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Cloth Diaper Question

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No. I've cloth-diapered 2 of my kids & loved it. But it was a lot of work, & only got harder to keep-up with more kids entering the mix. I gave up after starting on child 3. Love CDs, have no fears of bodily fluids or diaper resale but it was just too much work for me. I know that many people have more successful experiences though so it may be just the thing for some.


Did I miss an announcement? Should I congratulate you? :)

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Five diapers a day?? We go through double or triple that. (Depending on age of baby and whether or not we're doing night-time changes.) We also EC, so have a pretty good handle on how often babies pee, and I try to change them right away if I miss one, so there's no way to use only five diapers a day here. Wouldn't kidlet be spending an awful lot of time in a wet diaper that way?


Oh wait... do you mean five disposables a day? I can see that, because I think it's harder to even tell if a diaper is wet when it's a disposable so you definitely wouldn't change as often. (This might be a benefit or drawback, depending on your perspective.)


Yeah, I meant 5 disposables a day minimum, probably more. I figured I'd go with the cheapest possible scenario to see what the least possible way of using disposables cost..

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If you knew you were having your last child, would you go cloth diapering for the first time? Would it be worth the expense, knowing you wouldn't be reusing them ever again?



I loved cloth diapers -- did it for everyone very long term except the twins --


for the individual who is going to use cloth diapers, they have to keep in mind that on 'washing' day, they weigh alot and smell really bad.:D

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for the individual who is going to use cloth diapers, they have to keep in mind that on 'washing' day, they weigh alot and smell really bad.:D





I used cloth diapers on and off through 4 dc and I'm sure it saved us a lot of money. And Motherease wraps (esp. the ones with snaps) are great :001_smile:

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I used cloth diapers on and off through 4 dc and I'm sure it saved us a lot of money. And Motherease wraps (esp. the ones with snaps) are great :001_smile:



I LOVED Motherease.


I think that what I loved most about cloth diapering was buying everything.:D

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Like others have said, you can resale the more expensive ones. For this last baby I bought prefold seconds from Little Lions on sale. I got 4 dozen diapers for less than $40 shipped. Then I got a few Snappis and 5 Econobum one size diapers covers ($5 each on clearance).


So I invested about $70 total for diapers that will last until he is probably 7-8 months before I need to get the bigger size prefolds. Then I will look for more seconds and spend maybe another $50. So $120 for diapers until potty training as opposed to lots of $$ for disposables. Then I can either sell the prefolds (which are much easier to launder) or use them as dust rags.


Either way, the cloth is much cheaper. However, I do still use disposables at night or on trips. Just easier. Good luck with your decision! :001_smile:

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If you knew you were having your last child, would you go cloth diapering for the first time? Would it be worth the expense, knowing you wouldn't be reusing them ever again?


We are having what is probably our last child and we are planning to cloth diaper. -- One step at a time. For now planning to use prefolds until the baby grows out and then we will reevaluate. disposable diapers just went up in price AGAIN and with all the other prices going up -- not having to buy as many sounds like a good plan to us!

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This thread is quite surprising to me… I don't know anyone IRL who has used cloth diapers. Well, that's not quite true.. my own parents did it with my little sister, but that was a long time ago and there was some kind of truck that took away the old ones and brought new ones. Or something like that. And I remember a REALLY gross pail in the basement. (Hey, I was only eight!)


I said earlier that we didn't, and aren't - mainly because I just don't want to deal with the extra laundry, the messing around trying to figure out what the heck all the differences are, this fold that fold pre snappy doodle whatsits, ordering (because you can't buy them anywhere here) online from who-knows-what companies (I don't like shopping online to start with, let alone with unfamiliar business), finding out things don't work, don't fit, etc etc etc …. I'll just go get diapers when they're on sale. Save my sanity. :p

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Yes. I've actually sold or given away a large portion of our diapers after each kid because it seemed better than storing them indefinitely (through moves and so on). I don't know what I'll do with our current batch after this baby is done with them.


I made about 2 dozen preemie prefolds out of old t-shirts while pregnant with DD2. I recently passed them on to my midwife to give to some family who could use them. I figure that, should I ever need them again, I'll have 9ish months of warning and that's plenty of time to track down some more t-shirts and make another few dozen.

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This thread is quite surprising to me… I don't know anyone IRL who has used cloth diapers.



Before starting to use them myself, I didn't know anyone that used them either. I got all my information online, and took a leap and ordered them and started using them.


Almost two years later, though, I know quite a few people that do. It seems to have made a huge comeback and is not near so unusual as it was. My own Mom, who was about as granola as they come when I was a baby, thought it was ridiculous that I wanted to CD. When she saw how much easier it was than when her parents did it and what was available to her, she came around. Most of them are exactly like a disposable diaper, you just wash it when you are done.


But just like everything else - it's not a good fit for everyone :001_smile:

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But just like everything else - it's not a good fit for everyone :001_smile:


I do think I'll find that it's like other things we tend to think are a huge bother - like making bread by hand. And then we do it and we're at a loss about what all the fuss is about. I'm continually surprised buy the things I've been doing that I used to think we MORE work, like scratch cooking, making laundry detergent, etc. that actually end up saving work and being no fuss at all.

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Yes I would because they are so much less hassle and cheaper.


I Cloth diapered both of mine and sold cloth diapers for a while.


I have come to conclusion that detergents are responsible for most problems with diapers. Either too much is used or they leave residue which causes the stink so you need to strip them or the detergent causes skin burns/irritation because its way too strong. But once the detergent is sorted it makes everything easier. I used soap nuts (Aritha) for washing and they were brilliant.

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I'm stocking up on used receiving blankets and such to use as old-fashioned flats.


We'll see if it lasts but it's so cheap to try it can't hurt!


That was my reasoning with finally trying cloth with baby #3. And we've loved it! I just wanted to say that the used receiving blankets make GREAT inserts for pocket diapers. I got a stack of cotton receiving blankets for a dime apiece at a yard sale!


I've NEVER had a problem with stinky diaper pail (even with the gross toddler poop) and we've always washed with Tide or All. And for the times when DD has been wetting super heavy we just put her in a sposie at night. I'm totally cool switching between full time cloth and part time cloth. And nothing is cuter than a giant fluffy bottom :)


For longevity, we mainly use prefolds and covers, but I truly love one size-pocket diapers that snap.


I also use sposies for overnight and when we are out and about, unless it's just a quick trip to the store or something. Ditto the snap pockets! I preferred prefolds and covers when baby was little, but now that he's so hard to keep still for diaper changes--and likes to strip naked!--I'm buying more of the snap-close pockets (to stuff with my receiving blankets. LOL Never did like those microfiber inserts.)


I also agree with using Tide--no stink issues since we switched. And that is with some nasty toddler poo! LOL


I remember all the diaper rashes with my others and this baby has not had that at all until just one about a month ago.... and he is 13 1/2 months old!


This, too...my youngest has the same fair, rash-prone skin that my second child has. DS2 had HORRIBLE diaper rashes in disposables, but poor kid--I never thought about switching to cloth. But DS3 has never had a truly bad diaper rash, and hardly any rash issues at all.


So to sum up, yes, in my experience, it's worth it. (Most of our stash was bought used, so obviously I don't have issues with that. But then again, I shop at Goodwill, too! LOL)

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I used them for most of my kids. I had to, all of my kids had latex allergies and would break out from the elastic in the disposables.


Imp, buy them used if it's a last child. Not gross, just practical and good ones will only be better with the wearing. I would buy new soakers and nylon pants though.

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Disposables come with their hassles to. I for one am looking forward to not having to go out and pick up 2 week old dirty diapers out of the ditch after the crows/dogs/bears have torn them apart on garbage day.


Yeah we have animal troubles sometimes too ~ ravens are pretty awesome, but the buggers can make a heck of mess. :glare: I've found that tossing an old comforter over everything deters them… or at least enough that they go dumpster diving elsewhere.


Do you have locking lids or - better yet, a cage for your cans? Helps for bear proofing.. although not all of the bears would agree.

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I would. It should still be less expensive than disposables and 3 of my four were fully potty trained between 24 and 27 months. My last child is in that window and he's ready. We're just waiting for a slow weekend to focus on it. I think it would be worth it.

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after 14 years #3 is here finally and very likely to be the last...he is the first to be cloth diapers and we LOVE it


Like others have said it can be done pretty cheap by buying used taking care of them and selling when you are done...diaper swappers and eBay have plenty of used diapers all the time


I also like used so I can different kinds and if I don't like them I'm not out a ton of cash


I usuall buy at 50-75% of the retail price and sell for about the same depending...try getting any money back on a disposable


Tide, Tide, Tide...I know the die hard CD'ers don't agree on this but after stink and rash isuues I gave it a try out of desperation before selling all the cloth and doing to sposies....oh.my.word...so happy, they smell great, no rash, clean...I do a cold rinse, Hot wash and add 2TBSP TIde, 2nd hot wash no detergent and line dry mostly cause I like to, and live on the surface of the sun so they dry quick and keeps the heat of our dryer off

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