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Saxon Int. 3 question and vent


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I like Saxon. I really do. My two oldest have done well in it. Ds #3 is ready for a higher level in math, so I went to my local school supply store and checked out Sax. Int. 3 for him. I had them open the packet and I stood at the counter flipping through the books. It looked great--just what I wanted for him! So I bought the Complete Homeschool Kit....doesn't that name make it seem like you would have everything you need? :glare:


Well, I get home and go to looking more thoroughly to get a lesson ready for him to do. The first lesson's activity requires a Lesson Activity (sheet? print-out?--I don't know! :001_huh:) listed unter materials. I can't find this anywhere! There are no "Lesson Activities" in any of the four books that I bought.


I called customer service and got this lady with an accent who has no idea what I'm talking about. Even when she gets the book and looks in it, she doesn't know. She gives me a name and number of a homeschool rep. When I called the rep, I got her voice mail. I'm hoping she calls me back soon, but I'm rather frustrated with this. I just spent 100 bucks on a curriculum and I don't want to be told that I need to buy something else! :glare: It was the Complete Homeschool Kit. I shouldn't need anything else!:banghead:


Anyone else use Saxon Int. 3? Do you know what it's talking about?

Edited by Aura
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Gosh, I hope you get an answer soon AND post it here!


I have ordered the Saxon Intermediate 3 and it should be here soon. I hope there isn't something else I will need to go with it :/


Sort of unrelated, but I was slightly annoyed as I had pre-ordered it from CBD and it had a release date of May 15 there. Then May 15th came and it was pushed to June 5th, then every day when I've checked the site it moves a day or two further away. I need it for when we start our new school year July 5th. It's currently listed as June 12th and just keeps moving so I had to cancel my order and order directly from Saxon. It is much more expensive doing that way. $110ish dollars instead of $65.


I hope that you will let us know the response you get so I know what I need to do before we start our new school year :)

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I was just getting on here to ask a similar question!!! I'm new to Saxon so I wasn't sure if it was just something I didn't know or if I'm missing something.

I got the kit as well. I can't figure out what *i'm* supposed to do for each lesson. (other than give the pages to them)

I've looked through the text book (and read the how to pages in front) all the way through lesson 15. I don't even see when to give the test. I know the description online says every 5 lessons after 10, but I don't see any instructions like that in anything I have.

PLEASE let us know when you hear back from the rep!!!

I like what I see, I just feel like I'm missing something.

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I will definitely post what I find out. If I don't get a call today, I'm calling again tomorrow.



My goal is to prepare ds3 to do his math all on his own, starting with 5/4. With my older kids, they are completely responsible for their math, including grading. I just "over-see" to make sure they're doing it right and not skipping or cheating. (They don't cheat, but I don't want them to be tempted, either. ;))


My plan is to let him do the Power Up section himself, helping with reading as necessary. The Power Up Workbook has simple pages to fill out--one page per lesson, looks very easy to follow. Then, I would read aloud the New Concept section with him, further explaining the concept if necessary. He would do the Lesson Practice and Written Practice on his own. I plan to let him check his own work and give him the opportunity to correct missed problems himself before we go over it together.


I was disappointed that the Int. 3 didn't have the answer forms that comes with the middle grade levels. Not sure if you're familiar with it, but they basically give graph paper that's been divided and numbered for the student to do their work on. I figured that I would just make my own with some graph paper for him to write his work on. The graph paper makes it very easy to line up the numbers and helps to keep his work neat. Using graph paper to write out math problems worked wonders for my oldest, so I really like it.


To make a graph paper answer sheet similar to the ones in the other books, I would divide the graph paper down the middle into two columns and across into five rows of equal height, making ten boxes per side of paper. I would make one page for Lesson Practice and another page for Written Practice.


As for the tests, if you look on page 4 of the Testing Book you'll find the Testing Schedule. You give the test right after the lesson listed, before the Investigation. (For example: Complete Lessons 1-5. Take Test 1. Complete Lessons 6-10. Take Test 2. Do Investigation 1. Repeat pattern.) It's a simple format that you'll catch on to pretty quick. :)


Hope that helps!


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That does help! Thanks.


You do have those answer sheets! Well, you at least have a master. I remember seeing it in one of the booklets. I think the testing booklet?? But it is there.


I guess what I feel like I'm missing (I've used Horizons K-2) is something that says "drill the 9 facts" or little cues like that. So I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something.


I just went and looked at my booklets...what I was thinking of is in the back of the testing booklet...pg 47-51. (47-48 look like what you are talking about). Now I know to make copies of that!!! Thank you!


Thank you for taking the time to share what you did. I've been looking forward to switching to Saxon for a while (always knew I would at 5/4, so was even happier with this coming out!). But I'm glad to know someone might be able to hold my hand a little while I learn my way around.

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I haven't heard back from the rep. I did call again and leave another message, though.


Thanks, I forgot about those forms. Technically, I think they're supposed to be for the tests, not the lessons, but you're right, I can use those for the lessons, too.


I can't seem to find the forms online. I'm looking under Resources on the Saxon Homeschool site, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place or just missing it. Do you have a link?

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I did finally hear back from the rep. She said that they are working on fixing that and putting something up on their website to print until they've fixed the materials. However, she didn't know when it would be available. :glare: I wasn't happy to hear that.



It's there now! Here's the link: Saxon Home School Math Intermediate 3 Click on the link and enter the password (it's in the testing book--they tell you where to look). It opens up a .pdf file which you can print.


I'm so glad they got this resolved quickly!

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Ugh, how aggravating. I received my materials and came back to this thread to get to the pdf that has the lesson activity sheets and it isn't there anymore.


I called Customer Service and got someone that has no idea what I am talking about and insisted that I had the wrong book, saying that Intermediate 3 is a SCHOOL book and not a HOMESCHOOL book. I tried to explain to her that there was a homeschool version released and she just has no clue. She gave me a number for a teacher?? I can't get through or get an answer.


I have a couple of weeks yet before I need to use them, so I'll just have to wait and hope it gets answered soon.


I wonder why the link isn't there anymore, I know I saw it the day that you posted it but since I couldn't put in the password, I couldn't do anything with it.

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Oooh, I had the link in my history direct to the pdf and now I can GET to the pdf but can't open it because I don't know which word to look for in my test booklet. That information is gone from the page Aura linked above.


HELP? Anyone that can just tell me which page to look on for the password?

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The link works for you? How strange! I click on the link and there is nothing there on that page except a description of the program.


Thank you so much :) I got the pdf the roundabout way and opened it up. Thanks!!


**ETA: How very weird, I had my husband come here and click the link to see what he saw and it works for him, I wonder why its not there for me, and I've refreshed the page and everything.

Edited by MiztrezzLyn
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Whew!! Glad I checked here again before I went to print! I feel like I've been granted high security clearance for some top secret project!! :) Weird.

But thanks everyone for checking back in here and posting what you've experienced.

I hope you continue to check in because I think I'm going to have some questions!!! I'm hoping to get started this weekend or at least this week so I know I'll wonder "how do we...." soon.


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  • 11 months later...
Guest maleah123

So thankful for this post. We love Saxon Math and have just switched to the Int3. I''m loving the way it is preparing my 2nd grader to think about how to put the info on his own page in a legible manner vs. the old workbook page that does it all for him. I was perplexed regarding the referenced ACTIVITY SHEETs and this was my first quest to find what I was missing. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I now have the PDF and my DS thought it was great fun finding the password in the test booklet. The frustration you endured to find the answer has helped many. Thanks for posting. BTW, my 5th grade DD loves Saxon 7/6 and my DH is teaching 8th grade DS from new Saxon Algebra II. They are finding frequent errors in the solutions manual. Would it be of any help if they posted them on this forum? Anyone using Saxon Algebra II?

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...
Guest lilmsp

I'm not sure if anyone is checking this thread anymore, but I'm searching for the Activity Sheets for Saxon Math Intermediate 3 and cannot find them.  The link listed above doesn't link to them anymore.  Are any of you able to share a new link with me? It's so very frustrating. 

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Guest lilmsp

Thank you so much!!!!




Just in case some one else is looking for them: Go here - http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/020006 and click on activity download. 


So happy to help with this since I have struggled finding these files! Go to "rainbow resource center" and click on the Saxon 3 intermediate package...they have the file there for download. Under the "product description" section.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest RandiRooks

SO THANKFUL for this thread!  I am having the same issue with Intermediate 5.  Says to find Activity Lesson 17 and there's no activity lessons!!  It is driving me nuts that nobody is able to help and they haven't ironed out these DETAILS yet.  <3  Get it together, Saxon!!! :)    


DOes anybody know how to get the *5* ones?!?! I see the link for 3. 

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