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I knew I wasn't delusional!

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I knew she was actually saying words! I didn't dare to even tell anyone except my husband and my mom, and neither of them believed me. Until the other day, when she had a developmental assessment. (Not that we decided to for her, but because we're participating in a research study at a local university.)


I'm just feeling vindicated and wanted to share with someone. I don't even dare to bring it up with my sister or my sister-in-law, who I normally share everything with--I wouldn't want them to think I was bragging that my kid's smarter than theirs are, you know?

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Just a few words that I'm sure of. Hi, Yeah, Dada, Nana (what her big sister calls my mom), and I think maybe she's calling her sister La la (her name is Lizzie). She does a few signs, too.


I didn't think it was possible, either, but my infant told me when she needed a diaper change. :) It does make you feel a little crazy though, huh?

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I knew she was actually saying words! I didn't dare to even tell anyone except my husband and my mom, and neither of them believed me. Until the other day, when she had a developmental assessment. (Not that we decided to for her, but because we're participating in a research study at a local university.)


I'm just feeling vindicated and wanted to share with someone. I don't even dare to bring it up with my sister or my sister-in-law, who I normally share everything with--I wouldn't want them to think I was bragging that my kid's smarter than theirs are, you know?


My 17 yod held long conversations by 16 months. I know I was flabbergasted by how much she knew and understood b/c her older brothers only spoke a few words at 2 and I kept thinking that they had gotten away with murder b/c I had no idea how much they must have really understood even though they couldn't talk.


FWIW, in our family it has not correlated w/ being gifted. She did everything earlier than her siblings (reading, writing, etc), however at 17 she is definitely only average and is by far my weakest student.

Edited by 8FillTheHeart
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My 17 yod held long conversations by 16 months. I know I was flabbergasted by how much she knew and understood b/c her older brothers only spoke a few words at 2 and I kept thinking that they had got away with murder b/c I had no idea how much they must have really understood even though they couldn't talk.


FWIW, in our family it has not correlated w/ being gifted. She did everything earlier than her siblings (reading, writing, etc), however at 17 she is definitely only average and is by far my weakest student.


My experience as well. My latest talker, walker, and reader is by far my best student....and has a 4.0 still going into her 4 th year at college....a very academically challenging one at that.



Eta...my youngest was talking clearly by 9 mos. I was trying to teach him signs, but he was saying the words to go with the signs.



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FWIW, in our family it has not correlated w/ being gifted. She did everything earlier than her siblings (reading, writing, etc), however at 17 she is definitely only average and is by far my weakest student.


Thank you, it's good to know I shouldn't necessarily expect that.

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That's so funny. I felt the same way when my daughter said her first word at six months. She saw a DVD box at the store for the movie "The Retreivers" that had some dogs on the cover and said "dog" when she saw it. I kept hiding it from her, showing her others DVD boxes to see it she'd say the same thing when she saw them (because I couldn't believe it), but sure enough, she only said it when she saw the correct one. My dh didn't believe me until he heard our daughter himself. She only said a few more words repeatedly before she turned one, but she sure can talk your ear off now (at three). :tongue_smilie:


I had thought then that she was just making up for not being able to learn gross motor skills. She had hip displaysia as a baby and was in a chest-to-toes Spica cast from three to six months so couldn't move anything but her head and arms. I didn't realize that some babies just start talking that early. I didn't like telling anyone else either because I knew they'd think I was just thinking she'd said it but she wasn't really.


She makes up for my now 17 month old who only has a handful of words that she says...although her first word(s) was/were "thank you". That's gotta make a mom feel proud. :tongue_smilie:(Even though she has yet to say "Mommy"!)

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My dh didn't believe me until he heard our daughter himself.


My husband had actually heard her saying, "Dada dada dada!" when he would walk in the door, and he still insisted that she must just be making sounds for the fun of it without understanding what they meant.

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Those early talkers can really surprise you - on the other hand, my middle was using complicated sentences at 15 months - like screaming "I Want a Popsicle" at 2 am, and at 12 months when a nice elderly lady mentionned how pretty she was yelling "NO, Bad Lady!!!"


I was much happier when her younger brother, who also has the "Irish temperment", only screamed in long babbling sentences when upset at the same age - when he did talk at almost 2, he never did single words...just from babble into paragraphs...he's the math head now, and she's the language kiddo in the house....


Enjoy each gift/phase - don't doubt what your kiddo can do - my oldest, who has language based learning difficulties, could identify colors at 12 months - even understanding that yellow came in different shades...kids brains are amazing, and milestones/grade equivilants, etc don't scratch the surface of it all....


Sound like you have an exciting challenge on your hands...

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Your 7 mos old? Mine was born the same day. She might have said something the other day, but I dismissed it. She still seems so little. :) Funny, with my first, I couldn't wait for him to "start doing stuff". And now I just want her to stay my baby.


(And while we're bragging, mine started picking up things with her pinchers (but isn't crawling yet and all the others were crawling by now). She's going to be my master of fine motor skills.)

Edited by Scuff
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My oldest started saying mama, and dada at 5.5 months and they were specific to us. All of my kids have said mama, and dada as well as a few other things by 8 months. I had no idea that was not normal?


Speech is delayed if they aren't saying words by 16 months, so half of that is unusual. They often have 1 or 2 words by 12 months but having 0 then is totally normal.

Mine talked at 16.5 months (but signed from 6 months), about 22 months (was in EI, caught up now), and 6 months ("mama", also signed from 5 months). We're mostly at the distinct-sounds-for-each-word-that-aren't-actually-the-right-sounds stage, but "muh-muh" has been me from the start.

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(And while we're bragging, mine started picking up things with her pinchers (but isn't crawling yet and all the others were crawling by now). She's going to be my master of fine motor skills.)


Neat! Mine can't do that at all, yet, and she only recently started scooting around. That was the other nice thing about getting the developmental assessment--I was starting to worry a bit about her gross motor skills, but they said she was doing fine with that. My older daughter was an early mover.

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and 6 months ("mama", also signed from 5 months). We're mostly at the distinct-sounds-for-each-word-that-aren't-actually-the-right-sounds stage, but "muh-muh" has been me from the start.


Wow, that's so neat! My little one calls Dada and Nana by their names, but I am the baby sign for 'milk'. :glare: Her older sister did the same thing--first word was Dada at eight months old, but I was the 'milk' sign for quite a while longer.

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Wow, that's so neat! My little one calls Dada and Nana by their names, but I am the baby sign for 'milk'. :glare: Her older sister did the same thing--first word was Dada at eight months old, but I was the 'milk' sign for quite a while longer.


:lol::lol: I am still usually the "milk" sign, even though he also calls for "mama." He only calls aloud if he's been "abandoned" on the floor while I go wash my hands from a diaper change or something mean like that, lol.

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