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An Introduction

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Hi everyone! My name is Donna. I'm married to Bill and we have six wonderful children. Our oldest is 25 and graduated from ps, joined the Marines and is now an EMT. Then we have a dd who is 20, went to private school until her 7th grade year when we switched to homeschooling and graduated two years ago. She is engaged to be married next year and works a full time job. Then there is dd#2, 18, ...private school until 5th grade, graduated homeschool last year and will begin college this fall. DD#3,16, homeschooled since 3rd grade will be a junior this year. DD#4, 14, (Yes, I have four teenage dd, thus all the grey hair!!) she is a rising 9th grader, homeschooled since 1st grade. Then there is Jack, number 6, 2nd boy. He is 8 and has always been homeschooled and will be in 3rd grade this year. Last year we started going to an accredited homeschool classical co-op one day a week. I teach the high school histories, (World and US) Economics and political science classes.


I taught public school special education for 13 years and was an administrator for two years before coming home to teach my own children.


Probably much more information than y'all wanted to know, but if there is anything you want to know that I didn't answer, feel free to ask.


I've been lurking for a couple of weeks now, and then the other night while on pain meds I decided to make a few comments:blush:, so I thought I should introduce myself and apologize for any comments made while under the influence:)


I look forward to getting to know each of you better.

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Hi everyone! My name is Donna. Last year we started going to an accredited homeschool classical co-op one day a week. I teach the high school histories, (World and US) Economics and political science classes.


I taught public school special education for 13 years and was an administrator for two years before coming home to teach my own children.



Welcome Donna! It looks like you have lots of wisdom to share!


I have a 9th grade dd, and a 10th grade ds with some learning challenges.


Can you tell me what high school history you use? Last year our co-op did U.S. Military History. This year they are doing World History with Streams of Civilization.

Edited by Evergreen State Sue
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