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Girl Scouts question

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If your daughter is or has been involved in Girl Scouts, how often did the troop meet? Did they do anything over the summer (besides official Scout Camp)? If you met less than weekly, was troop attendance pretty stable, or were there lots of absences?


I'm a co-leader of a new troop, and we met weekly because we didn't get started until February. We are planning a few simple activities this summer (messy party, a hike, and an overnight campout), but as we begin planning for next year, I wonder how often we should meet. There's quite a range around here. Some troops meet weekly, others every two weeks, and some only meet once a month! I will admit that weekly meetings were a bit challenging for us as leaders, but we worry that going to every other week will mean more parents forgetting whether it's a meeting week, or girls missing one meeting and being away for an entire month.

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I like the every 1st and 3rd (you pick the day) of the month option. when we meet (i have three in scouting) the meetings last for either 1-2 hrs depending on the troop. Younger ones just a hour the older ones 1 1/2 the big combined GS troop two hours.

I am involed in all three troops and there are plans to meet at least once in July and in August and offically start up the bi monthly meetings in September once all schools are back in session.

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My dd's troop meets twice a month from Oct-May. I didn't notice many girls being absent.


Weekly meetings could work out well if the troop met after school at an elementary school that most/all the girls attended, but could entail a lot of driving for parents if the girls didn't all live in the same neighborhood as the meeting site. That is why my dd's troop meets twice monthly; most of the girls are homeschooled, live in a wide range of neighborhoods, and unfortunately most don't live near the troop meeting spot.

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Twice a month (1st and 3rd:)), year round. Absences vary, and I'm not sure if we will need to cancel any meetings over the summer. We have a troop yahoo group and we try to send out reminders about the upcoming meeting, including any homework the girls were doing from the last meeting. After the meeting, I try to post what we did and which badges/patches it applies to.


The biggest challenge with meeting twice a month is getting plans made to attend larger activities, from either council or service unit. I've noticed that homeschoolers don't really like to give up their flexibility and commit to something several weeks away;). Because we have to have registrations in two weeks before the event (and submit any requests for financial aid six weeks before that), it can get challenging.

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Retired leader here. Our troop met every week during the school year (except during Christmas break and Spring Break). We had a few activities scheduled for the summer (pool party for example). As a leader it is up to you how often you wish to meet. :)

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Thanks for the input, everyone.


TrixieB, all of the girls except my own attend the same elementary school, but the principal will not allow us to distribute any flyers, have a sign-up booth, or hold any meetings there. :( He says he does this so that he can have a universal "no outside groups" policy. I understand, but I find it annoying. Luckily, we were able to beg space for signs from the residents whose homes are directly across from the school's car rider line. We also had our Scouts wear their uniforms to school to sort of advertise discreetly, but I know we missed a lot of girls because of the principal's limitations.

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I just finished my 3rd yr as a leader of a homeschool group (Brownies and Juniors). We meet 2x a month for 1.5 hrs and an occasional extra event such as ice skating, bowling, or nature center trip. We try to do at least 4 field trips per year.


We do not meet in the summer but will have our first meeting in mid August.

This has worked really well for us and we'll continue this fall.

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I was an Older Girl troop leader and everyone had other outside activities. We went on two or three weekend camping trips a year and had a planning meeting before each one. That was it.


With year round sports and music, there was no possible day for routine meetings and, really, all the girls wanted to do was camp/hike anyway.

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We meet weekly (and my daughter loves that about it, and they always seem to get good turnout). They do not do activities over the summer, but it would be nice if they did. Maybe not weekly over the summer since we're busier then, but even a once or twice a month thing just to have the option of keeping active would have been nice. I like your ideas!

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We meet weekly throughout the school year. At first we met twice a month, 1st and 3rd Tuesday. When we did that parents did get confused about which week was Girl Scout week, and I never felt we had enough time to complete all I wanted to each year. So we started meeting every week on Monday night form 6-7:30. I think this is easier on the parents, because they know Monday night is Girl Scout night, and they don't have to try to remember which week. The girls like it because they like to come to Girl Scouts every week. And I like it because I think it makes it easier to get all the badges and projects done.


But I do feel burned out my the end of the year, and I am so ready for a break. I think with the twice monthly schedule, you can avoid that burn out, and it does give you a lot more time to plan.


For absences, we get a lot of those depending on the time of year. Spring is the worst because we have lots of girls that play sports and it seems that they always have practice and sports on Girl Scout night. But we have a lot less just skipping Girl Scouts type absences because we meet weekly. We had a lot more of those when we were on the twice monthly schedule.


We don't meet through the summer, but we plan a big trip. This year we are going to Charleston SC to camp on the USS Yorktown. That's about 6 hours from us and we'll be gone 3 days and 2 nights. Next year we are going to Savannah for the 100th anniversary. Last year we went to Raleigh and did a state capital tour. That was about 3 hours away.


Our troop is just finishing up our 5th year.

Edited by Reecie
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If your daughter is or has been involved in Girl Scouts, how often did the troop meet? Did they do anything over the summer (besides official Scout Camp)? If you met less than weekly, was troop attendance pretty stable, or were there lots of absences?


I'm a co-leader of a new troop, and we met weekly because we didn't get started until February. We are planning a few simple activities this summer (messy party, a hike, and an overnight campout), but as we begin planning for next year, I wonder how often we should meet. There's quite a range around here. Some troops meet weekly, others every two weeks, and some only meet once a month! I will admit that weekly meetings were a bit challenging for us as leaders, but we worry that going to every other week will mean more parents forgetting whether it's a meeting week, or girls missing one meeting and being away for an entire month.


Summer: Check your council. There is usually a fun patch called "scouting in summer" that you can get every year. They usually recommend meeting 3 times to get the patch.


During the year: When I led my DDs troop (younger girls) we usually met 3 times a month: 2 meetings and a field trip.


W/my DDs older troop: They meet every Monday there is school. This means there is usually a break at least once a month. They go camping 3 times a year -- fall, winter, spring. There usually isn't a meeting on the Monday after camp. They also do scouting in summer.


This troop has been in existence since I was a girl (I was in it :)) and has ALWAYS met on Mondays. There are girls who take breaks for weeks b/c of other commitments (sports, plays, etc) but they always come back b/c they can count on it being there nearly every Monday.


I think your ideas for summer are awesome. Definitely do stuff that is different from what you do in the year.

Edited by unsinkable
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I have been my daughter's leader for 3 years. We generally meet every other week for about 1 1/2 hours. I think I would feel overwhelmed in coming up with what we were going to do if it was every week. At the end of the year, if there is no "bridging," we always try to do a fun activity & then dinner for awards. This year we are playing putt-putt and then going out for Italian. Over the summer, we don't typically meet since people are gone a lot. We normally have a "back to school" kick off like a pool party or movie just before school starts. Next year things will be quite different. Our troop was all primarily at one private school except for 1 girl who left and stayed in the troop. My co-leader is leaving the school for another private school and I am HSing. I am waiting to see just how many parents opt to re-register their girls in our troop. So far there are only 2 (outside of leader children) who are re-registering... Hmm, who knows what we will do next year?

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I'm am thankful for this thread! I am going to go through the training to be a GS leader this summer. I was thinking of meeting every other week. It's good to see the pros and cons of it!


Good for you, Punchie!


Here is a tip:


The Girl Scout Law can be sung to the tune of Home on the Range.


The Girl Scout Law


I will do my best (Oh give me a home)

to be honest and fair, (where the buffalo roam)

friendly and helpful, (where the deer and antelope play)

considerate and caring, (etc....:D

courageous and strong, and

responsible for what I say and do,

and to

respect myself and others,

respect authority,

use resources wisely,

make the world a better place, and

be a sister to every Girl Scout.


You have to drag some of the notes out, but it works!

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Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. :) The girls are practically giddy with excitement about our summer plans, and there was much moaning and groaning when we told them we weren't meeting on Memorial Day, LOL. Reecie, the other leader and I *were* starting to get a little burned out, but our break got here just in time. I think that we will most likely continue our weekly meetings, but take a winter break (hmm...maybe we should do that during the peak of flu season ;) ).


We also did not sell cookies this year, due to our late start. Next year, we will definitely need more parents to step up and help as we undertake that burden, er...task.

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