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School room photos

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We did a sizeable reno this year, and here is one of the results! This room did not exist at all before. I wanted lots of windows and it is such a lovely place to sit and work - or stare outside and watch the deer and birds who visit our yard.


We installed cork on the floor and I love it. I want to make a sign with our homeschool name and install that under the large wall shelf (a recovered fireplace mantle) as well as find a nice map of the world.


We love our little space so much! BTW, both doors leading to the room are French doors. They both need one more final coat of paint before I can remove the glass protectors :)







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Thanks! I am really happy with how it turned out.


I have a large built in bookshelf in the office for my instructional books that I'm not using this year, as well as for all of our living books that I use with science and math. I don't like those to get mixed in with the regular reading materials or I forget about them. The kids have a large bookself on the other side of that wall that houses all of their picture and chapter books.

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It looks peaceful - from your choice of color to the great view, it definitely would set the tone for some great school days!


Approximately how many square feet is it? We have a small, screened side patio I've been thinking about converting into a similar area. I'm trying to decide if it's roomy enough, and whether I want it to be bare-bones (current books only) or a housing place for all things school-related. Share your thought process with me :)

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It looks peaceful - from your choice of color to the great view, it definitely would set the tone for some great school days!


Approximately how many square feet is it? We have a small, screened side patio I've been thinking about converting into a similar area. I'm trying to decide if it's roomy enough, and whether I want it to be bare-bones (current books only) or a housing place for all things school-related. Share your thought process with me :)


The room is about 10'x14.5'. The open space, which is a through fare of sorts, is great for working on things or building structures etc. So I like having that extra room there. I really don't like clutter and as I have two active boys, I really wanted a peaceful, non-distracting area. I may move the easel to the playroom and add a cozy reading chair in the corner at some point.


Thanks for the kind words everyone!

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What a lovely room. I love the lack of clutter. Very soothing.




It's not making me feel visually overwhelmed.


This year I aspire to a school room that does not look like one. :001_smile: Thanks for the inspiration!


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