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DS10 did a blog post today on homeschooling

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That was a great read!


It's just filtered through to my 10yr old daughter that her best friend will be traveling around Australia for the next year or two. She knew; she simply didn't think through the implications. These implications are apparently that her friends, and two siblings will have no friends for that entire time. She cannot believe that a mother would ever perpetrate such a terrible act against her own children. For a brief moment I actually seemed to her like a good mother (this seldom happens), but then I reminded her that we would almost definitely move again in a couple of years, and that I thought a trip around Australia would be fabulous if we could ever swing it financially.


So ... question for Peter and Susan: were you happy to be heading out on this trip? How do you feel now? Do you make friends along the way? Do you stay in touch with them?


Have fun on the road!


Nikki (in Perth)

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Hi Nikki,

For once I've actually got the kids in bed early, so I'll answer these from my perspective, but I'll get them to answer tomorrow.


Yes, it's true that the kids don't have any fixed friends. I worry about this for them sometimes, and it does bother me. It never seems to bother them. They email one or two special friends back home occasionally, but usually they just don't seem to care at all. They make friends very quickly where ever we are, and seem to be getting better at doing so, maybe because they need to.


We'd talked about it for a long time before we headed out. It was always something that we'd do, just like Christmas will come again when it is February. They were really excited. They still think it's a great thing.


This was Peter's first post. It is his musings on what it is like to travel full time as a child. That may answer some of those questions:



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So ... question for Peter and Susan: were you happy to be heading out on this trip? How do you feel now? Do you make friends along the way? Do you stay in touch with them?


Peter's responses:

Yes, I was happy to head out on the trip.


I make friends almost every stop as there always seem to be people around. I don't keep in touch with them.


I'm very happy to travel as I get to learn a bit about nature and history, and see things.

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