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Bible verses and songs

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I need help, friends. I am planning for next year's weekly memory verses. I need songs to go with verses. The song doesn't have to be word for word scripture, but I'd like it to partly help the kids learn the verse. (ps. the song cannot be annoying) For instance, Great is thy Faithfulness would go with Lamentations 3:22-23. Ps. 46:5 goes with Stephen Curtis Chapman's Be Still and Know.

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Dana Dirkson has a couple cds, Songs for Saplings, just voice and acoustic guitar. http://www.amazon.com/Songs-Saplings-Dana-Dirksen/dp/B000NQ2A9U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1308852901&sr=1-1


Here's a sample of her music style, but it's not from a different cd set. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNMT2XZdcz4


But the ones that are hugely popular at our house are the Seeds cds. These are pop/rock/ccm sounding. http://www.seedsmusicstore.com/





thank you. I really like the Seeds family worship ones. I love the style. I'm hoping to burn a CD with a bunch of songs on it so we can listen in the van. So I will have to listen to it. I prefer a different style of music than what lots of the memory songs are. I can stand the cutesy style but I do like other styles too.

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