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Clove oil! Wonder drug!

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I had my wisdom teeth out last week and got dry socket. Extreme pain! Nerve pain!


The oral surgeon put small strips of paper soaked in clove oil into the sockets and all pain gone in about 3 minutes! Glorious! Amazing! :D:D:D:D:D:D


I was dreading this long weekend b/c the effect would wear off so the hygienist told me to get a bottle of clove oil from Whole Foods and dab the papers with a Q-tip soaked in it. Worked like a charm! All the pain relief of percocet with none of the drawbacks!


Nice to know that some old fashioned remedies are still used by doctors!

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I had that problem last year and my dentist didn't tell me about clove oil. In desperation I did some searching online and found that Red Cross Toothache Medicine is the same stuff and it was a lifesaver. I found it at Rite Aid or Walgreens.


Amazon carries the stuff but at a lot higher of a price than I found in town.

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Clove oil is also a disinfectant and an anti-fungal! It's great for things like athlete's foot. You just have to make sure to dilute it really well in the carrier oil.


I had this rash on my elbows a few months ago. I have NO idea to this day what it was. I had myself convinced I had scabies and all sorts of things. :) Hehe. Anyway, in case it was a fungus I mixed up about 1/4 cup of coconut oil (which also has amazing healing properties) and I think like 5 drops of clove oil and put that on my elbows. The rash was cleared up the next day! I know it was the clove oil because I'd already tried just plain coconut oil. I still don't know if it was a fungus or not.


The reason I had clove oil on hand in the first place was because we had a basement flood and some mold issues and diffusing clove and cinnamon oil kills mold!

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I have some in my house now, which I was going to use in homemade body care products, but I'm wondering if it would be safe to use for dd#3's teething pain. Any thoughts?


I would be very careful for a baby. If I use any amount that is too much it has caused burning pain (not as bad as the pain that caused me to use it in the first place) so I would be afraid of causing more problems for my dc if I used it on them.

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Clove oil is also a disinfectant and an anti-fungal! It's great for things like athlete's foot. You just have to make sure to dilute it really well in the carrier oil.


I had this rash on my elbows a few months ago. I have NO idea to this day what it was. I had myself convinced I had scabies and all sorts of things. :) Hehe. Anyway, in case it was a fungus I mixed up about 1/4 cup of coconut oil (which also has amazing healing properties) and I think like 5 drops of clove oil and put that on my elbows. The rash was cleared up the next day! I know it was the clove oil because I'd already tried just plain coconut oil. I still don't know if it was a fungus or not.


The reason I had clove oil on hand in the first place was because we had a basement flood and some mold issues and diffusing clove and cinnamon oil kills mold![/QUOTE]


How do you do this? Do you think it would work on bathroom tile grout? Hope this isn't too much of a highjack.:)

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I am a midwife and have recommended clove oil in olive oil, to coat babies gums when teething for years. Using it full strength is too intense and strong for babies mucous membranes :)


I would be very careful for a baby. If I use any amount that is too much it has caused burning pain (not as bad as the pain that caused me to use it in the first place) so I would be afraid of causing more problems for my dc if I used it on them.
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I am a midwife and have recommended clove oil in olive oil, to coat babies gums when teething for years. Using it full strength is too intense and strong for babies mucous membranes :)


Thank you - this was actually my plan, which I didn't make clear. That is, I'd use it in a carrier oil. I may try it in a teensy quantity for the two-year molars.


I got mine at Mountain Rose Herbs also - wonderful source of herbal goodness!

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