I'm a major sugar addict, so this first week was hard for me. I think I'm over the hump though.


That said, you're right. It's not a difficult diet to follow. If you get hungry, you can eat all the cleansing veggies you want. And I love the idea that I'm eating healthier. I'm definitely looking forward to phase 2, when I can add in a few more foods, though.

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I started this diet on Monday, and I'm down 4.5 lbs, which I'm very happy with. I'm a major sugar addict, so this first week was hard for me. I think I'm over the hump though.


That said, you're right. It's not a difficult diet to follow. If you get hungry, you can eat all the cleansing veggies you want. And I love the idea that I'm eating healthier. I'm definitely looking forward to phase 2, when I can add in a few more foods, though.

I thought I'd have problems with sugar too. I drink a lot of tea - a lot of tea. I'm taking this first week to slowly wean off the sugar. Instead of going cold turkey I'm using 1 demarra sugar cube (1/2 teaspoon, 15 calories) and a tiny bit of Stevia In The Raw per cup. Yes, I'm probably adding 120-150 calories a day, but it is better than before.

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I thought I'd have problems with sugar too. I drink a lot of tea - a lot of tea. I'm taking this first week to slowly wean off the sugar. Instead of going cold turkey I'm using 1 demarra sugar cube (1/2 teaspoon, 15 calories) and a tiny bit of Stevia In The Raw per cup. Yes, I'm probably adding 120-150 calories a day, but it is better than before.

Wish I would have thought to do this, but oh well. I'm past the hard part now.

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I'm on day 9 of it and down 6.4 lbs. I love this diet. You can actually have fat free cheese on it. But like you, I eat full fat cheese only. I do have a tiny amount on this diet. You can also have olive oil. It is encouraged. I have it daily. I can't wait until cycle 2 when I can have a sweet potato and some oats! My weight is slowly coming off and that's ok. I'm a slow loser.


You can also find them on Facebook. Just type in 17 day diet. It's a great group with a bunch of people that are very encouraging. Congrat's on your weight loss.

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Everyone is doing great!


Day 8 here and I was down almost 4lbs yesterday. I have not been as strict as I should be (Who knew the field peas I shelled and cooked fresh were not "cleansing" vegetables? I ate them anyway.) I also have not been getting the exercise in like I should. Am trying to improve but it will be tough this week with DH gone.


I am happy with the quick weight loss because I really just wanted my pants to feel comfortable again as quickly as possible. Over all, though, I have about 15 pounds to lose (so 11 more) and I don't know if I will stick with this diet or not. I have issues with certain foods being off limits -- really makes me want to binge on them. After the first 17 days I may switch to the new WW program to take the rest off at a slower pace. I have had success on WW before.


One of the things in the book that I loved was when he said that you would always be on some kind of diet. I need to think like that all of the time. Sure, I can have some cheat days and weekends, but my brain really needs to be set that I am constantly "dieting" so I am putting the right things in my mouth. Otherwise I seem to have no self-control.


Good luck to everyone with it!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dh is down 15 or so pounds. Dd is down 5. I'm still weighing in at 175. BUT! I put my jeans on yesterday and didn't have to struggle as much to get them on. I wasn't sure if they were the tight jeans or not so I put on the other pair today with the same result.


Since I didn't measure prior to starting and the jeans are still a bit tight I have to say I have lost about 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch.


I did add just a bit of carbs back in since we are running 10K 3 times a week.

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Guest submarines
Hmm... I'll have to look into this. Right now I'm doing the Whole 30, but after my 30 days maybe I'll try this one.


Anybody do this for 6 mo. or so and continue losing weight?


I've been on it for 3 months today. Right now my weight loss has stalled a bit, but I'm also 'cheating' more. Mostly I eat much more high glycemic fruits than recommended. Oh well, it's summer. I also reached the weight that I am sort of happy with, hence, more 'cheating. I guess I'm not a perfectionist when my body is concerned :lol:


I started at 186lb, 5'9".

Phase one: 8lb

Phase two: 4lb (was sick, didn't work out for most of it)

Phase three: 6lb

phase one: 2lb

phase two (current): maybe 2lb


When I started phase one for the second time, I realised I was sneaking in 'carb days' into it. So definitely, I'm not as careful as I used to be.


I have another 10lb to lose. I am not counting the 17 day phases as precisely anymore. I will stay another 3-4 days on phase two, and will go back to phase one again. I am going to skip phase three, as even with small portions of healthy carbs I start having cravings again, and just don't feel right. My general tendency is to transition to very low carbs and to be grain free.


But I also think that being on phase three, and losing less weight, helps the body to lose more weight on the next phase one.


Hope this helps someone. :001_smile:

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Really do appreciate this thread and am taking notes.


I bought the book, but if you want it now you can do the Kindle thing.

I wonder if I need the book and/or DVD, or if I should just be cheap and search for all the info online.


Everyone's doing so well. This is very encouraging. :D Great job! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read this thread a couple of weeks ago--dh, ds, dd and I are all on day 16 of phase one. Younger ds and dd are getting in on the act, just by virtue of what the rest of us are doing, although not nearly as strict for them.


We're getting tired of chicken and vegetables. ;)


I have felt hungry much of the time. :glare: But I think I'm adjusting now, because the past day or two weren't so bad.


I'm having a hard time keeping enough fruits and veggies in the house. I went to the store Friday, and have twice since had to go back...and we're about to run out of produce again. :auto:


I have lost 5 lbs, which I lost the first week, and that's it. So, I'm a little disappointed...i'll be interested in seeing what happens on phase 2. Dd lost 8, I think ds lost around 5-8, but he wouldn't get on the scale on the first day, so I don't really know what his starting weight was. I don't think dh has lost any, and usually he outpaces me when we work on weight loss. :confused:


One of the best things, though, has been that my reflux, which had been horrible for a while, has been virtually nonexistant. :D


How are you gals doing who are further along than we are?


ETA: Got on the scale today, and 2 more pounds are gone. I'm psyched to finally have broken the 175 barrier.

Edited by LanaTron
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I just found this thread! I didn't know there was a thread about 17 dd on here! My dh & I are on stage 3, day 4 or 5 (?). I have lost 20 lbs, he has lost a bit more! To be fair, we did travel quite a bit, so there were 2-10 day periods where we were on the road, & unable to be devoted to the book, just by the nature of the foods that were available to us. We ate the very best we could during those times & picked up where we left off when we got home. It worked out fine. I am a HUGE fan! I would say we started this diet around June 15, so almost 2 months.

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Guest submarines
I am trying to get set up for this, but found the book a bit vague on the "How to set up your pantry/fridge" for phase 1.


Would anyone be willing to share their menu/shopping lists for phase 1?


I'm not the right person to ask, as don't like varying my meals too much.


My menu:


breakfast: two soft boiled eggs, a cup of frozen cherries, green tea.


snack: a cup of frozen cherries / any other fruit


lunch: salad (tomatoes, peppers, onion, bell peppers, cucumbers, spinach / aragula) plus grilled chicken breast. I do use a table spoon of olive oil and some white wine vinegar for dressing.


snack: a cup of greek yogurt / kefir


dinner: same as lunch.


snack: same as the previous snack.


I sometimes replace the chicken with grilled salmon. I vary what kind of fruits I eat. I vary spicies in the salad.


FWIW, I really enjoy this kind of simplicity.



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That isn't fair! :) I love variety!

I'm not the right person to ask, as don't like varying my meals too much.


My menu:


breakfast: two soft boiled eggs, a cup of frozen cherries, green tea.


snack: a cup of frozen cherries / any other fruit


lunch: salad (tomatoes, peppers, onion, bell peppers, cucumbers, spinach / aragula) plus grilled chicken breast. I do use a table spoon of olive oil and some white wine vinegar for dressing.


snack: a cup of greek yogurt / kefir


dinner: same as lunch.


snack: same as the previous snack.


I sometimes replace the chicken with grilled salmon. I vary what kind of fruits I eat. I vary spicies in the salad.


FWIW, I really enjoy this kind of simplicity.



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Hi, Simka2! We met at the dinner after the SETHSA conference in June.




My shopping list has been very simple. I buy:


chicken--I buy any form of it, even though I think it's supposed to be boneless/skinless breast. I've bought whole chickens to roast, canned, bnless/sknless breast, leg quarters to grill


ground turkey--already a staple in my home


fish--canned tuna, canned salmon, fresh fish at the local fish markets


fruits--we were already only eating low-GI fruits recommended by ds's nutritionist, so apples, pears, berries, plums; but the book says that oranges, and peaches are okay for phase 1, so I've been buying those, too.


vegetables--again, all things we were already eating quite a bit of: peppers, cukes, onions, carrots, broccoli, green beans, tomatoes (fresh and canned), mushrooms, garlic


yogurt--sugar-free fruit flavored; or I buy a large tub of low-fat flavored and a large tub of low-flat plain, and mix the two together to cut the sugar; sometimes I buy plain greek, if it's on sale, or I have a little extra cash




canola or olive oil and/or Smart Balance


That's it. For lunches, I cut up a bunch of veggies, saute them a little, and add either chicken or ground turkey, herbs from our garden, and then vary the seasonings. Today I cut a cayenne pepper and added that and a can of Rotel. It was yummy, even without adding salt. One day I made "chili" with ground turkey, LOTS of veggies, and a chili seasoning packet. The veggies were still mostly crisp, and the kids really liked it. The kids have had chicken salad w/ lots of celery, onion, apple and low-fat mayo. When they make that, I skip it, and make a smaller amount of chicken saute.


I am happy with simplicity, as the other poster said. I can vary it with the seasonings. But I will say the kids are especially tired of chicken and veggies...which is why I went to things like the seasoned leg quarters and roasted whole chicken. And we are very excited to start phase 2 tomorrow and actually get to eat rice or oats or quinoa or beans!

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