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The very last...

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box of homeschool materials came in my mail today. As far as I know (and of course, I may change my mind...LOL), this is the last that I will ever need to buy since my baby graduates next year.




I just hope he goes to the state U nearby so that he will be commuting from home. :) I have another son who is attending that U...so I have a little time before the nest is empty.



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Congratulations! What an achievement!


I have graduated one who is halfway through pre-med and will be a licensed paramedic by the end of August. Ds began his 9th grade work in April and I'm already feeling a little nostalgic just thinking that the last four years are here. I'm also a little freaked because dd was one of those kids born 21...she's just always been mature. He's well, he's a boy and something of a typical boy at that so my brain goes wonky..."Will he be ready? How can I make sure he is a man and not a boy in a man body? Will he????????" Yep, my brain goes bananas. I"m sure I'll get over it.


There are two other boys in the wings. The just promoted 8th grader will be VERY ready for 9th grade work early, but...well, he's another one that makes my brain feel mushy. (Don't get me wrong. My little men are great people and not particularly difficult to raise, they just worry me a little.) The youngest is a 6th grader and frankly, he'd embrace college now if he'd already completed the higher math. He's just another mature beyond his years, highly motivated, no nonsense kind of person.


I just love to hear stories of those at the end of homeschooling. It's a remarkable journey! We remember when we taught them to read and now look how far we've come...amazing and very self-satisfying too!



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Wow! Congratulations on a wonderful achievement! :hurray:


What will you do once homeschooling is done? My dd (the baby) will be in 10th next year, and, though I'm thrilled with how far we've come together, I'm dreading not having them around to homeschool! It's been THE thing for years. I still don't know what I'll do with myself! :001_huh:

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Congratulations! What an achievement!


I have graduated one who is halfway through pre-med and will be a licensed paramedic by the end of August. Ds began his 9th grade work in April and I'm already feeling a little nostalgic just thinking that the last four years are here. I'm also a little freaked because dd was one of those kids born 21...she's just always been mature. He's well, he's a boy and something of a typical boy at that so my brain goes wonky..."Will he be ready? How can I make sure he is a man and not a boy in a man body? Will he????????" Yep, my brain goes bananas. I"m sure I'll get over it.


There are two other boys in the wings. The just promoted 8th grader will be VERY ready for 9th grade work early, but...well, he's another one that makes my brain feel mushy. (Don't get me wrong. My little men are great people and not particularly difficult to raise, they just worry me a little.) The youngest is a 6th grader and frankly, he'd embrace college now if he'd already completed the higher math. He's just another mature beyond his years, highly motivated, no nonsense kind of person.


I just love to hear stories of those at the end of homeschooling. It's a remarkable journey! We remember when we taught them to read and now look how far we've come...amazing and very self-satisfying too!




I always like to remember....


the one who couldn't write or spell to save her life got the 4 year scholarship on a "hot" essay and has a 4.0.


the kid who took 3 years to learn his multiplication tables is a junior in engineering.


the one who couldn't learn to read until 4th grade has 3.95 grade point average on his high school transcript.


Youda never thunk it.



Edited by Jean in Wisc
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Wow! Congratulations on a wonderful achievement! :hurray:


What will you do once homeschooling is done? My dd (the baby) will be in 10th next year, and, though I'm thrilled with how far we've come together, I'm dreading not having them around to homeschool! It's been THE thing for years. I still don't know what I'll do with myself! :001_huh:


As long as my kids are at the nearby college, I'll still be mom--doing laundry and making meals. I'm back to a big garden--and replanted my orchard this year. I'm president of an astronomy club and a member of the Civil Air Patrol.


Sometimes I think I'd like to work in a writing lab at the nearby vocational school or the university. Don't think I want to go back to teaching in the public schools. (Where is that smiley with the tiger with his tongue hanging out, shaking his head?)


I just bought myself a 21 speed bike.


:) Life goes on!

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Congratulations(?), Jean.


I know I'm a newbie here as far as posting goes, but as long as I can remember I have been reading your homeschooling words of wisdom on these boards. Once your youngest graduates, I hope you will still continue to visit the boards and offer advice to those of us still marching towards the bright light at the end of a long, albeit rewarding, tunnel.

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:grouphug: I can never pass one of your posts, Jean; they are always so uplifting.


Blessing to you both.


I always like to remember....


the one who couldn't write or spell to save her life got the 4 year scholarship on a "hot" essay and has a 4.0.


the kid who took 3 years to learn his multiplication tables is a junior in engineering.


the one who couldn't learn to read until 4th grade has 3.98 grade point average on his high school transcript.


Youda never thunk it.



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Jean, THANK YOU! I needed this big time. There is hope for my children:)


I always like to remember....


the one who couldn't write or spell to save her life got the 4 year scholarship on a "hot" essay and has a 4.0.


the kid who took 3 years to learn his multiplication tables is a junior in engineering.


the one who couldn't learn to read until 4th grade has 3.98 grade point average on his high school transcript.


Youda never thunk it.



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Congrats Jean-

But, you know you'll be buying "just one more book" even after the youngest goes to college? My dd is also a sr. this coming year but I will probably be buying things this coming April!!! We are only in our 2nd year of homeschooling here. Can't imagine what it would be like after so many years to have the last graduating. I hope you will get to do something equally as rewarding as your next "thing".

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You're still going to post cool astronomy things here, though, I hope?


Pretty please, Jean? I think I've read every single one of your night sky-watching posts.


Congratulations on an amazing homeschool journey. And who knows, someday you may help teach a grandkid how to read! You'll need a book or two for that. ;)



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Hi, Jean! Good to see you here!


I'm only one year behind you, and I'm trying to think (between planning next year's classes) about what I might want to do when I "graduate".


Congrats on where you are and how you kids are progressing. Isn't it nice to see the fruits of our labors?


Dd was having one of those omgoodness moments a couple of weeks ago, "Mom, it's so surreal! I'm done with a year of school [college]. I just doesn't feel possible. I loked forward to college all those years. It doesn't feel real." It was cute to hear those words come out of her mouth. (No doubt she's my child - there's angst all over us! :lol:)


If you need a change of scenery, come see me and teach me how to garden, OK?

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I'm glad to be getting done with homeschooling. I love teaching, but I'm getting weary of the paper shuffle, transcripts, grades, and all. I'm glad my kids can stay home and get a good college education--tuition is under 7K at the U, so it is easy for them to find a reason to stay here :).


I've started my own astronomy newsletter/blog for the homeschoolers in my area (also for the area public libraries). I'll probably keep stopping in here for another year until my son is graduated. After that? I don't know. Time will tell.


Life is changing!


Blessings on you all!


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I went through and winnowed the grade school stuff down a few years ago. I'm keeping the best of it in case my sister needs it, since she has preschoolers and isn't fond of the idea of sending them to the city schools. Grandchildren occurred to me, too. I kept the story and history and science books (real books), Writing Strands, Latin, all our French children's books, and Primary Maths. Spelling Workout and the grammar books (which we never managed to complete) were workbooks, anyway, and not reusable anyway. It was a sad task, one that I am glad is behind me. Now I am winnowing logic and rhetoric stage materials, since at this point my last one is down to community college and a fairly short list of things to do for me. Somehow this isn't as sad as winnowing the elementary school stuff. And it is easier, since many of the books will go into my children's own libraries. We tried to get everyone their own copies of the great books we read, even if they were used copies. Used hardback is oftn nicer than new paperback, anyway. But I am meandering.



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