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Open Our Mouth or Keep It Shut?

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What says the Hive?


Stay out of it. The friend is a big boy and can make his own decisions. If your dh were to want to talk to him, that's his right and prerogative as the best friend. But as the wife-of-best-friend, not in the wedding ... I'd steer clear.



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I'm so relieved to not be dating any longer. Can I just first start with that? Because it's true. I really am relieved.


He had decided not to officially "end" it over the phone, for he felt that was callous, even for her. So he braved the call, and said that they should talk, etc. She became hysterical, crying and weeping, begging for forgiveness. For a moment, I thought he would cave. He remained stoic, and just said he wanted to talk in person. She demanded to know if they were going to remain together, and when he gave vague, non-committal answers, she became angry. So, when he asked to meet the final time, she said "maybe this weekend" but she "can't promise anything" because she's really busy. He said that he needed some of his things, and some more clothes, and asked if he could just pick those up later and she responded with calling the cops if he came over when she wasn't there (it is technically her place....ugh) or if he came over unannounced. :glare: :glare: :glare:


So, he has decided to never go there without the presence of one of their friends who is a cop. He wants someone there just in case she tries to pull some B.S. like he took something that wasn't his, that he broke something, etc. Better safe than sorry is currently his motto.


Also, a side note, her parents called Drew last night to talk, and to genuinely apologize for, and I quote, "a spoiled little girl" who has an "inflated sense of self entitlement". OUCH :lol:


I would just like to say 'GO July19's DH!!!"


You should be very proud of your husband. And Drew sounds like a man who will make a fine husband someday to a worthy woman.

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Also, a side note, her parents called Drew last night to talk, and to genuinely apologize for, and I quote, "a spoiled little girl" who has an "inflated sense of self entitlement". OUCH :lol:


For this I am very happy. The situation I knew of like this, the parents showed up at the other parents apartment and trashed it.

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I am so happy for your friend Drew, and what a blessing for him to have friends like your dh and you.


That said, before reading the entire thread, I was starting to envision a little mischief on the wedding day. Ever seen Nick in a Billy Preston wig? That woulda been real sharp for the wedding party photos..

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Uh, no, but sometimes children turn out badly despite a parents' best efforts. Really.


I know that.


My point was that why this sudden turnaround. The same parents who are now calling her a spoiled little girl just bought her a dress and shoes worth$40000.


So what changed their minds to the point they are calling the ex-fiance of 1 day to apologize for her?

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