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It was likely ectopic. Had to get methotrexate shot. :(

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Take the time to do something special for yourself to recover for this. I am sorry this journey is not working out the way you had planned. I think it stinks that they do those things in the maternity ward, they never take into consideration the feelings of somene who is not there for a baby. I had to stay in maternity ward after I had emergency hyst. and lost my twins at the same time, its gut wrentching to hear all the happiness when you are sad.



Hugs and Warm thoughts :grouphug::grouphug:



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Got today's HCG levels back.


They went from 410 last Monday, to 587 last Wednesday, to 589 last Friday, to 665 today.


Because of the way they are rising, but rising slowly, they thought it quite likely the pregnancy is ectopic even though it was too early/levels too low to see anything for sure on ultrasound.


They told me to go get the shot of methotrexate tonight which stops any further growth and will cause my body to reabsorb whatever is there.


I just got back from the hospital/getting the shot. It was so devastating having to go to the maternity ward of all places to get it done. I walked in and saw a new baby being wheeled out of a room. They put me in a room where I could hear a nurse loudly counting as a woman in labor pushed which went on for several minutes and then a baby crying... ugh. This whole thing just sucks so much.


Then they told me that once this is over I should wait 4-6 months to try again to give the tubes a chance to fully heal which is so disappointing, it's been five months of trying already, and now this, and then another 4-6 months of waiting to try, and then who knows how long it will take to conceive again once I DO try... I hoped I could try again sooner. I hate this.


So, I've had the shot. Hopefully I won't have horrid side effects. I have to go to the lab in a week to test my HCG levels again and when they see where they're at then, they will tell me when I should go back to do it again. They have to monitor regularly til my levels go back down to 0.


Sorry for starting yet another thread about my pregnancy saga, just seems like sometimes the updates get lost in the existing longer threads. Thanks again for everyone who has offered support and encouragement through this whole crappy situation.


:grouphug: I am so, so sorry! :grouphug:

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When I had my ectopic surgery I woke up to the sounds of the maternity ward...I thought I would lose it. I so wish you didn't have to go there of all places for the shot.


I've not heard of the 4-6mo time frame. I did get a dye test to see if my tube was open a few months after the ectopic but we didn't wait to ttc before that.


I'm so sorry. Pregnancy loss is hard enough but an ectopic is just devastating.


My doctor mentioned that they used to do some sort of dye test but no longer do because of how much it costs to do each one and that it was more cost effective to just give it X amount of time to heal or something like that.


Awwww, I'm so sorry.



I posted on your other thread about the methotrexate. We weren't told to wait 4-6 months. We were told to wait a minimum of 3 months because of the effects of the drug on a baby.


And, incase you decide to google ectopics and future pregnancy rates (which I did and got totally freaked out about) ... I conceived at the 3 month mark, had a very early miscarriage, and got pregnant again the next month. That pregnancy is now a healthy 4.5-year old boy. I know a lot of people who have had ectopics and continued on to have normal pregnancies afterward. Don't get discouraged.


I hope that you have as easy of a time with this as you can and that you're able to conceive quickly once you start trying again.


Thank you... I do appreciate the positive stories about conceiving after an ectopic pregnancy (yours and others on this thread). I hope that it works out that way for me!


So sorry you've been going through this.


Ask your docs more about the timing of TTC. What the pp said about effects on baby made sense. Do they want the tube to heal to avoid another ectopic? (On the bright side, the drugs should allow you to save the tube, which should make it easier to conceive than if you'd lost it.)


Yeah, I did google and found other people saying their doctors told them to wait 3 months because of he effects on the baby... I didn't see ANYBODY say they had to wait longer than that except for some people who said that they had to get TWO doses of the shot and that some of their doctors told them that they should wait six months to TTC. But I didn't see anyone saying more than 3 months right off the bat.


My doctor did say something about giving the tubes time to fully heal and that if they aren't fully healed and you conceive again another ectopic could be more likely. But I don't know if I believe that that would be the case for me...I got the shot to end it at only 5 weeks of pregnancy. My HCG levels were only in the 600's. They did not see a visible mass in the tubes on ultrasound and were going more by the HCG levels. So I would THINK that if all goes smoothly and my levels drop down fairly quickly and I don't require any further intervention, that there should be no reason why I can't TTC again in three months. So if there are no further problems, I think I may just try again in October and see what happens.


I am so sorry!


I don't want to add to your heartache right now, but I would ask to have levels tested sooner than 1 week if possible. I say that b/c my ectopic did rupture despite the methotrexate, less than a week after getting the shot. If they won't test, at least be very aware of the signs (which didn't include pain, in my case.)

Not that you should truly worry about that, but do be aware.


And hang on to hope!!! Even after my emergency surgery w/tube removal, I wound up with my own special surprise about 6+9 months ago.


He said something about that there's usually a "false rise" right after getting the shot before it begins to dip down again and that's why they wait a week. He did say I should call if I started having any bad pains or anything. Maybe he's going by how early along I am and how low my levels were anyway, too, I'm not sure....


When I think about the fact that they only tested my HCG levels because I requested it, and if I hadn't, I wouldn't have even had my first appointment til 7/15, that's kind of scary. Who knows what might have happened between now and then or how much worse it would have felt if I'd gone there expecting to hear a heartbeat and got news like that instead.


I will never understand why they do this stuff in the maternity ward.


Me either. I think that was truly the most awful part. I held it together until I got into my car in the parking lot and then I just cried before I drove home. It seems really unnecessary just for a shot, and you would think the doctors and hospital staff would be more aware of how that could make someone feel.


Well, anyway.... so far I am feeling okay physically. I had a little bit of crampiness at like 1 AM but it didn't get really bad and it passed. So far no other side effects or symptoms at all.... no nauseau, no bleeding (other than the same type of spotting I've had all along), no further cramping etc. Maybe that takes a little longer to come about?


This is a hard situation all around but i am trying to come to terms with the fact that there's nothing I can do about it and that I can't just wile away the next several months focusing and obsessing on this and wishing the time away until I can try again--- I have kids at home now that I have to focus on and interact positively with and a life to live and I just have to live it and focus on the good things and try again when it's time to try again.


That's what I'm telling myself, anyway. I'm working on it.


Thanks to everyone who responded, all of you are appreciated... it's nice just knowing that there are other people out there who do sympathize, relate, hear you, and/or care, even if you never met them in person. :)

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