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Anyone with experience making homemade cheese?

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I am considering trying to make homemade cheese. Has anyone successfuly done this? Do you have a website recommendation? Are there many gadgets required? One gadget I do not plan to invest in is the goat/cow, etc. Can I make cheese from pasteurized milk? Where do you find the necessary ingredients, ie rennet?


If you have any good advice I would appreciate it. I don't have lots of time to try and fail so would love a fool-proof recipe :001_smile:!

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No advice, but thanks for reminding me to poke around the internets! Dh has been wanting to make some Syrian mozzarella his aunt used to make from store bought balls, but I think that's just silly!

I just showed him this : http://www.cheesemaking.com/store/p/314-Ricki-s-Cheese-Making-Duo-K1-K2-.html and he's all excited!


We go through cheese like crazy in this house. I really hope the baby outgrows his milk protein intolerance, or we may have some issues!

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It's not the fat percentage that you need to worry about, it's the pasteurization process. You might be able to get some cheese out of ultra-pasteurized milk but others never can.


So far, I make cheese from pasteurized, non-homogenized milk from a good, local dairy that doesn't use hormones or antibiotics.

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Only soft cheeses of late though because my source for unprocessed milk moved. Even my yogurt doesn't come out as well with store milk, but it is still better to me.


Cheddar is some work, but I was pleased with the results when I tried it. I'm not sure that I'd do it on an ongoing basis though. More time is involved than I usually have, and you have to have a place to ripen it and be willing to wait.



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I've made mozzerella a couple of times and it's really simple. I was surprised by how easy it was.




A friend sent me a kit from cheesemaking.com that has everything to start (thermometer, two "additives" and instructions), and I was intimidated but it really is easy. I haven't tried other kinds yet, but fresh mozz is yummy! I just use regular whole milk from the grocery store, even 2% works, just make sure it's not ultra-pasteurized (it would say on the label).

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