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OMGNESS! Y'all aren't going to believe this!

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I didn't want this lost in the other thread about my medical issues.


Okay, I'm sitting here reading the sex with teacher thread and the same lady I talked to at the allergists earlier today calls. She said she finally got the referral (I'm guessing a faxed form) from my primary and she was reading the report. The report says that they told me to treat my hives with ice packs.


ICE PACKS! What the ever freaking he77?


The lady was concerned that I was actually following the primary's orders. Not only did they not tell me to put ice packs on, I've enough sense to not follow that order if they had.


She read the rest of the report which stats that the reason I ended up with this bout of urticaria is because I stepped in front of a fan. Nooooo, I got out of bed Sunday and sometime in the night had skin exposed to cold bedroom.


I told her that this really is proof that I've been blown off and now they are lying left and right. Can you believe this crap?


So I assured my new friend that I'm not using ice. She also said that she double checked and I can use the 50mg of Benedryl up to the day before my new appointment on Thursday the 30th.


ETA: Thanks for all the prayers. God certainly does work in mysterious ways.

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I'm really glad things are straightening out for you!:001_smile: I had a similar issue when I discovered that something completely false had been entered in my son's medical records. They had given me bad advice and rather than stand by it they altered his records to put me in a bad light. They never meant me to see those papers, I'm sure, but they were very disorganized in their records department. I remember the outrage at having a lie about me on my son's medical records to this day, although that was 12 years ago now. I would demand that they fix it if at all possible.

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that is infuriating! What an ultrabuffoon that your primary told you that.


I am so happy you're getting some decent help.

That is just the thing. They lied on the report. No one at that office any of the three times I was there over two days told me any such thing. And they lied about why I was there. Well, not so much about why I was there, but about what started this round of hives.

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I am becoming more and more convinced that a) these people are technicians, they do not employ any sort of thinking skills in "practicing medicine" and b) most of them are high.


I hope you get a fix for this soon! Urticaria bites.

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I am becoming more and more convinced that a) these people are technicians, they do not employ any sort of thinking skills in "practicing medicine" and b) most of them are high.


I hope you get a fix for this soon! Urticaria bites.

I saw a nurse practitioner, MD and a PA.

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