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Are there any dentist here?? I don't trust ours.

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We recently had to switch dentist due to insurance changes. My 6 year old daughter, who loves going to the dentist, had her teeth cleaned today by the new dentist and he said she has 8 cavitities! I was shocked! She has gone every 6 months since she was 3, never had ANY issues and the main things she drink are water and milk, juice is rare and sodas are never and we eat mostly food I make from scratch and I am trying to cut out processed food. She NEVER went to bed with a bottle or cup or juice or milk. So I was shocked and disappointed to hear she has 8!!


My husband went for his cleaning and he suddenly has work costing $1400 out of pocket to done too.


So, how common is it for a child to develop 8 cavities in 6 months??? And he wants to drill all of them over 4 visits costing almost $1200. Really??? Is all that necessary? I was impressed with anyone in that dentist office. ughhhhhh.... Someone please advise..

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I would not trust that assessment and would look elsewhere. When you look in your DD's mouth, can you see the cavities? When my DS had a cavity I was able to see it in his mouth - it was so obvious. Same goes for when I had a cavity. There is no way your DD could need over 1K of work in her mouth without your being able to clearly see it IMO.

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I agree with all the other posters. My kids hadn't been to the dentist in 2 years (yea yea don't say it :P) and they have ONE cavity each. ONE. After 2 years. So 8 is 6 months? I think not.


Go to another one, before you step foot back in that other office. Matter of fact I would just quit the other office all together.

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My parents are in the dental business (not dentists, but work with). You are right to be suspicious. Sadly, there are some unethical dentists who are rather like unethical mechanics. You know how you bring your car in for an oil change, and next thing you know they say you need new brakes, a new radiator, and your shocks are bad? Same thing, only it's cavities and gum disease.

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Thanks everyone for you responses. I was still so shocked and disappointed. I even asked the hygentist if all this work was necessary for baby teeth and she acted like I was the worst person ever for asking that.


I have an uncle who is a dentist a few states away and I emailed him for his opinion. Good grief for $2500, I would rather us all travel to him and him do the work for a discounted rate, even THAT would be cheaper.



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Funny about your Uncle - I was just thinking that we had such huge problems with trust issues in dentists that I had my hubby drive 4 hours away to hook up with my dad (who is a specialist dentist) and use only the dentists for work up there that he recommended. Sad, huh? In a city of probably thousands of dentists I decided I could trust... none? Sigh. Too many horror stories growing up, and working as a dental office mgr/asst for awhile!

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Well, I think probably PPs are right and this is very suspicious... but on the other hand, I think there are often areas that some dentists will 'watch' and others will move to fill right away... I did get a 2nd opinion for my own DS, but the 2nd dentist actually agreed with the first!

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I'd definitely go for a second opinion. Is there someone who could recommend another dentist in your area? If you find out that the first one was a quack, I'd definitely file a complaint with your state's BBB. The only complaint I've ever filed with the BBB was with a dentist. :glare:

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I agree with all the other posters. My kids hadn't been to the dentist in 2 years (yea yea don't say it :P) and they have ONE cavity each. ONE. After 2 years. So 8 is 6 months? I think not.


Go to another one, before you step foot back in that other office. Matter of fact I would just quit the other office all together.


:iagree: and report him to your insurance company for fraud!!!!!

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