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Anyone taken Miralax by prescription?

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I had some stomach issues (diarrhea/Constipation) for three weeks and for two weeks now I've been constipated. Went to the doctor today and he prescribed Miralax and gave me refills on it. I will start with 3 teaspoons in 4-6 ounces of liquid once a day and if no bowel movement in a few days, up it to 4 teaspoons.


He said 6 will be the limit for my size and the goal is one soft stool a day (not diarrhea or hard stools) so I'll have to play with the dosage a bit.


I've had issues in the past with stool softeners, laxatives, or basically anything that helps Constipation so I'm a bit wary. He said I may get cramps if I take too much, but it shouldn't have to get to that point.


I have SATs Saturday so I'm worried about that. He said to take a lower dose on Friday depending where I am with dosages. Would taking 3 teaspoons today and tomorrow and then skipping Friday be okay? On Saturday after SATs I'll start back up again and will do 3 teaspoons unless it doesn# work and then I+l up it.


I guess I just don't understand how fast it works. I know how, just now how fast. Will I have a bowel movement tomorrow if taking some tonight or Will it take a few days to kick in? When will I know it's the right time to up the dose?



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My son had this as a prescription before it was available over the counter. All it does it make the stool softer so it doesn't hurt when you have a normal bowel movement. It's not the type of laxative to create a sudden urgency to get to the bathroom. We mixed it in his milk, and because it looked like sugar, we called it his sugar medicine. It really is tasteless, but you want to drink the liquid fairly quickly because it does start to thicken.


I think it takes at least 3 days to work. I would start with the 3 tsp per day for 3 days and see how that goes. You only want to increase the dosage if you are not getting the expected results. I'd give each increased dosage 3 days before deciding whether to move up or not. Once you start having comfortable bowel movements, you'll know you won't need to increase the dosage anymore.


Good luck on your SAT!

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Miralax has been a miracle worker for our disabled dd. And I think most of the disabled kids I know are on it. She is small (~50 lbs), so though her doctor first prescribed 1 T. per day, we have found that we can keep her regular with just 1 teaspoon a day. We mix it with about 6 oz. of water and she just drinks it--taste issues don't seem to be a problem for her (she's non-verbal). We just use generic and have tried generics from a couple of different stores. They seem to be about the same for us. I don't remember it taking a long time for it to be effective--I'm thinking we gave it to her one day and she had a bm the next day. And now usually daily.

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Both of my step-children take it and so does one of my little sisters. It is awesome. All it does is pull water into the intestines to soften the stool. (Make sure you drink plenty of water or it won't work!) It doesn't create an urgency at all. I agree with PP it takes about three days to really consistently work.

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I use Miralax for my dd. She has chronic constipation issues. Unfortunately, hers was so bad it resulted in bleeding. Miralax has helped her. I have a mire mild form of constipation. I recently started taking Chlorophyll and have been regular ever since:)

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Both of my DD's used to take Miralax (and I've even used it on occasion). It is VERY easy on your tummy, but it works wonders. There's no cramping, no sudden urge to have to run to the bathroom, etc. It might take a bit of testing to figure out your dosage (based on the firmness of your poop lol).


You can not get Miralax without a prescription as well.

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My 50 pound 6yodd had success with 1/4 tsp in 8oz Miralax at bedtime. It took a couple of days. I don't want to advise against what your doc recommends, but 2 tsp may be sufficient to start. The apple juice can help get things moving, too, as (ironically :glare:) sugar helps.


I agree with the others, be sure you have a good intake of water in addition to the 4-6 oz recommended for Miralax solvent. And I don't know if I misread something above, but Miralax *is* available over the counter.

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That sounds normal to me.


My kids go on much higher does than I'm reading here. Dd sometimes needs 2 capfuls (17g) for 2 days, then we'll go down do one capful. After she's cleared, I decrease by a tsp per week until she's at about 1/2 cap.


Ds has also done 2 caps for 2 days, then 1 for a while. But he can usually come off of it, while dd stays on smaller does daily.

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