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Summer weather

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You people with your sunshine and warm weather are making me jealous! At least we are consistantly in the 60s now.... and the "sunbreaks" seem to be a bit more prevalent than the clouds as of late... And the rain is more of a mist this time of year... "The mountain was out" (which means it was clear enough to see Mt. Rainier) last weekend and we actually hit 70 (maybe even 80) for a day or two. So that is June in the PNW.... 50s-80s but generally in the 60s... rainy to cloudy with sunbreaks... with the occasionally sunny day to make sure we vampires twinkle on occasion.

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It's been cold and rainy most days here. We just finished a whole three days of warm (70s) sunny days. It's in the 60s and cloudy today. It's quite depressing really...we are all antsy to get some summer weather.


:iagree: Yes. I knew it was that four days without the heat on was pushing it. Today the furnace is running again. It's 52 degrees outside right now, which would be a pretty average high for early March.

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today? the weather could be classified as "flaming hot"


Usually it is late June before it gets REALLY hot, but we went from a cool comfortable may to mid summer weather already. July and August are generally uncomfortable, but September and October are gorgeous.

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We live in Atlanta and everyone is saying the same thing as you. I cannot remember it being this hot so early in the season. We skipped Spring and just went straight to the end of summer weather. The forecast for the next 10 days remains the same - high 90s and no rain. Just bringing down the garbage cans causes DS to be dripping with sweat. I don't even want to think about our cooling bills :ack2:.


Been here 33 years! I'm over it...



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I barely pay attention & then can't remember from one year to the next, but I think 100+ isn't supposed to happen here until mid-late July & lasts until very early Sept, sometimes just late Aug. But 90+ starts in late May/early June (I think) & goes to late Sept/Oct.


Today's high is 101. :svengo:


I'm sorry Aubrey. It is going to be a record breaking summer here in North Texas because I'm pregnant and due mid August.


Susan in TX

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It's already dangerously hot around here. Yes, it's much hotter, much earlier than normal. The last couple of years, however, we've had milder July and Augusts than May and Junes. It's been weird but I'm hoping that will be the case this year. It's terrible here! No rain and 100+ temperatures for weeks already. We are outside in little bits at a time and we are nasty, sticky, stinky sweaty after even that.


We really need a break down here!

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I would call this pretty accurate for my area of Alabama also. We did have a decent Spring of a few to several weeks this year. It was fun pretending we have nice Spring seasons. We ate outside SO much. It was great. Not so much anymore. :)


It's in the 90s here (I think I'm doing the conversion from Celsius right) and A/C is not so much in vogue. We have it in the house, but it's not powerful. I'll get back to Texas just in time for High Summer (the season otherwise known as August).


I say Texas (at least North Texas) has the following seasons (with accompanying lengths):


Spring (about 1 week in early March)

Early Summer (March - May)

Summer (June - July)

High Summer (August)

Late Summer (September - November)

Fall (December)

Winter (January - February)

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Today we had 95 degree weather here in the mid-lower peninsula of Michigan. This is unseasonably hot for this time of year. The heat index was over 100 and two weeks ago, it was still getting down to 38-40 degrees at night so it's a shock to everyone's systems. There were a lot of warnings about heat stroke since this is the time of year that everyone is rushing to get the last of their gardens in and what not. Additionally, many schools are still in session and a huge number of Michigan schools do not have air conditioning as it normally is not needed and unfortunately, very little shade. The teachers were scrambling to make sure that their students had a lot more water to drink and to watch everyone closely on the playground.


I don't know if this is an indicator of a really hot summer or not. Two years ago produce wouldn't ripen in Michigan because we had too few days over 75 degrees. Tomatoes stayed green right up until the first frost of autumnm, cantelopes and melons never made it. So, I think all predictions are off...it could be an average summer of Michigan past, mostly sunny days in the 70's with some rain for June, days in the 80's with brief respites from the heat but fairly dry for July, and then at the very end of July and into early August, a few days in the 90's with it cooling down and beginning to rain off and on again by mid-August....or....crazy kilter-wampus! It's Michigan, anything is possible including an ice age by August 1st! LOL


Oh and while it was 95 today, it will be only 75 tomorrow. Yep, that's good ole Mich! A twenty point difference in 24 hours - never a dull moment.



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You people with your sunshine and warm weather are making me jealous! At least we are consistantly in the 60s now.... and the "sunbreaks" seem to be a bit more prevalent than the clouds as of late... And the rain is more of a mist this time of year... "The mountain was out" (which means it was clear enough to see Mt. Rainier) last weekend and we actually hit 70 (maybe even 80) for a day or two. So that is June in the PNW.... 50s-80s but generally in the 60s... rainy to cloudy with sunbreaks... with the occasionally sunny day to make sure we vampires twinkle on occasion.


:lol: "...warm weather...", she says. :lol: We done passed warm several weeks ago and are now at 10th Circle of Hell -- all before summer officially starts.


And, wow!, you have wet stuff coming down from the sky! What's that called again?

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Our weather is finally getting back to "normal". Generally, we have hot and dry - no rain from April to about October. Temps should be in the mid - upper 80's reaching 90 by now. Last weekend the temps were in the 60's and we got 2 inches of rain. But, it's getting warmer and by July we'll be in the mid-upper 90's and the 100's until mid-August or so. The only thing that saves us is that it's nice and dry. We have no humidity to speak of, so it doesn't get really uncomfortable until the thermometer breaks 100 degrees.

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