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Someone is Canada is pregnant!!!

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Mine is due Oct. 28. :D We'll see who comes first.


We'll have to start a Canadian baby thread near the end of October. :lol:



Congratulations, Miss Impish!!! If you have a baby boy, we need to find him a little kilt to wear.:D

I still want to get Wolf a Utilikilt :lol:

Congratulations! I now feel lighter! :tongue_smilie:

Well, that's one of us...I swear I get bigger every day!

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WOW!!! Yay, Imp!! I know this has been your heart's desire for so long, and I thank God that He has blessed you with another sweet baby. You are a wonderful mom, and I'm excited to see what God has in store for your precious family!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Yes, I AM











Congratulations on being Canadian!!! That is awesome!!!




I've been learning so much about your country - one of the greatest ones to our north. And how is that National Igloo coming along??? Has the dome held up from global warming? Please say hi to the other hundred people living up there when you get together for some poutine. :D I love all the things I learn here!!! :)







Oh and congratulations on the wee Canadian too. :D

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