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Singapore- how do you combine/schedule TB, WB, IP, and CWP?


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My DS is using all four for every unit/week- works through the TB and WB problems, then does the IP, then the CWP. Loosely, he completes the TB/WB over two days, then one day each for the IP and CWP (approximately 30-45 min. of SM per day).


It's been working fine, but I'm curious how others use these resources. :)

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We have settled into our groove using 1B. I schedule 30 minutes to do math. We first do the HIG/Text/Workbook. If there is remaining time, we then tackle Extra Practice, Intensive Practice, and CWP. We're very loose about it, as right now our main lessons aren't taking too long, so we're getting plenty of time in for the extras. I've put in a few days a month to "catch up" with the extra books.


We have been doing Extra Practice a few units behind our actual lessons, using it for review and making sure it was retained. We're using IP/CWP half a level behind, so we're doing 1A stuff while we're in 1B.


We'll be starting 2A next month and if it requires more time to do our lessons, I'll bump up math to 40 minutes so we're sure to fit it all in.

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Last year we did text, IP, and CWP (no workbook). We did the chapter from the text, then the chapter from the IP. Because they are different levels of difficulty and length, we didn't have a regular schedule we could follow each week. We do one page from CWP every day.


Usually we spent a 2-3 days on the text, then 4-6 days on the IP.


Each day they would also complete a page from CWP. We do the CWP half a level behind and if they get all of the first 3 right in each chapter then we skip to the challenging problems. I think these are usually much easier then the IP problems.



Next year I am thinking about adding the workbook in. If we do that I think we will work through the text and workbook section by section, and do the IP when we are all done with the whole text and workbook. Still doing one page of CWP each day.

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I KNEW the responses would be fascinating!! :) But of course, now I have more questions.


We generally go chapter by chapter doing the TB/WB, then the CWP and then the IP.


This sounds similar to what we do; why did you decided to do the CWP before the IP?


We have settled into our groove using 1B. I schedule 30 minutes to do math. We first do the HIG/Text/Workbook. If there is remaining time, we then tackle Extra Practice, Intensive Practice, and CWP. We're very loose about it, as right now our main lessons aren't taking too long, so we're getting plenty of time in for the extras. I've put in a few days a month to "catch up" with the extra books.


We have been doing Extra Practice a few units behind our actual lessons, using it for review and making sure it was retained. We're using IP/CWP half a level behind, so we're doing 1A stuff while we're in 1B.


We'll be starting 2A next month and if it requires more time to do our lessons, I'll bump up math to 40 minutes so we're sure to fit it all in.


You're using EP, IP, and CWP for varying degrees of review- hmm, very, very interesting! I've never heard of that. Why did you decide to go this route? Cementing? Checking for retention?


My oldest does the chapter in the text with all the practices but not the reviews, then the corresponding chapters in CWP and IP. The reviews she does on Fridays, one semester behind.


It sounds like our schedules are similar, too. Can you tell me more about these 'reviews'? Do you mean the ones in the HIG that come every 3-4 units? So if I'm getting this correctly, you are (for example) doing the 2A reviews while working from the 2B book? Do you complete one review every Friday?




Last year we did text, IP, and CWP (no workbook). We did the chapter from the text, then the chapter from the IP. Because they are different levels of difficulty and length, we didn't have a regular schedule we could follow each week. We do one page from CWP every day.


Usually we spent a 2-3 days on the text, then 4-6 days on the IP.


Each day they would also complete a page from CWP. We do the CWP half a level behind and if they get all of the first 3 right in each chapter then we skip to the challenging problems. I think these are usually much easier then the IP problems.



Next year I am thinking about adding the workbook in. If we do that I think we will work through the text and workbook section by section, and do the IP when we are all done with the whole text and workbook. Still doing one page of CWP each day.


Ooh, lots to think about here. You said you think the CWP are much easier than the IP- why so? And your idea about next year has me intrigued! So you would *finish* the whole TB and WB and presumably much/all of the CWP, and then work only in the IP until it's finished? Very interesting! Can you explain your thought process for this?



Edited by Enough
Clunky wording. :)
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I work through the text/workbook as child is able, rather than a schedule. If he gets stuck on something, I reteach it is a different way by backing up to the basics behind it and wading in slowly. Then I turn to EP. When we sail through something, I use the EP, later, as a refresher. I use the IP of the semester before as a break between days when we are working on a sticking point. At the end of a section, if I need a breather to look over the next, we do CWP of the year before.


This year we finished in March, but I knew kiddo didn't have his mult tables down, and that he was shaky on remembering all the steps in division. So, we have backed up into MM Div 2 and Mult 2. He is enjoying being "good" at everything we are doing. In July, before we start 4A in August, I will review all the other things of 3, like units of measurement and fractions (which he did very well on, so we need only a review).


I keep all the books in a plastic box by my chair with colored tabs in various spots. E.g. blue for "review if you need to fill half an hour", yellow "work on a couple problems of this every day for now", green "don't forget to cover this in the next couple of months", etc. When I put my books away, I put the ones I think I should use next session up on end, with the first one I should grab closest to me, etc. Every month I look through all my resources and think of what I'm doing. I also print out weekly drill from a custom math-sheet site.



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I keep all the books in a plastic box by my chair with colored tabs in various spots. E.g. blue for "review if you need to fill half an hour", yellow "work on a couple problems of this every day for now", green "don't forget to cover this in the next couple of months", etc. When I put my books away, I put the ones I think I should use next session up on end, with the first one I should grab closest to me, etc. Every month I look through all my resources and think of what I'm doing. I also print out weekly drill from a custom math-sheet site.




This system is brilliant and simple (and feeds my addiction to Post-Its :lol:)- I'm stealing it!


ETA another question for anyone who has an opinion: what are the pros/cons of doing the CWP/IP *during* the unit? pros/cons of doing them *after*?

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We don't use the IP regularly, but we do use the text, workbook and CWP. She does one or two CWP word problems and 1/3 to 1/2 or a mental math worksheet to start our math lesson. Then I teach the lesson out of the HIG and text. Then she does the corresponding workbook exercise on her own. I check when she's done, we discuss anything shes gotten wrong and we move on. We'll also throw in a math game or two during the week as well.


We did use the IP in the beginning, but it just took to long and I feel we get more bang for the buck from the CWP's and the mental math exercises.

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You said you think the CWP are much easier than the IP- why so?


Ds10 just finished Text 4A, IP 4A, and CWP 3.

Ds11 just finished text 5A, IP 5A, and CWP 4.

So like I said we use it half a level behind, but they can do pages of CWP, even the challenging ones, all by themselves and not miss any. I also think CWP tend to be a little formulaic, IP are not. IP challenging problems are tough, and even the daily lessons keep the problem type mixed up. That's why we started skipping the practice problems in CWP if they do the first page or two 100%. But I also really like using the CWP behind becuse it keeps the problems that we are working on mixed up. So we don't do four different books, but only do angles that day.


So you would *finish* the whole TB and WB and presumably much/all of the CWP, and then work only in the IP until it's finished? Very interesting! Can you explain your thought process for this?



Mostly because the more books we have to rotate through, the easier it is to lose my boys. They really do better with less switching things around on any particular day. So since I am considering adding in the workbook next year, I really think text, workbook, and CWP is enough for math for one day.


I do think we have to keep plugging along with the CWP, because it is much easier to swallow a little bit at at time (I think it's that whole fomulaic thing ;)) then having to do several pages in one sitting.


Finally, I think IP is one of the best parts of this program, so I think we'll just work through it afterword. I anticipate that having only one mathbook will make math much easier for those weeks.

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Can you tell me more about these 'reviews'? Do you mean the ones in the HIG that come every 3-4 units? So if I'm getting this correctly, you are (for example) doing the 2A reviews while working from the 2B book? Do you complete one review every Friday?


No, I mean the end-of-chapter reviews in the Standards edition textbooks. They are overkill for my DD at the time they're scheduled but I find they're perfect when done 1 semester behind (so she'll be doing the 4B reviews in 5A when she starts that next week).

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We do Text & WkBk on a daily basis (including everything in the WkBks, but skipping the Practice sections in the Text).


Every two or three years, we'll do a level of IP immediately following completing the corresponding Text/WkBk level. Ideal schedule IME is to do either IP3 or IP4, and then also IP6.


I haven't used CWP regularly, but my dd8 LOVES word problems, so we're going to do CWP4 over the summer for fun (she just finished PM4) and will likely get the other levels as their time comes if she is still so enamored with them.

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Just an observation in case it helps anyone else.

This year I had the binding cut off of the IP books and had them spiral bound together. I've found it very difficult to get the IP books to lie flat. This helped us a lot. :001_smile:

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ETA another question for anyone who has an opinion: what are the pros/cons of doing the CWP/IP *during* the unit? pros/cons of doing them *after*?



I'm doing spiral rather than mastery SM. Kiddo would be very bored and behind waiting to get "good" at everything. IP has some parts that are as easy as EP, but each subject gets harder as you move along, until you get to "challenging". I use CWP for kiddo to work on his comprehension by himself, without me giving hints right and left. Thus, both of these books function most productively, for me, a semester behind.


If I had a gifted math child, I'd probably do them at the same level. HTH.

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ETA another question for anyone who has an opinion: what are the pros/cons of doing the CWP/IP *during* the unit? pros/cons of doing them *after*?


My DD is using CWP & IP in lieu of the workbook. I find that provides the right balance for her between practice with on-level problems and stretching her brain with more challenging ones.


As Singapore is a mastery program, I think it's a good idea to use some component of it 1-2 semesters behind as review. Many people like IP and/or CWP for this, but as my DD has already completed those, she's using the textbook reviews.

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I'm doing spiral rather than mastery SM. Kiddo would be very bored and behind waiting to get "good" at everything. IP has some parts that are as easy as EP, but each subject gets harder as you move along, until you get to "challenging". I use CWP for kiddo to work on his comprehension by himself, without me giving hints right and left. Thus, both of these books function most productively, for me, a semester behind.


If I had a gifted math child, I'd probably do them at the same level. HTH.


My DD is using CWP & IP in lieu of the workbook. I find that provides the right balance for her between practice with on-level problems and stretching her brain with more challenging ones.


As Singapore is a mastery program, I think it's a good idea to use some component of it 1-2 semesters behind as review. Many people like IP and/or CWP for this, but as my DD has already completed those, she's using the textbook reviews.


OHHHH. Lightbulb moment for me! :001_smile: The spiral/mastery component never occurred to me, nor did it occur to me that SM might need some review added in (or I guess a more accurate statement would be that the *child* using SM might need more review added in). It sounds like both of you are "spiraling" it (in your own unique ways). Hmm, lots to think about here.

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Great thread!


This past year was the first that I used IP and CWP (w/my 2nd grader). I went fly by the seat of my pants style, which I don't think I'll be repeating. I generally had ds do wb/tb, with 1 page each of cwp and ip. I started the year with just wb/tb and then eased the other 2 in. By the end of the year he was spread over 3 different concepts in one session. Tb/wb for the current concept, ip for the previously learned concept and cwp for anything covered before that. So, as pp have said, turning SM into more of a spiral (at least in the review sense, not so much in the building on the concepts sense).


Next year, I am going to get more organized about it. I love some of the ideas in this thread and I'm going to take some time to sift through them. At this moment, I'm thinking that I will cut off the bindings and either file them or use a 3-ring binder w/dividers to organize our year.

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I don't use the HIG, so I have no idea how Singapore suggests scheduling, but here is what I do with DS:


First we'll do a concept in the textbook with him doing the example problems in the textbook, followed by the corresponding section of the workbook. We'll then work on some IP for the section, then include some CWP that are behind where we are as review of what he's learned to ensure he really mastered it.


For example, this week we have on our schedule:



2B TX pp. 50-51; WB pp. 79-82



SM - 2B WB pp. 83-86



SM - 2B WB pp. 87-90



SM - 2B IP pp. 1-10



SM - CWP 2 pp. 1-6


Next week and the week after we have just CWP's for the week to get through pp. 7-103, which is 2A material, but for us, with a light summer schedule in effect right now, it's review for DS and allows me to see that he's retaining what he learned in 2A before we really go much further with 2B. If all looks good, we move forward with 2B in the third week, getting back to our TX, WB, IP routine and move to CWP every couple of weeks for review and additional challenge.

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