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How much to charge for damage deposit on rental home???

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We are hoping to sign a lease tomorrow for a family to rent our home. What is normal to charge for damage deposit? I thought it was first and last month's rent??? Or do you charge an amount on top of that?


ETA: We signed this morning. We charged them the equivalent of a month's rent as a damage deposit.

Edited by strider
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Every deposit we have paid, and what we charge on our rental, is equal to one month's rent. It is refundable, less damages. We also charge a pet deposit on approved pets. It OS enough to cover new carpet and a little more. Also refundable.

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We've always paid a deposit. It has really varied. Sometimes it's just a "good measure" amount (we come off *really* well in person so a lot of times people who weren't sure would do it really low for us). Other times it's been something like $500 or half the rent. And then there have been times it's been a full month's rent.


Then pet deposits run $150-300 with a portion non-refundable (as you really need to treat for fleas and do the carpets regardless of the animal's behavior, health, etc). Sometimes it is that much per animal. Sometimes it's period.


In our current place, we paid half the rent, no pet deposit.

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We just rented out our house. We charged first month's rent and a security deposit equal to 1 month's rent.


This is what we charge and what we paid when we were renters. We also charge a $100 non refundable pet fee (one time fee) as we need to do extra cleaning and flea treatments when there are pets involved.

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In looking for a house in FL and now leasing a home in another state in the last 3 years, we have found that 1st and last months rent plus deposit equal to rent which is totally refundable. We charge $300/pet with the notice that the carpet will be cleaned at their expense when the lease is up.


Hope this helps


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We paid two month's rent: one for a refundable security deposit, and one for a refundable pet security deposit.


Some states require that these deposits be placed in a special bank account, and interest earned be paid to the renters on an annual basis.


First and last month's rent are rent payments, one made in advance, not security deposits. There may be a state law about how to handle the advance payment.

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