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Give me a clue what is a decent price

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Looking to purchase 1/2 cow/beef for our freezer. I would also consider mixed meat packages. I'd like grass-fed but will have to see what I can afford. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure? If you do not want to post it here, please PM me.


Thank you!

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I just did this. We spent way more than we thought we would. It came to almost $7/pound of usable meat. We had to pay $3.25/# hanging weight for 1/2 cow. Then a slaughter fee of $50, and a butcher fee of $.67/#(who knew there was a difference?). There was so much waste - bones & fat trim - just over 40%. I found out too late I should have asked for the liver - THAT would have reduced my per-pound rate (and I love liver).


I was paying $6-$7/pound for chuck steaks and ground beef at the farmer's market. I know I got some nicer cuts included in this deal, but, those are cuts I probably wouldn't buy on a regular basis anyway. So it didn't turn out to be such a great deal.


This was in central CA.

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We were paying $2.50 lb for half a cow. Pastured. No growth hormones or antibiotics. That was what we paid last summer. I'm sure the price has gone up some by now.


I would pay more if I had to. I've seen the prices in the stores, and what I was getting was better meat. Last time I was in WalMart their ground chuck was $3.59 lb, GROUND CHUCK! I was getting roasts and steaks for less than that.

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I am in Northern CA and am looking at $6-7 a pound. So this is evidently the going rate for our area. Perhaps I should ask "Wyoming Kid Wrangler" really nicely if she can send me some for $0.99 a pound. What a price difference!

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$3.90/pound for grass fed only

$2.60/pound for grass fed but grain finished


Both are hormone free.


This is based on buying a min. of 1/8 cow. You can buy less but it is more expensive.


I plan to do this (I think!) in July for the first time. We aren't big beef eaters so I am sure 1/8 of a cow will last us a full year. We eat far more chicken and turkey and I really haven't bothered with organic or hormone free because the cost is just too prohibitive for us.



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